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Full text of "The Hickman courier: 1910-01-13"

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, I NO 

I hli 

k • »»■***■ ' 


mean* that yonr sub- 
scription Ha- .*i ' •■• I 
Ken.w promptly If fOI 
nnl th* paper M MM 
to yon after thin mnm h 

the Team 

tha Commatcial UJaqan up the Hill of Success. The Courier bat a Spenhin' Good Team. Crease the /Jxlea of Your Wagon, Old Han, and Lata Hitch Up 

it «0 :•«► 



WHOM. HO. I* s*»l 


imm Sworn in Take Rein. of_ City 
I \ PI K„nt V. • 

I .,,„, Si. p of New Crty Dad. in Order For More New 

in. k»aa, Ky . J.a. I. lilt. 
, m regular aeswlon 
IMUea, I'tMim iiiih-ii 
H.,nl, Belter»worth and 

.,[ uat — «ai 

I hiii approved and 

i mamaata »<t« pre 

approved and on im> 
i , hecks ord. r.-d la .uuounla. 

lumii I outrwt* Co., Ota* 


i valuer, awrvloa*. . . .960* 
n.tllot book* and 


1 Sum on, dieting prtaon- 


a, . Jr., 


K _ 16-76 

ear a| tittjj Trfaattrar lor jroar 

General Fund Account 

m >• ar IWt I tM.II 

i (n.iu all aourcce 



,1 ..nnber* paid 

sjlaj l»"l» ttll.14 

(In* account . $ 7«7 M 

-t,r and Light 

..r UN $1441*1. 

,: boat all source* 

X7»u 43 

II... "» 

olid lulnrvat paid 

I UU'.l 2*00 no 

rrsdll ttiu acooeiat. .$14J$.tt 
City Hall 

.. tnm )<»r i»ot 

1 irolu all 

l lit) 

$3*1 IN 

dm itvtaf, r.»ii'.i . 77*. su 

■i $4i» 12 

W. C Johnson. City 


i iarlag Pat . . .Iiod.m 
i .luring ln* 17*. oo 

>• . • -ipi fur 

Jr.. C. m 

j filed kla report aa 

I 04 Hi.' City Cemetery 
> »r • showing receipt* of 
.iMjr.-r '* receipt* and 
i<> balance. 

f'iri'KoInK reports 
■I ■ l< rod - cp . .nl upon 
rm.lislicd and filed 
of election Mayot 
■ Hiii ip elected at the 
• lt'« tton ajJV pre 
> li ri Inn commission 
'ho* im t hut C, r. Baltaer. B O 
K M ui. r. (V u. Schlenker. O. 
' i I' Shuuiste wcr< 
.in., of ('ouu.llni.ii. 

K> . for the ensuing 

and thai Ton DUtaa. ar.. was 
Dffloi of Mayor of aald 
li' .ill h mere read and 

■ Council adjourned. 
■ G HELM, 

City cum. 

HlfkauvA, Ky.. Jan. I, liio. 

<l>'ii the adjouruiuenl 

Uler. Pe.well. IUI,. «,„| SehlaaBM 
The oath of office was I hen duly ad I 
inlnUler-d io Mayor IMIIon and then 
lo the said i.piinrllnien by W C 
Johnson. Notary Public, whereupon 
Ihe folio*. In* proceedings wvre held 
The follow Ins officers wi n- iioiul 
IIIIMled Hlld elected, there being no 
•■PI I'll..: 

W C Johnson. City Treasurer 
. Jr.. City Marahal 


Larger Than Usual; 


Many New Litigants Divorce 
: Marriage a Failure With Many. 

Suit. Pile 


Judge Speight, May Preside in Absence of Judge 
Court Convenes Here Monday, 17th. 


H. C Helm. City Clerk 

I T I lav la. City Attorney 

J I' Cualrk. City Hoilon. » hoae 

aalary «... fn.d ai I.'.u per month 
The offlrera reo.ulr.-d by law to 

«lve bond, pr.-aenled their bonda aa 


Toui Dillon. Jr . City Marahal. with 
R T Tyler, surety; W. C Johnaon. 
City Treaaurer. with H T Ikarla aa 
surely. II C Helm. City tlerk. with 
K. T. Tylrr, surety. 

On tuotloii. aald bonda were approv 
< d by the rouncil. ordered apread 
upon the re<orda aud filed. 

The oath of office waa admlnlater 
ed to the Treaaurer and Marahal by 
II I' Helm, Notary fulilH iiu.l 
lh. i I. -k l.y W C Johu^n. NOU 

On motion the Marahal was In- 
structed lo appoint two poll. em. | at 
a aalary of |<r. peY month each, the 
Council to ratify the appotutmctit 
and aald pollcemeii to be under the 
supervision and bond of Hie Marahal 
Whereupon. Marshal IHIIon appointed 
luhn Wrlsht and Bid ilainby aa po- 
licemen tin motion the council ap- 
proved the appointment 

On motion. Claud Hamby waa ap- 
pointed round Maater or Stock Mar- 
ahal at a aalary of $-.". per mouili, [ 
and Ihe fees collected by him for 
k.-eplng aud empoundliiK slock. 

On motion, the Hickman Courier 
was allowed |f.O 00 per annum, pay 
able quarterly, fur prtntliiK the roun 
ill prucccdtiiKa for the ciiauluK term 
of two yeara. 

The mayor reported that Mrs. Ui 
it.- S KIIIm i liad made application 
lo borrow the $.'.00 on ordered loaned 
out of the Water * UgM Houd Ac 
count on Oct 4. I»0». to be secured 
by firs* moriaaae on her property on 
the HW corner of Call. II and Kul 
ton atreeia In West llnkuiau. Ky 
(>n motion, the Uum waa approved, 
and the CHy Attorney Instructed to 
attend to the drawlns up of the more 


The mayor appointed ihe following 
atandln.- committees, to wit 

Street Commlitee Hale. laler and 


Klnance Commute.- Schlenker and 
llaltser The appolntuient of the 
oUtsr member of (he ftnauco comiuii 
tee waa deferred 

llulldlua Committee labr. Ilaltz.-r 

tad tiweu 

Au ordinance orderlna the following 
properly owners to build good aide 
walks at leaat 3^ feet wide and J 
Inches thick, was Introduced and on 
mot urn ordered tiled and lay over 
until next regular m.eting for final 
action Aa follows: 

K r Wright, IjoI No 74. south 
side Main street 

V S Moore. l.ol No ;i aoulh aid. 
of Main street 

J allies Sanger, l^il No 7i aoulh 
aide of Main afreet 

C, A llolcouibc. l-ol No 7ti south 
aid. ol Main atieel 

At"te'.'."""ri \ ! '^KIi..' , 'ci'"'cU rk 

TJe Optimist's 

Daily Help, to Health 

my I 


Many of us ar* victims of 
protpsrity and competition In 
buslnsss and society. Wt llvs 
at high pressure: letters and 
tslsgrsms keep us constantly 
alsrt. Express trains or auto- 
mobiles hurry us muss sway 
from horns In ths morning and 
back sgsln In ths avsnlng, and 
ths pressure of compaction Is so 
great that few men think that 
they can -.fiord to take thslr 
work easily or to modify tha 
constant strain of It by braaks 
of s dsy or two st a time. Add 
to this e.cess In siting and la It 
any wondar 1 
hsnslon Is no I 

of concsntrstlon dim n- 
and thst you ars psevlah 
snd iTltabls; that you ar* melan- 
choly and troubtsd with 
Isssnsss or sn sbno'n al ■ 
cy to drowsiness, t lit you ar* 
constlpstsd snd hsvs a bad 
tasts In tha mouth In tha morn- 
ing and faal th* need nf stimu- 
lant* to ch**r and brae* you 
up' Many p*opl* *ulf*r from 
too much buslnsss Sf socisty 
and not *nougr. heal'n. Wh*.i 
such I* ths case, they should cut 
out busin*** and society for a 
time and oome down to mush and 
milk and first principles Thar* 
is I ttle ascaps for one who 
hlirieHle' into but i nets or 
When th* E string of 

to a lower 

key or get out of th* 
for a whll*. Tak* ■ 
Chang*. G*t plenty of sleep; 
lass; relas. 

of the condition of 

The It u kni<) ii Biink 

dolus taurines* st town of Hlrkman. County 
of Fulton. Mate "f Krnlil'-ky. nt the .-lose 
of luialnes* on the fsth day of ' 


boa ri" ai 

The liegular January term of the 
Kulion county Circuit court will be 
held In Hickman, commencing Mon 
day, January 17 In Hickman and a 
week later at Fulton. 

Following la the docket that will 
be tried In both cltlea: 

Now la the time to get a new sew- 
ing machine. Do not make a mis- 
take—get the Singer — then you arc 


aoreir |ia>i*M «a 

lira i sstat* Haass 

(tall l.ana on collateral 17A in 
Time loan, on eollateral. S.I 1 1 17 
O. H IV,nda 

Other .loeka. 

Doe from Nafl 
Do* from Mat* H'ka and 

■takers .... Hawaii 

Du. from Trust t Vis 

— m~ SSjM* It 

V I ami National Hank 
Mot. - 

Ob. i k« 



K.ihanse for clearing 

Mouso l.m.i M 

I .Oil uo 

■.. I TTT.IT 

lunseeuredl.. mm 

l.«M 10 

Currsot Rapenaas Paid 1*4] as 

heal Kstata— Hankins House. ....... 

other Ileal K.lale 

^ Furnllur* and Flilures.. OKI on 



i apltal stork paid In. In 

nsab aAonouo 

surplus Fund Ifi.rui nu 

rndlTlded pronts Ki.sri «m 

fund to pay taxes 

I ivposlts subject to cb'k 

on which Int. Is paid 

Ipeiuaiid certificates of 
deposit <ni whii-ii Ui ter- 
es*, la paid » 

Time certincatea of de- ion which Interest 

la paldl 

Savin*, deposits i o n 
which n i. ■. -i i- i .in. i 

lauau <r 

Certified Check. 

— ~~ ...*• 


1 >us .tat* hank..* nan k 1 

Cashiers Check.. 
Note* and bills r 
t'npald dl\id*nda 
Taxes due and uup 
Hills payal.le 

Ami ufuucl'iiiildeposltaon hand, 
other liabilities not Included un- 
der any of the ab 

ler of the al 


I knir keeper (at 
yuu want lo i mire 

Victim — No! 

Doorkeeper Well, Like thla pa.'.s 


Vlctlm-My dear fellow. I haven t 
au enemy lu the world 

Mat* of Kentucky. I .. 
County of Fullon. I * tl 

I. W. a Heed. Ca.hter of I 
named Hank, .lo .olemnlr 
nlsi.e Htat.'in.'Ut l- true to 
kuowledtfe anil tn U, t. 
Corrwet— Attest : W. V. 

subscril.'.l aud sworn to 
7th day of January. Ivm. 

My a.Hl>uin..lou etplrea Jail. IT. IIIIO. 

II. c. IlKLS, 
[HKAI.J Sotar> I'ul.lK'. 

W. H. HakTiaa ) 
J. w. ikiwoiLt. V Dtr**tora. 
H. I. Iioi.iat j 

All Commonwealth caaes are aet 
for the second day of the term. 

Jaa. E. l,eMoore, aelllng whlakey. 
Three caaes Continued 

Tm pu t Slmmona, currying conceal 


Silas French, part owner of the 
Steamer Liberty when ahe was In 
the Cairo— New Madrid trade, retail- 
ing whiskey. Nineteen caaes. Con- 

Jim Thomas . forgery. Continued. 
Thomas is serving sentence in the 
penitentiary for bora<-Htealing. 

Angus Pitts, alias T. C. Bullard. 
I r. pking Jail. Continued. He 1* In 

Kdgar Butler, retailing whiskey. 

link Nicholson, alias "Whiskey 
Dick." MtalltBi whiskey. Continued. 

8tewar Mcklnney. store breaking 

Jim Morris, nourishing pistol. 

"Cat Eye," a negro, furnishing li- 
quor to a minor. 

Inn Morris, retailing whiskey. 

K K Rogers, wilful murder. On 

Frank Ferrlner, wilful murder. He 
was Indicted by the grand Jury for 
the murder of the Walker family of 
n.cnn s south of Hickman sonic time 

Lee Mcl^ean and Jess Myrlck, 
grand larceny. On bond. 

Henry Hall, petit larceny. On 

■ this 


O o o 

e I am now locat*d at Padu- o 
o can, but will continue to prac- 0 
o tic* In th* courts of Fulton o 
o county and will b* In Hickman o 
o *v.ry Monday. o 
c o 

Jno. Jackson, assault 

Orb MrClannahan, running horse. 
Orb McClannahan. breach of peace. 
Will Allen, breach of the peace. 
In Jail. 

Jim Campbell, breach of peace. 

Silas Bears, gaming. 

Sam Neighbors, gaming. 

Charlie Provow et al, forfeiture of 
bond. - 

R. 8. Murphey, selling whiskey. 
Appeal from the Fulton Police Court. 

Jesse Cleve*. grand larceny. Ap- 
peal. He is accused of taking goods 
from Smith £ Amberg's 
belonged to another 

J. V 


L. D. 

Ollie Nichols, assault with 

Nora Patterson, breach of 
Not found. 

Cumberland Telephone Company, 
trespass. The City of Fulton wants 
some poles moved, hence the suit. 

Ixiuls Buehner , petlUon to prac 
tlce law. Buehner Is a Louisville 
man whose petition was filed by Hon. 
F. 8. Moore 

Ed J. Rels. petition to practice law. 
Mr. Moore also filed thla peUtlon. 

Continued Ordinary 

These cases are set for tha third 
day in Hickman and eighth day in 


J. D. Leech ve A. T. Franklin. A 
suit on a note. 

Mrs Jennie Moore vs. E. C. Webb. 
Now pending in the Court of Appeals 

J F « 8. L Dodds Co. vs. N C 
A St. L It li Suit for damage*. 

Ixiulsvllle Fertilizer Co. ve. E. M. 
r.ll*rt— Suit on acioiiiit 

Wile Dupree vs. I. C. R. R. Now 
l>. Bella. In the Court of Appeals. 

Stanley Lumber Co vs. Juo. A. 
Ilrlttaln. Suit for lumber. 

H*M*BM Clothing Co vs. Naifelt 
Bros. Motion for new triul uiade by 
plaintiff S.oit n Western I'nlon Tele 
graph Co Suit for damages for fail- 
ure to deliver telegram 

Murguerlte Kesters.ui vs. 
Household of Columbian 
Suit on insuiance policy. 

Beshers a Jackaou va. 0. 
m il Suit on account. 

Mrs Faiinle Foulk.s vs. Dr J. M. 

8. M. Nalfeh et al.. va. I. C. R. R 
Suit to recover for lost shipment of 

Roberaon sold Morris a lot In Fulton 
and Morris built a blacksmith shop 
on the lot. Roberson auea for dam 
jea because he claims bla view la 

cut off. 
Jake Plant vs. J. H 

on account. 

Theae cl 
day at Hl< 


F. B. Atteberry v*. M. * 0. R. R. 
Suit for damages burning barn. Set- 

I. Dar 


Have you ucglocud your kidneys? 
Havsj yuu overworked your ner»ous 
system aud caused trouble with your 
kldu.ys aud bladder? Ilatu you pain 
in lulus, side, back, gtolua and blad I 
derT Have you a flabby app.arauco 
of the face, especially under the eye* | 
Too frequent a dealre to paaa urlu 
If so. Wllliums' Kidney l'tlla will MM 
you . 



We wish to announce to the people of Hickman and vicin- 
ity that we have opened a I tames. Shop in Hickman, and 
am prepared to sell, or m.tke to order, all kinds of Har- 
ness, Saddles, etc., on short notice. 


Prices reasonable. All work 
next doot to Farmer. & 


iuaranteed. Shop 
Call and see us. 

a J wright, Mgr HICKMAN HARNESS CO. 

A Shuck v* | K 
Suit on account 

O R Allen v* 8 D Clark. Suit 
on account 

Mrs Kllu Anderson vs. Western. 
I'nlon Telegraph Co Suit for daiu- 
agea for failure to deliver telegram 
Jno Keeion Adpir , vs. Metropoll 
tan Life Insuiunc. Co Suit ou in 

surauce policy 
W W. Tyler 

K L Campbell 

Suit ou noli 

W II Badger va. K R. Rogers. 
Suit for settlement of accouut 

Tlios Mayes, alias Tickle Britches 
Suit for duinagc* for false Imprlsou 
tueut. _ 

k.'i k Coun. rmaii a Co. vs Chsa 
H 8iulth Suit on account 

Hlckmun Hank vs B F Chambers. 

Suit ou i 

II B. Scarce v». M. 4 O. R. R- 
Suit fur damage* 

L. A Kouursou v.. N. U. Morrla. 

are aet for the fourth 
day at Kul 

Klllson Bro*. vs. C. L. Reld. Suit 
on account. 

Chaa. Beadles va. J. B. Dodd. Suit 
on account. 

L. Oavla et al vs. N. C. A St la, 
R. R. Suit for $2,000 damage* for 
failure to get a shipment of cattle 
to market before a fall in prices by 
which they claim they were damaged. 

Mrs. J. N. Hall v*. Baptist Flag 
Publishing Co. Suit on 

E. L. Steger v*. Mrs. 
Suit on paper account. 

Kentucky Buggy Oo. v*. J. H. Ran- 
kin, Receiver. Suit on account. 

Suit on account 

Joe W. Bennett vs. Johnson Merc. 
Co. Suit on account. 

J. M. Melton vs. Mengel Box Co. 
Melton claims that bja health was 
damaged by the Improper construc- 
of a truck be used while an 
of that 
for S1.000. 

C. M. Brown va. O. F. 
Suit on account. 

C. T. Bondurant va. F. H. 
foot. Attachment suit. 

M. D. Hardin va. aty of Fulton. 
Suit for $1,000 damages for cutting 
down street in front of his residence. 

Mrs. M. J. Bolton vs. A. N. King 
et al. Suit on note. 

Joe Ballard vs. City of Hickman. 
Ballard, who waB employed aa night 

claiming he 
by reas- 
lo fulfill Its 

vs. Bob Chambers 


was out of work 
on of the city 
contract with him. 
City of Fulton v». W. W. Meadows. 

This is only another suit a* the out- 
come of the recent street contract- 
ing muddle. 

J. W. Morris Exrs va. B. F. Cham- 
bera et al. Suit on note. 

J. P. Thomas vs. B. F. Chambers 
et at. Suit on note. 

W. H. Badger vs. Fulton County. 
Hunger sues for damages caused by 
his horse breaking Its leg In a bridge 
In the bottom. 

Moae Barkett va. Williams ft Con- 
ner. Suit on a $100 account. The 
suit waa brought In the city court 
but defendants filed a counter bill 
for $200 and the suit waa carried to 
the circuit court. 

F!rat National Bank of 
Guy Tucker. 

Continued Equity. 

These cases are set for the third 
day In Hickman and the eighth day 

In Fulton. 

H. C. Aiaberg va. W. Q. Perry. 

Mrs. Jennie McCluro va. Mrs. Lou 

J. H. McClure va. L. W. Graham. 

8. K. Davidson vs. Cumberland Tel- 
ephone Co. 

Tom Rlngo vs. Pap Ferrill. 

Albert Roper v*. J. A. Robertaon 
et al. 

Delia Nallllng vs. York Nallltng. 

Suit for divorce. 

Tom Dillon Jr., 
et al. 

J F. Dawes va. W. R. Roper et al. 
The Farmers Bank of Fulton vs. 
The Hand Made Buggy Co. 
W. II Badger vs. Jim Miles Aduir. 
Ed C. Paschall vs. Flnl.y By num. 
E. P. Hodges vs. J. 8. Pharris et 


W. H. Porter et al vs. W. A. Ad- 
aiua el al. 

Mrs. Susie Ervlu va. 
Suit for divorce. 

Kmma Batts va. 
for divorce 

Oliver Badger vs. A. L. 

David Mann et al v* Mrs A 

1. Boyle et al vs. U s74S 


ti. T. Meacham va. Sla Shell.* 

Myrtle Mllford va. Tom. Mllford. 
Suit for divorce. 

D. B. Wilaou va. C. T. l«onduraut. 
Suit for seltleiutut 

Jessie Ladd vs Albert Ladd Suit 
for divorce 

Itulh Fuller s Adutr. vs. Her Heirs 
aud Creditor* ' 

Lee McClalu. Uuardlau t 
Herryiuau el al. 

Lee McClalu, uuardlau. 
Murrell et al. 

Mr*. MatUe Burton vs. L. W. Bur- 
tou. Suit for dlvorc*. 

W. G Johnson va. J L aud Lou 

\\ C Johnson V*. J L. Rober*iou. 

W K Hall va. J. T Thompaou. 

W A lkjdds vs R A Craddock 

Jusllu Attebsjrry vs. V. B. Atte- 
berry. Bull for settlcuiciii 

W A Dodd* va. J. R. HroWL Bull 
ou accouut. 

U W McUur- va J. M Atteberry. 




W. P. 


W. O. BPEKR *nd /. C. SKXTOH, 
t Mltora and 


CASH IK ilfiMti 


En- -1 at lbs Hickman, Kentucky, 
i M incond •<.*•• mall matter. 



Pries* Off On. Cent 

Mrtnphit, Trim . — lor the llr»t tin* 
since the MMH market .tar ted on an 
advance (r..m 10 bj cents in June last it 
closed we.k sad denmralucd Wedn ..lay, 
the hulls in rout, th*ir faith shaken, 
their csusc in disrer-nte. The day* 
li».f were half a rent, anil se Wft ll 

with the h>at>> point of tl i>on 7', to 

S:> points in New i..rk. and Km t« IM 
point* in New lrrl*«n« From IS 4»e on 
Thursday May brok* to Uj*H and July 
Tuesday May broke t.> ISr.iV an I .Inly 
id New Orleuna from 17 lie M 1V*»nr 

In tha lural marl* there »i< t fair 
demand for cotton during the morning 
•B<1 the total turnoirr readi 
bale*. Sut 'ir ui v in the aftern 
pfu-ee crumbling, the inquiry fv 
lattle demand may be expect 
time. Hut in the em!. unless 
ajurh more cotton in the ruin, try than 
tie bent information indicates, tha man- 
ufacturer will tic forceil to buy it. I"be 
art lun of Southern spinner* at Charlotte 
ahould. under normal renditions, hair 
been a bullish induriirc, aa a arhedule of 
mures for yarn* waa adopted, bawl upon 
Mr rot ton. and it waa not decided to 
curtail until every effort bad 
to fire* valuei up 


d J.Soo 
in, with 
oil and 
1 for a 

there it 

of $3.00 in Half an 
Cloitnt Weak. 

New York. — There waa a s«usali»nal 
break in the eotton market late Wednes- 
day, with May 'deliveries .elling off to 
lA.CUe, or 73 pointa lower tlian Tuesday 


Drop Was Unexpected and Perpendicular. 

Sew ihieao.. Iji. — One of the mint 
aenaatinnal declines ever wen nn the 
Vocal eotton exchange took place Nr.lne* 
flay afternoon, when within aWM than an 
hour's trading there was a break of 70 
to H4 poiata, or about $4 a bale in actual 
drlii eriea. 


Suffering- Reported From All Sao 
tiona of tha United Stataa. 

Memphia, Trim. --Causing millions of 
dollars' worth of damage, indicting suf- 
fering, crippling telephone, telegraph 
street rar and railroad .y.teras ami 
threatening great loss of life, a blixzard 
ia sweeping the country from one coast 
to the other. Continued cold weuthel 
and heavy ice have so crippled tran.por- 
tation facilities and caused the su.pen- 
aion of mining work for audi a long pe- 
riod that a real famine is threatened ha 
leaa the weather conditions alleviate, 
great suffering i» predicted. 

The cold wave is general. It has the 
whole country in its grasp. In some «*e- 
tiona it has caused great suffering and 
thousands of dollars' worth of damage. 
From Iowa ( in comes the new. that the 
I'nivsrsitv of Iowa has la-en closed foi 
the remainder of the wak on account ol 
a coal famine. 

Down in Texas they are entertaining 
the cold wave in true Western fashion. 
The heaviest snoiv of the winter fell at 
Fort Worth Wednesday. North Texas 
ia experiencing the heaviest snowfall in 
many years. 

Chicago and St. Louis are having their 
troubles, too. I'ra'tically all of the 
trains going into St. laruis Wednesb-y 
were delayed from one to four hours. 
The same was true of t liicago. 

In Milwaukee the snow was coming 
down at a rata that has not been expe- 
rienced in that city for several yeara. 

In tin- mountains of I'ensyh ania zero 
weather is causing greet suffering I'lul- 
adelphians Wednesday morning hurried 
to work in a "7 above" atmosphere. I he 
Quaker ( ity. bowri.r. d uesii'l hold the 
eolii wa\c palm In sn\ means, tor at 
Lincoln, Neb., the fellow riti/cn. of Col. 
William leiiiiings Itrian sew their ther- 
mometers drop down to 14 degrees lie> 
low. At Omaha the weather man ia> 
l.iitcd 4 decrees lielow rero. 


HolUngaworth of Ohio Rafuaaa to 
"Lay Down Hi. Arms 

Washington llcpicseiitaliw 
Worth of Ohio mil iut.oduce a 
dire, ting that all the .latute. a huh the 
different Male* have sent aa their repre- 
arn tat nee in statuary hall be ral 
to the State. Mr llglllags n iirlh saya 
be will take th.s ii nrse in order to pre- 
veut the aoceplaiHi ol tin- -lain. .1 
lieu. Hobert I la-e, which h been 

placed III tin- liall In \ irgillia. along 
with that of (in ig- Washington, as the 
Old Dominion's rcprc.eiitalito* in tha 
hall. 1 'hia is the only mi in ulmli the 
at at lie can I* kept out. 

Mr.' rth. who i- n ii.eian 
of the Cnioii army, waa the autaol of * 
I. solution wlueii nought to piei.i. the 
acceptance of a silver service brain, n 'ha 
likeneas of Jelfeis ii lluvia, which waa 
to the 



Chief Executive Favors Increase in Tax Rate As 
Means of Raising Funds For State's Needs. 
Defends the Present 

Frankfort. Ky -0o» Wlllson »pok I 
• t length on the < urtsllmcnt of the 
|*.wer of the chief executive. In his 
mr*»*ge to Hi* general assembly do 
llverod January « He also took up 
the .titration or the a at. a Unions, 
i. nd made fl plain that be waa not In 
favor of liond laaue to nils.- funds 

The tmssagr. In part, fnllowa: 

To all i»f the Member* of the S- nate 
and Hona* of Mepresentatirasi. 
Oentlcm*B— I greet with frbndly 
« olivine and cordial nix d ■ U 'he firs' 
r 1 1 1 1 at% of the niemhera of the general 
iifsembly In fhe beautiful new catdtol. 
It I* a atate hon»e nio*t worthy of Ken 
tucky and iwir people and oor times 
Thl* meeting, ««tabllah«d by law. 
bring, together at the rapltol once In 
two years the three bran< he* of the 
goviTUiiienu the lasialatlve, the Judl 
cial and the executive, and give* a 
chance, which ahould not be neglected, 
for the three branches not only to fob 
low ont their i»o »l work, but to conn 
ael together unoffulall). aa well a* offl 
dally, a* chinen ro|ire*enUtlvea of 
all of the iieopks, f»r the general wel- 
fare of our State and our country. 

Appeala for Amity. 

The member* of the general assent 
bly can well afford to take counacl of 
the learned Juetlcea of the court of 
appeals, and the executive depar'tn. ni 
will be Klad to have the couneel. the 
help and the good will of the Judaea 
and the nieml>er* At thl* evasion, no 
election of senator, nor aa far a* I 
know, any .ithvr intention of partisan 
politic* hanca over us to cloud the 
counsel or the Judjtmtnt of th. 1 three 
branches cf fhe government, each re* 
ularly elected by the |ieo,de for Its 
own term, and it seem* to me that we 
are freer than ever before to lOMtflir 
everything which ahall come befon 
)X>ur «ea»lon with aa eye alngl. to It. 
uaefulnes* and the honor and the wel 
fare of all of our people r. ttardlee* of 
party and sectlona. tM u» at) Join 
cordially and wHhout antagonl*m In 
afklnc the hleaaltvn* of Ood ni>on our 
work and our eounaeht to the . nd tha' 
whatever we may ia ahall t>v good, 
houest. uns.-lflab ami faithful lo duty 
The Executive Department 

(>ur ron-tHntlon. llk« that of the 
Cnit. d But. a and all the etate*. coal, 
manda that the power of the tov.m 
ment ahall I* divided into threv dl* 
Uni t depart menu, and each of them 
confined to a separate body of iua«l* 
trary. and "no iieraon or collection of 
persons, tielna; of one of thoae douart 
men's, ahall exerctae any power |>ro|>- 
erly belonglrg to either of the others.*' 
Each la auprem* In tu own field and 
gunrded from encroarhmrnt or opi>o 
sltion by the other The rourU may 
decide whether an act of the legisla- 
ture la constitutional or void, ami may 
tettle the n.« aalni of any act ror the 
txecutlve departni"nt 

The legislature ran paaa lawa wbl' h 
the executive depart ment l< reejulred 
by the constitution to obey, and mai 
declare what money nhall be collect. -d 
and what it tnny be used for, hat the 
governor has no rlubt to m t as )ndg« 
or demand that any court shall follow 
his fafltaJn of the law. 

Neither the governor nor the courta 
have any nicht to demand that tbn 
general aaeerubly ahull enact any law 
which tbey may thluk neceaaary, or In 
ony way regulate the public pollcv 
which it ia the function of the general 
ataembly to fix. 

The general assembly has no rl«h: 
to act Judicially except In the case ex 
preaaly declared la the constitution 
It haa no more right to perform any 
duty of the governor or the auditor or 
treaaurer, and It haa at leaat no moral 
right to Lake from the executive 
branch the apoolutmeut, removal, au'i 
ervlalon or control of the work of per 
aona . h< -en to do the uilnlnte! lal or 
ndminlsttntive work In executing 'ho 
lawa. The (onatl'utiou anil honor am' 
duly alike |iress each branch to re 
*|ie< t the other and its functions, and 
every departure from this rule of ac- 
tion mars our plan of governn.ent and 
hinders the achievement of the best 
resulu in Ita operation. 

Regrets Lack of Power. 

It haa (oiue to paaa thai the gov 
•rnor of Kuutuck)'. whether Demons: 
or Kepubllcan, la i-horn of the usual 
and pro|*r power of the executive de - 
partment, and ha* prariicaily almost 
no |f«rt In the appoint ii>< nt - , uo poa.i 
of correction or retuoval tu euforce by 
the power of removal for neglect. In- 
efficient y or dishonesty the respon.i 
billty of mluor officer* and etiiploie., 
a* It la enforced in other lines of buai 

Not lone a#o. the governor of Ml* 

aourl told me that he bad the appoint 
ment or control of betwi-cu alx and 
bt-v.-n * houaand offirs rs and employees 
cf the slate government. In Kentucky, 
the only apia.ln'tn.iits l-fl to the 

any party, ate. .peaking from meuioi v. 
but Mibnaiinally corn et, a private a. « 
I clary, a stenogra|»her, a messenger 
and rapltol watchman, a state In- 
spect n aid i xaii lmi. adtn'ant K> <• 
tral. aa.slstaut adjutant general, four 
members of the board of control, aeven 
members of the board of eguallzatlon 
and a few other aubolutweut* uarlly 

paid by flrcti. aa in the raae of the 
three harlM-r examiner*, lean than 
In all — with measures now demand 
ed to take from him who hath nothing 
even that ahlih he tia'h and no ' 
bets of boards not paid, a* In the cms* 
of the member* of the board of health, 
hla choir*) In which I* restricted t" 
name* *UMi ated by it. the appoln 
ment of *pe<ial Judge* and the exe- 
rts* of the runatltntlonal i»>w«r to H" 
vacancies In certain office* 

Ha. No Power of Control. 
The re.ult in that the governor ha* 
been depeeed. by partisan and fa 
tl.mal legl»l«tlon, from almnal ail of 
the »up«rvl*ion and care of the *or« 
of the state. In which It waa Intended 
that be ahould have great power and 
be useful to ail of the p< o; le, and to 
day the power of the governor la hut 
a ahadow of what the power waa rot 
nierl) and waa meant to be, or what |t I 
la In other states and In the nation 
ami this remarkable departure from 
our plan i»f government has not work 
• d well for the people or their bus 
ne»* Hundreds of purely minister:., 
i. lTicera now perform their dutlea at I own will, without any 
»ti|>ervlelo« or piewer of 

ng away from Ihe executive depart 
, ,.nt ai p. intments and poweta alway. 
la every *tale. and alwaya before la 
M. atate. veal.d In the chief execu 
me Sometime* It waa done by a 
Hemostatic legislature to take ap 
, n mien is and control from a Re 
uibllcan governor; aoaaettmee. I k*> 
lleva, from a governor of their own 
party, either from factional op|io«Hion 
i.t frrmi pare legislative agcresaion: 
Put whatever the ranee, the result la 
•hat the legislative de|»artment ha* 
nt only ihrmen Ha owu organliatlon 
ami attendants a. expressly anthill kagi 
i,i the ronslltutlon. but It ha* taken 
'roni the governor nearly all of the ex- 
eiutive imwer and duties of appoint 
:ueut. control. *u|iervlalon and reaioval 
■f offl.-er* and employe*, whiwe func- 
t on* are purely executive, and in 
mi sense JudlcUl 01 legislative, si 
'hough thla power haa been held by 

• very governor of ail the other elate*, 
md of Kentucky until within the laat 
f. w year* Thl* haa been accomplish 
.1 partly by providing for elections of 

• ai.i ..fflcer. that should be appnlnte.1 
ajhl be BUhlert lo control and removal, 
aa men holding like positions are la 
other Important syatem*. partly by 
delegating their ap 

not and di 
leas ask. 


before elth 

at leaat t 

the end of the term, and add waalefu 
and needlesa rxpeliae to Ihe coat of 
Ihe government. 

The tisgi.lallve and Judlrlal 
are overwhelmingly lieniocrwtir Thi 
Republlisan executive department ra' 
it look for. murl 
for any partlaati 
ire; but aa there 
f any, work now 
f th.-se branches 
which ran have any partisan bearing 
excepting that good work will honoi 
and etrengthen the party who*, 
ehiwen men shall d*> It. and bad oi 
careless or unfair work or wasted 
time and mon.i will hurt the party 
raapanalble for them. I fulfill ray dai> 
under the constitution In aak'ng tha' 
the chief object of leaialaltoa 
the general good and shall not 
res •ted merely to 
j.arty advantage. 

We have all sought offlca 
honorable motives Kv.-ry one of a* 
haa every isoaalble chance to fulfill hi. 
i roniieea. Every one of tta < an help 
or hurt hla own party and hla own 
standing according as his thought and 
work are useful, unselfish and 
fal'hful. or not. I'aeful. aenalble and 
honorable work will make good, and 
the governor wishes earneatly. and for 
no personal benefit, but for the good 
of all. that both parties and all three 
branches of the goveiumeni and every 
member. Judge and ufTirer will be la 
the highest and best sense aajgflgj and 
will deserve and win good will and 
praise for himself from all of the (peo- 
ple regardless of party line*. 

Not Aa-etintj for Power. 
I have not spoken of the nttlng 
down the power and efficiency of the 
executive branch of the government 
by the changea in the lawa which have 
taken from it the power and rontrol 
meant to be vested In the governor, 
and In fart ao vested in other atatea, 
lieeaitse of any peteoual wlah to have 
the imwer of appointment My nomina- 
tion ajul election came lo me In such :» 
way that It left my obligations and 
Kratitude due to the whole people, act! 
to my pwrty at Urge, ami not t i In In d 
i. lis. with no organliatlon or personal 
hel|K»ra for me to be anxious to re* 

I ard 

I am grateful In the party which 
nominated ti e and brought about my 
election I am grateful to those not 
usually part of It who helped make the 
change In the executive depaitiiiciu. 
I respect my party and theae eb nu nu 
and hold to the faith that th. Ir Influ- 
ence is for the beat Interest of the 
aUte; but my obligations, second only 
to my duty to the whole people, are to 
elements rather than to Indivl-mala. 

What I have had to aay on this sub- 
ject Is leas Important to me, with b-.a 
than two years of my term remaining, 
ihan It will be to thoae ot any isarty 
who shall come after me. The actual 
and only reason for referring to it ia 
that the present laws not only en- 
croach upou the executive branch, hut 
iiuike the conduct of Ihe |Hibllc busl- 
ines less useful, more coat I) and less 
creditable lo the people Mian it would 
be If any man holding the office of 
governor had the appointment and re- 
moval of all state employ. a who ought 
to be appointed by bun, and be were 

thus lo ld n-Kponsibb for th. ! i. 

faithful anu wise administration of 
that |Miwer 8urh offlc-era elected by 
the people hold their office* for th* 
full term and ran only be remove*; ha 
proserullon or Impeachment Those 
elected by Ibe general assembly are 
similarly free from control or re- 
hponslblllly. except during the «u day*' 
aeaslon one- In two yeara, and In th* 
Interval of lit months the grosaest cor- 
luptlon. greutest neglect, worst man- 
. p no m, the moat rcckles* and prod- 
igal expense!, all would be free from 
• ii'iervis'on or correction, excei.t when 
the acts mi^lii become irlm'uul. 

I wlah to Uy special stress, at gov- 
rnor of thla c«^iirionwea!ih. on the 
fact that lu session after igsjaiaa the 
legislative brautu haa made laws tak 

Left to Whim. 

No great railroad, factory, mercan- 
tile or other Important business tan ba 
successfully managed under any such 
loiidltlona In rveiy other business 
•he general executive hrai.l nt direr- 
tor* nan Instantly remove those whosa 
service* art not most profitable and 
useful In th* people* business th* 
. ffl. lency aad responsibility are left 
1 1 most wholly to the whim and will 
f 'he holder* of Ihe office*. 

It Is an honor to our people that so 
had a system haa brought to light so 
few abuses of oftt.e aa In Kent inky I 
hav* submitted these view* with na 
thought of personal benefit, but he 
cause the i ■ :on make* it the 
duty of the governor to l*y before the 
general assembly from lime to time 
• urh Information and invite their con- 
sideration to such meas in-, aa be 
deem* it hla duty tu recommend. 
Talka en Financaa 

The governor thin take* up the 

■ ineatlon of the flliali. Ill road! 'Ion of 
the sUte and defend, hla admlnletra- 
:."0. ti gether slid ti.e administration 
of other sU'< offl. ■ rs 

Reference Is made to the many ap- 
propriations of the last legislature for 
•he iMiytnen' of which no provision I* 
Figure* compiled fur the gov 
by expert a. ...untanta. working 
iti harmony with the state officer*, 
show that the total amount to be pro- 
vided for bv new revenue or by mans 
I. ll.x.'vUx; I- TI. s include, appro 
priatlona for the . ha r l table institu- 
tions, bouse* of reform, new rapl'ol. 
Kenturkv institution for the blind. 
Kentucky srhoot for colored children. 
Kentucky school for the deaf, and er 
tension of the rapltol ground*. To 
thla he a ids a deficit now existing In 
the state . finances of f 741.7045 la. and 
unpaid approprlatlone of IK.g. |.tgj, 
lion, making the grand total to be sup- 

I* Not In Fsvor of Bond*. 

The governor Is not favorable In a 
Imli'l Iss ,i ',t the pu'j.ise of raising 
money, as hi- figures thst the Interest 
on the amount nereasary would b*> 
considerable He does suggest sn In 
crease in the tax rate, the rate now 
not being excessive, he *ays The gov- 
ernor for the purpose of fixing re- 
sponsibility, submits figure* taken 
from the date auditor'* report* cover- 
ing the past five year* He (late* that 
$500,000 was taken by the former ad 
mlntatratlon from the alnklr.g fund and 
put In Ihe general fund The governor 
*ay» that u w p.. ;.. who do bu.lue.a 
with the atate. contractors aad other*, 
hav* to wait for their money. 
Impair* the credit of the date 

He »how« up lb* actna 
ment* of the pr.-.eni administration, 
•nd ahow* that economy of the mc at 
rigid kind haa been practiced In all 
branc h.* The completion of the new 
rapltol Is referred to a* one of Hie 
extraordinary expenses whlrh ha* 
made a deficit The expenses in- nir.-d 
by the use of the mllltla In tobacco 
dlstin t. Is strongly upheld and Juatl- 
fted The uniform system of account- 
ing recoiuii, ended by K'ate In.peitoe 
and Kxamlner Thsti her. In which 
there are to lie two assistant exam 
Inera, of opposite pollti.-al fal'h. 

■ lumen eft. r an examination. I* 
strongly upheld. The course of In 
sprctor Than her is commended 

Old Employ** Retained. 

Ttte aition of the state rapltol com 
miss mi I'i rounertlnn with the comple- 
tion of Ihe new lupllol Is referr-il to 
In detail, and mt-tiilon I* made of the 
fact that th.' same aiohltnc-t and ' svti 
neer employed by the old administra- 
tion wen- kept 

The governor states thai later nn 
be will submit further meeaagea with 

I I f. rein .• to I lie s. h .1 |..w s. Ihe re 

port of the tax commission, charitable 
and flnumial Institution*, good roads, 
conservation of natural resources and 
rights of state in water i»owit*, mlllila. 
peullentUrlea. Indeterminate ' 
of stream, and 



Will Arinc Into th* Tr*aa,.ry About 

Washington. Representative Hum 
parey of Washington intrisiweed • bill is 
the hou.e provioing for a .hip sub.i.U 
by the I niled Mete, gonriou.i t, wbb'b 
measure la under. I. ..I to have taw *p. of I'realdeat l*ft and the a< i 
mini. I rat ioa ami to b* one u|.>n shk-h 
the propoarnte *f a subsidy hill will 
cvm-eutrate tin u rfforta to priKUie lis 
e*a< I ment into law 

Ibe Humphreys lull provide, an in 
crew** ia p«y to Asim.wn ship, for rar 
tying the mails to ."..nth \ihm,.», ( |„n., 
Japan, th* Philippine, and Auatraiia, 
it up lo f I per mil* for aa out 


• iiiii* 

Ho the 

tax on the Iran* 
M provuUd, snd it ia p,„ 
f.^eign built ships to 
for Ihe trsde 
The author ef the bin. i* an explana 
Hon of its provisions. M .d the pi..p, w 
lieu le lie lease Ihe p.y f.„ rwrrjing 
the ma 1 1* ... the net important |r.i 

gwiieral la aulkmited lo pay sesoadrlas* 
.hip. for iwrryiag the mails the same 
r*t* of »4 per mile that is now p*ei lo 
gr.t i la** ehipa 

Mr Humpbreys' messur* propose* to 
bring into lb. nstional tie. .mi sl.tut s 
million dollars stom.ll/ lluuu ( .'li id 
rrraaad lomiage tax ua vrssel. engsgrsl 
a tren.wswH.M- trade, "r.rry dollar of 


Ainedcsn tewerls subject to this tax 
ui. i kai r irl«ied lb* pel rent, of thru 
tonnage dues by carrying American 
•ailuia, one for . a. h lbouaai.1 tone of lbs 

5 "elghhnri ..^ ' 

H* caughi a llti| r r , M 

ThM Wlu »« Ir*, 

... N d?!:;:..;; f „.,: ss^m 

•rold In iwentyfn,,., 

-»r rough that ,, n ,"7 «-l 

•"■res of fllycertn. l^ * 

. v ;.r,:; . ••-^ 

huTThT. : m r:: y s 55 1 


inner H.„. you aamrmt* 
tateads to In,, nlate blaaelf L 
cholera virus so that tu he -3 
th* results of Ik. eiperiiaeii 
that flne? 


Consider Problem of 

Charlotte, \ l llele.miaed. if p.* 
I* bung about impi-nsl 
lion, ia the g.eet ludn.try they 
set.4, lb* spiaaers ef las NosU. ia eon 
I lersar* bete 1 uriwlay, launchrd an en 

1 .kuSUXSttr DM'lenirnl to m ol. h I lie pens. 

tl yarns at coat, curtailing immmliately 

B law event that the ***f pi lea. are ao. 

prmatable. peadiwg Ibe return to better 
| time* la lb* statua Of Ihe mdu.tiy 

ilnuiigleaut the country A minimum 
1 schedule of pi. e. a** adopted. 

The ewra salt ire appoint™! lo sgres 
j spun a plan of actein reported thai Iks 

•slaw srlasdule reported was the most 

-Ol'.io l.s . tliat I'm- In lis ...II..I 

1 reai b, a* it was nothing mote than eo*t 
far goods on the present market price 
•I rsw mat. rial I he resolilt m* and I lie 
*• -onip.ii' ing a. hrdule were adotaed l.y th. .pinners ibe coin 
miltee waa continued as a permanent 
-ominiltre on pfae .. hedule, to me t at 
the rail of the rbairman. 


T*rfip*ra>n*ntal Todet Tam. 
A very aged Knglishmaa n.u> . 
ago gavs thla advice tn kb mat 
In a letter aa to skat a lad. ( tr- 
iable ahould rootalB 

Th* beat beautlOer a mag kg} 
ua* Is good humor Th. best i 
U temperance, the be.t i; fmln 
tnith. the best rmig. h mm.,,, 
best eyewater It tke tetn of 
patby. the bett gargle for tat 
U Cheerfulnew the bett TMt 

smoothing wrlaklea It tmmm 
the best rure for deaf*e M Ii ttteM 
mirror Is i 

l* I 

Rs*tr*intd by Poi,tt.«*. 

"Priaooer, have you any rraan 
present why the seatrnre of tat 
should not be pronout mai up* rr* 

"No. your honor I feel at | 
ahould like to say a l> 
Ihe defense my lawyer 
but there are ladle* pr 
go head With tbe 

Ror Colds snd Grlpa-^l***** 
Tti. beet ronsjf fee unrt ■' 1 ■' W 
llli-ka' ( si.ii.ttss Kelirtri . . u 
fevatiahriMa I'.r.s it. i 
also It'* Uiuut lafeu isuata 
■ sad Kk- si Mica «Hur~ 

Those she. claim that I 
lan't so apt tn Indulge la 
work aa a man evidently st 
a woman try to drive a sail 

Still M**ll Short tn Meet Mrs Raised 
Sage'i Offer 

Vew York the .\m.ri.-«n llible *» 

rlety la still ftt.AlU short of ihr amount 

I r*.|tiirss4 to meet Mrs Itu.srll Sage's 

iffrr of erelow ti.ent . on tbe - on 

I it Ms* that the soriety raiara aa e-pisl 

• ■in, wilkin lilt. -en months ending .fsnu- 

sry I, 1010 

At a meeting of the w.iefv's dire, I 

OT* silb.t ripf ions whlrh bsve been I. 

seised from all oier the world were tn> 
tale.) up. ami found to amount to $ 4 *• 7 .- 
S«7. therein making a world reecml of 
for tbe Mw-ietv in realising fund* 

There Is no use (t ing M 
ral camiislgn with any re*** 
cause you woo t hair aay 
come out 



fadiaalans W II Seek Conytitutieoal 
Amendment Agalasl Llqaor 

Itidisnapolis. Ind The trustee, of th* 
Indiana Anti Saloon t#*gue, st their sn- 
nusl meeting, derided not to sw*f*fli ■ 
rsmpaign fie- atatutnrv State « ,.|e pro- 
hibitioa of th* liquor business, but la- 
st e*d to st tempt in the next session of 
tbe ta-gi.Ut ur* to bring shout Ihe sdof. 
lion of s punt reeolulion for a prohibi- 
tory amrmlrarnt to the fStste const, In 


The resolution would bsve to In* sp- 
| pr<iiei| bv a inaioriii of tie two h .use. J 
nf the g.-neral assembly in two .mse-s 

He sessions I. fore It could I"- presented 

f,,r isipular vote. 

The trustee, decided tn pr seed with 

fllltlier i lit V option elect loll. 

Blind Wile Releats. 

Newark, N. .1.— Mr*. Michael Kane, a 
Mind woman, who aaid that her blind 
nr.. wa. due to her, appeared 
against him in pnlics court aed then 
relentfiilly turned al.uit and offend to 
pay lb* tine she .aid that Kane put 
out her eyea with bbiwa from a pistol 
ive years ago. and then deserted her 
and tw* rhildrrn. "But, after all, hea 
my husband, she argued Tbe 

Thr governor goea on at 
the matter of new legislation f.» the 
purpose of eipilUhly dividing the aUte 
inUi congressional. ligUlutlve and ap- 
IMrlliite districts He e*|«-rlally refer* 
to the necessity for u new legislative 
apportionment In tula roimi ctii u lo. 
subii Hs the fi Mow ing fiom Mr Jc tin 

K. linger, ol.' of Ihe iii'liml.s on ,,r ,e,l 

gajVMtt d by the governor, aa m non- 
partis , n Is ard lo Investigate Kil l 
ic-couiiiieiid suitable aclluu alon< ay 
i ,u ii, inn, nt lines 


for s yesr 

Make the Liver 
Do its Duty 

nu-,u-» ,•4--«^--•^-l'*• n »"* , 

•toausb ao* k*»"U trs a*w. 

S-WI Pih-lsH* 1 -"" 

CLNUINi: *u*4 l«' H<">«' 

■ ; Thomp*on'»£y• ,, '* 


Second One *f Indianapolis Wumao It 

Indianapolis, Ind Ihr coroner called 
hvf him Mr. f'arl Kis-h, « Im. hus- 
band waa found dead in hia l.-d «up|Hi*ed 
ly fiom arridrutal asphyxiation. Mra. 
Ki.h ti.ld the coroner she I, ml had iter 
husband's cirnialisl Mis tv.'ll't 
flr.t hu.liand waa sliot to death in her 
iNsireom. Mrs. Koch lest ill. . I I In n that 
she and her husband uuarrckd and a* 

husband 'flu 
.hot lum«.U. 


cough to ^W j^ 

Em** $"# 

a 0*ntly-"PI*.i 

. T.M th. C.I 

iby to T a u ^ Ms Ma)m^ 

Mr. Ml 

|PIWTUHt> p ^a 



•»«* Dm VnliUtwI. on rsarhlns Ma 

I* VTk i.a- iirinf i lus. Mat an altrac- 

• ) un* lomin at lha door Janitor 
K.i.n ••• ... I lilm im> on* ha. I n 

I 'an <Ua<-ovsr*d a w>ro- 

• - . ■ I'M In tltiNt on hla lUah. 
iri » ' .t i.rar from hla attorney 
iWii ! Hnaa" with Hannr-rman. hla at - 
Mr t'an »t out for UrwnAakla. to 
I i la familr Jawal* Haitian*, on 

< ma auri-ria«1 lady In gray, 
train* lh« wfa ...niainln* his gmia 
. apparanlllr. to,* him for »„£•■■- 

I'ar.lal Anlaty Half livp- 
n»».| M i i n a*, km aa*a. n».s 
tt*fr- rr i:*- )rwrla. and vara lh»m to 

M i i.artui r«hlp In mm* 
»••» 1,11, Aiii.iv. aouaht hy |a>l|.-» of 

> • ■ ap.p.iir..! MtaltUnd ovalrartif 

> M ( irl arrnl la Maw York 

I II- had lha jaarala. Rha 

• I — i Mm that day. A "Mr 

I I in M-lf aa a >1 • t ■ 
I il>- flrl In gray. Haitian. I. 

4 1 

'in tli- J, a-la. ailt»n«»a»-.lly 
y a blow fr,,ta "Hnaltli'a 

I,- ■< 

II- I tl 
• .1.-1,1. 1 

« < 

alth th* 

ba Anlaty 
ma Anlaty, 
,„» in. r,..l,.d 
k, pt Mall 
irl la gray 

M t -ng4a« m 

■ i • a. nia Tha (Irl hi (ray 
"•I Mtliun.l • apartmanta during hla 
•"- • an.l rMurnw] gam*. Malilaml. 

t raal I i „p hla l..«v an.i 
«M a a. .nana votes ><|H.aiiilatlnx 
pan.,. <IU|u»">l »« Maltland. lri*»t i<> 
> ••••• iK-atlon of tha |«ra. 
<«li waa rwaij at tha fronl ,l,M,r 
»«4 ov*r* h*l***4 th* rvona, allow- 
iin In i-araaa to alii-hl tha y,,un« 

* • . In *r.i) itmlr har **- 
• Into a , ah An tnatant 

'> * .rkiu • ruaa, Anlaty waa at 
» II' took hrr to Atti.rnry llan- 

• Th, r*. by UWIatf a, ha 
In *aln la wrlnt from har tha hva- 

i - II- h ft h-r a in . in- nt 
i ,. it.,,1 w Hmu.iii only M**U1nK In 
Ml Mr Mallland unaVr tha 
lha Mill it* pi i«i* In Ilia lal- 
» I, an A ntoty haard har 
" ra-rman ala<> taaa r*v*al*d aa 
II" an, I Anlaty a-t out to a**ati» 

" "ll l,av- |,,« n Tha (Irl til 
:iinii»in<i| Malllaml ninltn* »h« arlrl 
• i I'la rooma and uaaarlhad 
'»■!« un-l-r tha braaa bnarl. Ila 
< I In a I'la »m, a hnIM- 
tha waa kllU.I Mull 
mil in xt,iy confaaaad lova for 
■ atli,-r. - , 

CHAPTER XVI.-Conllno.d. 
. Illikoy llckod hli Hp*. 

l*urhi nK «t, h a sou bar *r« th* prap- 
lifttlom baln K nia<1r> f..r the mntival 
' lka«] I d 'v« Rive I furm 

I 1 ' 11 '»• t auRht that tun of a gun 
l»«>» h- atld-d at apparent random. 
I'M "tiluiltely. » A i| Tltb , Yeh ba 
P* lady. . wan. 

IH »in tm\T 

VM.o* llann.rman? What U>a 

liar mmn 


1 Kultuh har* hiT uamc 


It Dial < ^mtlalT" 

Qott«b protect mraelf *» 
■»;■ uytkljr 1 Utrw U p Yoh iHiKhttub 

, ' 1 " 1 It to tome out." Malt- 
m UTtM ki luvem a 


MB one i 


l"J«l»n.l .Ire* . Uh* breulU and 

noilded. uniinpr.-asK). ' l b 
i Wi» — i , h , t a |„ n|{> .. hB 

7»* • « but aeula' aa yah dtdu't iraat 
4 • • •" And. appur 

, "-edi. .» Maiilaad-a atartled 
, 'an If y. h it. K , iu 

. I' en', yoh h, tier get • 

Ml Uo » ou . , Ml 

"He-i the feller I plii«B*d Id th. 

elevator, that ■ all Put a hole through 
hla lung* They took him Into an of 
fire on tha tweoty nr*t floor, right 
opp'.lle the .haft." 

' Hut what In llearen'* name ha* 
he to do with thl* ghastly mee*?" 

Illrki v turret! a .hnwd eye u|x»n 
Maltland 1 guaa* he ran tell yeh 
bette-'u me." 

With a smothered eirlnmattoti 
Maltland hurrltnl away, still Inrredu 
Ions and Impres.ed with a br'Hef. flrtn 
er w'th every minute, that the wound 
ed man hud hern wrongly Idenilfltxl 

He found him as Mickey had said 
ha wmild. Hobhlug nut hi. lire. *tiplne 
ut>on the couch of an office which the 
Janitor had opened to afford him a 
place to die In Malllaml had to fore 
a way through a crowded doorway 
where the night watchman wa* hold 
Ing forth In aggrieved Incoherence on 
tha cruel treatment he had suffered at 
the hands of the taw breakers. A 
phrase came to Maltland s ear. as he 
shouldered through the group. 

". . . . grabbed wie an' trun mi- 
nuter the rage. Inter the hall, an' then 
the shoot In' begin., an' 1 Jump* down 
■talr* f the al.teenf floor. . . 
Itannerman opened dull eyea a* 
I Maltland entered, and smiled faintly 
"Ah-h. Mallland." he gasped, 
"thought you'd . . . coma." 

Km ked with sorrow, nothing gue** 
Ing of the career that had brought the 
lawyer to thl* pus.. Malilitnd slipped 
J Into a chslr by Ihe head of the couch 
and closed his hand over H.viti.-iinan > 
rhiibby. Icy finger*. 1 

"Poor poor old chap'" he aald 
brokenly "How In Heaven—" 

Hut ut Hannerman's look the worda 
|M on hi* lip* The luwyer moved 
restlessly 'Don't pity me. he said 
In a low tone. Thl* I* what I might 
hat* . . . eiperted. I auppoM . . . 
man of AnUly * atamp . . . daa- 
perate character . . . It'* all right. 
Dan. my Ju.t due. . . ." 

"I don't understand, of courae," fal 
ter.-d Maltland 

liuini' rinun lay (till a moment, then 
continued: "1 know you don't. That | 
why I ai-nt for you. . . . 'Member 
that night at the Primordial 1 ' When 
the deuce wa* It? I . . . cau't 
think airulght long at a Urn*. . . . 
That night I dined with you and 
touched >oit up about Ihe Jewel.' We 
had u bully .alail. you know, and I 
■poke about the 
"Yea, y**." 

"Well . . . l'V* been Up to that 

game for years. I'd flnd out when- ihe 
pluii.l.r wa«, and . . . AnUly ul 
way. divided stftare. ... I used 
Ui ad\l*e him. . . Of course you 
won't understand- >ou've ne,.. r wunl 
ed for a dollar In your life. . . 
Mull kind said nothing. Hut hi* haud 
i teuialm d upon the dying tuau'*. 

"This would n*v*r have happened 

flent. He wm hard to handle 

lime*. | wasn't f*re, yon know, about 
th* Jewel.; I only (aid I thought they 

*t flrecnfleM* Then I 
to And out from you. hut 

without saying anything 

to me went down to Oreenfleld* on hi* 
own hook |uat to hav* a look around, 
he said And *o ... *o Ihe fat 
w»* in th* fir*." 

' Omn talk any more, ftannerman," 
Mallland tried to soothe him "You'll 
pull through this all right, and— Yon 
need never have gone to such length* 
If you d come to ma— r 

The ghoat of a rardnnlc »mlle flitted. 
IcjeonKruoiisly. acrna* th* dying man * 
waien. cherubic feature* 

"Oh. hell." he aald. "you 
understand. Perhaps yon weren't 
with th* right crook In your oatu 
or the wrong one Terhnp* If* be- 
came you can t »e« the fun In playlni 
the gnme It . that that ctmnta." 

He compressed his Up*, and aft*r ft 
moment spoke again Vou never did 
hare the true *portamau'* lore of the 
game for It* own «ake rou're like 
moat of Ihe re«t of the crowd — content 
with mighty cheap virtue. Han . . ■ 
I don t know that I'd rhooae Just thl* 
kind of a wind up. hut It's been fun 
while It lasted flood by. old man." 

He did not apeak ngaln. but lay with 
closed eyes. 

five minutes later Maltland roa* 
and unclasped the cold linger* from 
about his own. With a heavy sigh he 
turned away. 

At th* door lllrkey wa* awaiting 
him Yer lady." he aald. aa 
Ihey had drawn 
' la waltln' for 
■talr* She wa* geltln' a bit high 
sleet leal nd I thought I'd better get 
her away. . . . Ob. she'* waltln' 
nil right"' he addad. alarmed by Malt 
land'* expression. Hut Maltland had 
left him abruptly; and now. as he ran 
down flight after echoing flight of 
marble stair*, there rested cold fear 
In his heart. In the room he had Just 
quitted, a man whom he had called 
friend and looked upon with aff 
ate regard, had died a self confeaaed 
and unrepentant liar and thief. 

If now be were to find the girl an 
other time vanished- If this had been 
of hers Anally to elude htm 
m**n WIN without honor, all 
falthles«-lf he had Indeed 
placed th* love of hi* life, .the only 
love that he had ever known, nnwnrth 
lly— If she cared so little who had 
to care much . . . 


I Do 

Aulsl) hadn't beeu lUipeV 

M the cab wa* there; and wllhln 

it the girl wa* waiting fc 

The driver, after taking up hla far*, 
had nt her direction drawn over to 
th* further curb, out of ihe fringe of 
the rabble which besieged the St 
l.tike building in coimtantly growing 
numheia. aud through which Mallland. 
loo impatient to think of leaving by 
ihe l.i , mi ni exit I a. I rib « • '1 and 
fought his way in an agony of appre 
hennlon tbat brooked no hindrance, 
heeded no difficulty. 

He dashed round the corner, *top r *d 
"h«rt wlih a linking heart, then a* 
tbe cabby'* signaling whip across the 
street caught hi* eye. fairly hurled 
hltnaelf to the other curb, pauiing at 
the wheel, breathless, lifted out of 
himself with Joy to find her faithful 
In this ulilmat* Instance. 

She wa* recovering, whose high splr 
It and recuperative power* were to 
him then and alwaya remained a mar 
velous thing; and she waa bendlni; 
forth from the body of the han*oin t. 
welcome him with a smile that in a 
twinkling made radiant the world to 
him who stood In a gloomy *lde (tree' 
of New York at three o'clock 
of a dimmer'* morning—* good 
hour and a half befor* tha dawn 
Kor up there In the tower of tin- 
sky scraper he had a* much a 
told her of his love, and she had 
waited; and now— and now he gdsd 
been blind Indeed had be failed to read 
the promise in her eyes. Weary *h> 
waa and spent and overwrought: but 
there Is no tonic In all the world Ilk- 
Ihe consclourness that where one hu> 
placi d one * lore, there lore ha* bin 
geoned In response. And despite all 
that .he had Buffered and endured, th. 
happlnes* that ran like soft Are In her 
vein*, w rapping ber being with It - 
h, n, llcent rapture, had deepened th. 
color In her cheek* and heighten. 1 
the glamour In her ey*s. 

And lie stood and stared, know n 
that In all time to no man had evci 
woman seemed more lovely than thl 
girt to him; a knowledge that robbe I 
hi* mind of all oilier thought and h I 
tongue of words, so that to har fell 
lb.' task of rousing him 

"Please." she suld gently — "pl»»a*r 
tell the cabby to take me home, Mi 
Milt land." 

He came to and In confusion dam 
in e red Yea. he would. And h* 
climbed up on tbe al*p with no oih. r 
thought than to seat himself at In i 
i,l.- and drive away forever. Hul 
this time the cabby brought him to 
his senses, forcing him to remember 
thai mine measure of coherence wa. 
demanded even of a man in toy*. 
"Where to. alrr 

•Kh. what' Oh!" And bending la 
the girl; "Home, you .aid— ?" 

Sbe told him the Hddreaa— a num 
ber on P">rk avenue, above Thirty 
fourih street, below Forty second 11. 
repealed ll mechanically, unawaie 

that ll would am stumped fur, . 

on Ills in 'inory, indelibly — the Arsi 
liersonal , 'Mil thai she had granted 
htm; the U ■ at barrier down. 

II, sal down The cab begun to 
mi nn, aud halted again. A fac* sf 
peared at the aprou -Ilickey'a, ml 
and moon like and uot lacking In com 
placency: for th* man counted on 
piotiilng Miimu.-ly by this ulght -< 

• L.vwu»e uie. Mr. aseuluud. 'u4"— 

only away and 
motion; while 
nf Are sat back 

towet.tnr in*. rm , »f m, darby-Tab, 

taw. am. f'r hutiln' In—" 

' HI key"' demandod Mallland. aud 
dwnly. In a tone of smoldering wraah, 
"what the what do you want?" 

•Y.I, told me tuh call naind tnirtnr. 
row. yeh know When 11 yeh ba In'" 

•llll l*av» a note for yo* with 

' "nn Is that alir 

"Yri- that I*, there* •omethtr. 



"Bxcuac me for mentlonln' It. but I 
didn't know— It ain't generally known, 
yeh know, 'ad one uh th' bora might 
'v* heard me speak tuh yer lady by 
name ,,d might pns* It on to a re 
porter What I mean'* this." hastily, 
a* the Mali land temiier »howed dan- 
gwrous Indication* of going Into actlv* 
eruption 1 « poae y>h don't w»nt m* 
tuh mention 't yeb re m»rrled. Je.' 
•wtT Mrs Maltland here," with a nod 

to bi t. dldn t in tub take kindly 

tuh Ik* notion of It'a 

"IJI< key!" 

"Ah. eirus* me!" 

"Drive on 
you hear?" 

Hlikey harked and 
th* rab sprang Into 
Maltland with a face 
and nigeil and wondered. 

Across Hroadway toward Fourth 
a\, . dasher! ihe hansom; and from 
th* curb line Hlckey watched it with 
a humorous light In his dull eye*. In- 
deed, th* detective seemed in extraor- 
dinary roncelt with himself Ila 
cb*«,il with tinaccii*tom*d emotion 
upon hi* cold cigar, scratched 
hi* check, and chuckled; and. chuck 
ling, pulled hi* hat well down ov*t 
brow*, thrust both band* Into hi* 
trouv, ra pocket*, and ihamhlad back 
to the Ht l.uke building— hi* heavy 
body vibrating amaxlngly with bis 
•arret mirth. 

And ao, shuffling sluggishly, h* 
merges Into the shadow.. Into the mob 
that surge* about the building, and 
passe* fiom these page*. 


In the clattering hansom, steadying 
herself with a hand against the win- 
dow frame, to keep from being thrown 
against the speechless man hesld* 
her. the girl waited. And alnca Malt 
land In confusion at the moment found 
no word*, from thl* eloquent sllenr* 
■he drew an Inference unju«tlfied. such 
a* lover* are prone to draw, the world 
over, one that lent a pathetic color to 
her thoughts, and chilled a little her 
mood. She had been too sure. 

Hut better to have It over with at 
once, rather than permit It to remain 
forever a wall of constraint between 
theni He must not be permitted to 
think that she would dream of taking 
him up. in hi* generous word. 

"It was very kind of you." she said 
In a steady small voice, "to pretend 
that we— what you did pretend. In or- 
der to save me from being held as a 
witnes*. At least, I presume that I* 
why yon did it?"— with a note of un- 

"It is unnecessary that you should 
be drawn Into the affair." he replied, 
with aoiiie resumption of hla self po» 
scaalon. "It Isn't a* If you were— " 

"A thief?" she *upplled. as ho hesl 

"A thief." he assented, gravely. 
' Hut I — I am." with a break in het 

Hut you ar* not," he asserted al 
most Aercely And, "Dear," he aald. 
Iioldly. don't you suppose I know?" 

" — what do you know?" 

"That >ou brought bark the Jewel*, 
for one minor thing. I found them al- 
most as siniii as you had left. And 
then I knew— knew tbat you cared 
enough to get them from thl* fellow 
Antsty and bring them back to me. 
kuew that I enred enough to (earth 
the world from end to end until I 
found ro*V that you might wear them 
-If you would." 

Hut she had drawn away, had 
ivh'i'iI her face; and h* might not 
see It; and (he shivered slightly, star- 
ing out of the window at the passing 
light*. He saw. and perforce paused. 

"You — yon don't understand," sb* 
told him in a rush. "You gtv* me 
credli beyond my due. I didn't break 
Into your Hat nguin. to-night. In order 
to rattan the Jewel* — at least, not for 
that al. a* 

"Hui you did bring back the Jewels?* 

She nodded. 

"Then doesn't that prove what 1 
claim, prove that you've cleared your- 

■fir — ?** 

"No." she told him. Armly. with th* 
Armnesa of despair; "It does rot. U» 
«(use I did not come for thai only. 1 
enme with snother purpose— to »teul, 
a* well as to make restitution. And I 
—I atole." 

There was a moment'* alienee, on 
his part tm -i-dutou*. "I don't know 
what you mean. What did you steal? 
Win 1 1 I* It'" 

"I have lost It—" 

"Was It in your handbag?" 

"You found that?" 


Rath(r Di 

' Yon wunl to present I'ncle Tom * 
fabln' at the opery house?" said the 
sheriff of Hacoti Kldge "Why, that 
blamed ahow was here a niouh ago." 

That ao" resimnded the advanoa 
agent In the blue vert. 

"Ye*, atratu.-er. and t 

They »lway« do that. *lrr 
'Then the dog catchers cliaaed th* 

"Ah. thai was an udded feature" 

"And old Mr*. Wings i hum d IJttl* 
Kva for winking ut her husband as b* 
sut In Ihe front row." 

"Huther startling, I assure you." 
And old Ml JaasM, who i una tb* 
llugle house, (baaed l ucl* Teui for * 
board bill." 

"('•■eat Hrutui!" 

"An.! i hen ||H buy* got together and 

chased tbe whole blamed 
mi town Heller 
*iM«i uiiaur." 

Farmers and Merchants Bank 

CliBttM. 8trtH 


Thsl wa offer to daprttltirrt. 
Other tedlMBMiU are of atvontUry Imp 

Upon this Ouaraotee we Solicit Your Patroaage. 

11. BUCHANAN. Proaldent 

* BU T h rE*d»*n£- 







-Absolu tely THE BEST* 

nillionaire Canned Goods. 
Helnz's Varieties of Pure Food Products. 
Chase & Sanborn's Coffees and Teas. 


Call *a ar Mlaphoo* a* 

• ban In H>4 of OROCEKH 

or FBSuaTurrs. 

Telephone 6. 

3 Deliveries. 

Ledf ord & Randle 


TOM DILLON, Sr., Pros. 

(Sarromor to B. O. Ramaga, rta a »»—».) 

marble and Granite 




Hickman, Ky.— Or*r Cowctll'i drug 

Union t'ltr, Tana —In C B. A. 


Cash Book Store 

• • a 

New Books, 

Ca- >% 4-i /■»«-! aa**** 

Post Cards, 
lViotlons, Es wOai 

Call and *aa> our i 
K.aryUih.*- u[> to Jala. 

Meet Your Friends 


Tonsorial Parlors aA 

Ba.i tn Hlokmaa. Hot and 

for ooosfort. 

Clinton StrMt, Hiekmin, Kj. 


Both city anl farm prop- 
art j at reason ible price*. 
If you have real estate for 

Hickman Courier Realty n 
MarvBBrer.des&Comoanv i *x^™». 

Let Us Be Your Waiter 

W« never tire of helpins; others when they ask 
for good job printing. W* can tickle the moat 
exacting typographic appetite People who 
have partaken of our excellent service corn* 
' m k for a *«cond serving. Our price* ar* tha 
rno*t reasonable, too, and you can always de- 
pend on us giving your orders the most prompt 
attention. Call at this office and look over our sample*. 


Wa caa do th* 

clasa of printing, and wa 
can do thai claaa juat a 
fell»w. WaUduig iDTitatioaa. lettai ha».!i. Mil J 


First Showing 


Haw A«tro«om«r# M»w. Prt 
C««f<lnt of A.t... Ovrvlxt 


White Goods 

Percales and 

Halley'a comet again la 
n a (ha earth a/tar an abaenre of 74 
> rare While swinging around In 
.pare it vlelted a region thai la par 
I. spa 40.00O.000 mllra mora dlatant 
i ',1111 the oiilernioel planet of tha so 
IM sveten. Allhou.h It la not at- had 
■tad. lo arrive at IU parlhrllon tha 
point laaat dlatant from Ilia aim uti 
ill July It. lilt, or poeelbly tha lal 
IM part of MM, depending on tha 
.mount of planetary dleturbance. I 
; n.h.bly will ba vlelble lo tl 
.•ye in a ahorl tlma 

Aftar an aip.ia.ira of a. 
rently In Heidelberg. Uerraany. a pho- 
tographic plata showed the romat aa 
. MM of tha MMM magnitude 
Aeolher photograph haa Jual been aa 
cured. of tha romat at tha Yerkea ob 
.•fvilnrv nt*ar Williams Mar WN 







ent No. 232 for January, Is 
due and uiual be paid by February I, 
or you will stand suspended. Call at 
Hickman Bank aud pay same. 

JOHN PYLE. Clerk. 


The "wild<at ' fire 
working over-time 

Friday morning at 2 o'clock our 
cltlieua were called up to watch a 
caboose, of the N. C. * St. L. rail 
road burn. The car waa standing on 
a track with a steep incline, the 
brakes were released and the car. a 
mast of flames, hiked down the grade 
making a grand pyrotechnic ai display 

Sunday morning at 5:30, fire broke 
out In the 4-rooui residence of U< o 
Calllson, In West Hickman The fire 
made aucb headway before help ar- 
rived that both house and contents 
were totally destroyed The resi- 
dence was owned b> JikIk.- K S 
Murrell; he carried 1300 Insurum • 
Calllson had $260 insurance on the 
contents. The origin of the fire Is 
unknown. It Is said that a straw 
bed caught fire Saturday uight and 
!i»d to be carried from the bouse. was brought back. win. poa- 
.bly a Utile fire in It which might 

ive caused the blaze 

Monday afternoon about 3:30 the 
.arm was again sounded. Tbi« t im. 

vacant reaidence. of six rooms, own- 
• i by the Harry heirs, and located 
ii out thirty feet east of the HeUow 

•me on the bill, burned. Aa tie 
use was unoccupied. It Is a mys- 

ry how It caught fire. There was 

i insurance on the house, whim 

as one of the oldest In Htckuiau. 

Policeman Hid Hatnby has the 

umps Looks like he catches cv- 

• r) thine that com.s along l-ast fall 
m look a degree In small pox. 

Mott'a Nervine Pills 

The great nerve and brain treat- 
ment for men and women, produces 
strength and vitality, builds up the 
syMem and renews the normal trlgor. 
For sale by druggist, or by mail. 11 
per box. 6 boxes for I. 
Drug Co.. 


Taken up by W. N. Brasfleld, living 
about a!x miles south. ast of Hick- 
man. Ky., one red heifer about one 
year old with no marks or brands 
Valued by me at HIM 

Witness my band this 17th day of 
iRc lull r. K'i.i'j 

W. A NAYLOR. J. P. C. C. 

Attest: S. T. Roper. Clerk 


On Thursday. December Mb. 1909. 
while camped In l.ake Count) , Teuu , 
southwest of Mabel, one of my mules 
strayed away. It la three years old. 
past, black, mare mule, la hands 
high, mi aly nose and light round the 
eyes. Any Informal Ion leading to the 
recovery of (he mule will be properly 
rewarded— W. A. SCALES. R. T. O. 
No. 7, llcutou. Ky. 2» 

Prayer me ting at West Hickman 
Chapel Friday evening at 7:1b. Bun- 
day School Sunday at 2 30 p. m . 
and pi.. at 7 p. m , by Rer. W. 

N. Mciheuy. • 

Farmers lnstltu(<- al Fulton today 
and tomorrow, (lood roads will be 
one of the leading topics. Attend If 


To Introduce our very complete lln< 
of beautiful apring wool suitings, was 
fabrics, fancy walatlnga. silks, etc.. 
hdkfs. lacea and pcttlcaL All up 
to dale N. Y. City patterna Pineal 
line ou the market Dealing direct 
with the mllla you will rind tha prli- 
low Proflta flu to $.10 00 ae.-klv 
Samples and full lustructione pa. k*t| 
In a neat sample caae. ahl|.|».l • « 
press prepaid No money re«,uir. I 
Kxcluaive territory Write for partic- 
ulars He first to apply Stand. .1 
Dresa Oooda Co. Dept P 1. limit 
N. Y. 1 2» 

< »n. of I lie moat enjoyable . . . 
of the holiday season was the six o 
clock dinner given by Mlaa Mabel 
Wilson lu honor of her guest. Ko-s 
Cheshire, of Nashville The elalior- 
ate menu, served In aeven four-* 
waa excellent. The color achein.- of 
pink and while was emphasiod b\ a 
handsome cut glass vase filled with 
pink and w*lte rosea In (he rent, t Da 
the (able, on either end a cand. lal.ia 
pink shades, pink and while mint 
roaethra and place cards, hand paint- 
ed In pink clover bloaaoma, add. d 
beauty andd grace lo the decorstioua 
The hoat.-aa was charming In a gown 
of pink embroidered crepe de < In- n 
The guests were Mlaa as Virginia Pra- 
ttler. Charlotte Hubbard. Belde I >. 
How and Messrs Perdie Maddux. 
W. C. R. .-.1 and A E Owen ion.,, 
t.d from laat week ! 

J. A Moore, superintendent of the 
Mengel Ikix Co a plants here ord- rs 
his paper -i.i to Rayvllle. Miss, 
where he has gone to oversee (lie 
construction work of s |26o,ihhi mill 
which is being built there fey C. C. 
Mengel and othera. Mr Moore la on 
of the best men In hie line In the 
state, and when It comes to suiting 
knotty problems- well, he's "Johnny 


lei, and a 
ously if not checked. As the be«t 

Tar Pine 

Thi. gyrup quickly, surely and safely relieve, all 
bronchitis, hoarsene.. and other throat and lung troubles. It 
is pure and sure, and pleasant to take. Use it and be safe. 


/ ^a»»7T^-v 

aid of a 

la being 
It la of particular Intereat •<> 
sciential* berauaa M waa tha first 
known to travel la a flowed Its 
brilliancy, sensational alse. record* of 
Its returns— the consternation once 
spread through tha world by the be- 
lief that It would deelroy the earth- 
make It the moat famoua comet la 

la 14*2. In the reign of Charles It 
of England a comet of eitraordlnarr 
sUe appeared, which waa observed 
by Newton. Halley and other astrono- 
mer* of tha tlma Halley foil. .wed Ita 
course among the stars and. compar- 
ing hla observations with the records 
of pre- 1. comets, came to the coa 
eluel i that the comets of l«r.«. 1611 
sad 1*07 were only different pear 
ances of I he 


True to this prediction. It did 
in Kit. when Edmund Halley 
had ben, sleeping In hla grate ' 
year* Tha r .-*»..■. the name ..f l a 
a Hasou peasant, has been i re- 
to poeUsrlty Is thst hla • te 
tha first to catch algbt of the re- 
al It was on Christ n. as 
Bight. 1701. he 
eh eat ad tha pro! 
of tha honor 

Tha Aral recorded appearanee of 
Halley'a ci, met was B 0 IM I I I 
R waa believed to herald the birth of 
Stlthrldaies Id 1044 It waa seen 
equal to the full moon in alie In Its 
appearance In 1464 Ita tail 
from (ha liorlion to (he 1st I 

The following facia c.mne. i.d with 
the appearance of ibe comet In InU 
are taken from Herschel s imtlinea 
of aVetronoiny " 

It developed no tall until October 
I and on thai day the nucleus »aa 
to become suddenly bright- 
d to throw out • Jet of light 
Ita Interior part 
Its Ull sKalned the greatest loagth 
Of »0 decree. October 16. and hu d, ery- 

For Sale 

Worldnpnen': Lots ! 

G. B. Bond's Addition 
to West Hickman 

Tbt bsst locsltd sod Cheap- 
est, propsrl you c»n buy. 
Will askt EASY TERMS. Lois 
St. as 4t ib * Oil Mill. 

-C. B. Bo.,,1 

Business Cham 

I take thi. mean, of inf„rn,in K the p u |,| l( ^ i 
have purchaaed the r-ntire .tock of the \ | lr L man 
Grocery Company, and. to m«kc „ kjsjjj ^ 
short, aolicit your pat ron a K r. | kj |, 11S1M( . M J 
.....tmtic nt thf "old stand" I fikfj rn ,| 
t.. . arry thr hr*t „f K r.Mr rl ,., nn H jjJJJ " 
I I ii km. in. nnd am f/oinfr nftrr 
ing it to your interest to tratlr 

On Monda 

ik new policy will lie inaugurated wKn \ vvill UVP 
you 5 on evrrything in our Im. | nr cm% 
on dtr dollar will Ix- worth thr <«.nm K toyou, 

«ud I had rather nell at ')5« org the ,1,,^ f w 
cash than $1.00 on credit. So, on and after 
Jan I 7th. we will chargr no goods hut will v|| 
for your convenience, a .mall Mips* bsjsj| at 

» Irw than its lace value TksM coupon, 
will lx" the same as cash at our store; you will 
know exactly what you are .pending . in <) thrrr 

w.ll Saw eaaw "„.,«." l,^L. nn 

win ne no queer KXJging ;t(<<>untl ninnngto 

\<>ii on the first of each month. It also give* 

the ca.h purchaser an advantage over thr credit 

customer - which i. nght. I bdbvi vou will 

I shall endeavor to keep in my employ 
lite, accommodating salesmen, and giv< 
delivery aervice to all part, of the city. 

I hanking you for pa.t favor, and 
to merit a continuance of your patronage. I am. 

C. L. Walker 


Ion paeaaa* Si Not 
At the anterior lu 
while. singular 
aucb rapidity 
alia night* vera 
> s* At one tlma 
another time fan eh 
tailed, while St ot 
three or e»en more 
from the mail la 

Id receding from 
through a eariee of 
leaa remarkable 
peered May 4. I4S4 

before Us perlhei 
ember 14 
aulnoua Jet. mean 
and raprlrlous 
owe a net her wlU 
un no two aurcea 
tha appearaaree 
It was alagle. at 
aped or a* allow 
her tlajiee two. 
Jet. a era darted 

the sun It paaaed 
rbsngaa ecarceH 

lAke fluperlor. the largest body of 
fresh water la tha world, la about 
equal to Ireland I. area 

Tbe ayea of the chameleon move I. 
depeodently of ooe another 

A loaf of bread will 
er If placed I. 
la a tl. bos. 

r Indian I'll.- Ointment, will 
cure llllnd. Weeding aud Itching riles 
It absorbs the tumors, allays Itching 
si, as a poultice. Kite. In 
slant relief Wllllaaia' Ills Ointment 
>a pr. pared for I'lles snd llrblng of 
the private parts, bold by druggists. 
60c and tl. willuHoa' Mfg Co 

I hate punkaaed the Joy floral 
Co Hoa.-r Agency from H K Cur 
In .mil list.- the exilualte agent) 
for tile year 1410. Tbe Joy flowers 
lime been w, || r.-prew-nted bore .ad 
. very one knows aa to the reputation 
of Ibe floaters that the Joy r'loral 
< ejejejgyj put out I aiali to state mi) order, large or email, sill 
i.i.ln. the ter) lM*at attention of 
I ... K loi h I to an. I witli mi ..- 

. -..ii... we will try to make the de- 
4V liter) and rioeers satisfactory In 
every respect — Miss Hoiuile Carp.-n 

Thi Arithmetical Spirit. 

"As a rule." said the cynic, "one 

' . ■ » i e. kon lie I lull.' f of his true 

it lends oa tl*. Ha. em of est band " 
Will.' answered Ibe good aatu red 
I'etKoti. "aii)hodt who ...iinls up his 
fi b ndshlps the Same ae be doe* hla faj ,, i deserve any 

The famous liuuglas shoe, are sold 
only by A. 8. Uarkett In Hickman 
Noihing better for bad weather. 

The Knell of Argument. 

"'Tain l nun h use o' arguln ." aald 
I'" 1 I' i i" ii Ii vou s lalkln lo a 
mull d it has mo' aen«e duu ><>u has, 
de bee' Iblni you kin do la to keep 
unlet an' listen An' II you s talkln 
to one dut aln t lot as much sense as 
you bus vou* wsalln you lime tryln 
to paas around sum. Inn. . .1 ... . u " 



Telephone Ccaptr,. 

6—1 Hallow. R. B 

6 — 4 Ballow, A. L (Dutcki . 

I — 4 Hallo*. J W 

a— I V« UaUo*. W C 

34 Hetterawortb A I reUrr 
.3— IS llenthol W D 

I .ti Ills, kford * Hubhsrd. Dr. 

I> Cotlon * Adam* 

2» Curlln. P. B . Or 

Ill Itodda Co . J. F * I It. 
M Uodda Co. J P A«- L. ...M 
14 Itodda. W A OOat 

»— 1 UavU. A W . H(r a*j| 

M Hatla. B. T 

JJ Pulton l ouuly Uun 

.7 Parmer, lim A Uraln 04 <M 
24 Parmer. A Merckaoi. task 

S Oray. K U *« 

.'2 JobtiMin. W. 0 

4— H| King. Norrls 

44 Hickman Ice 4 Coal 04 

12 Hickman Packing Oa 

10 Helm A I -on 

21 Hickman Courier 
» Hickman Uru« Co 
Sv Hickman Purmiur. l« 
44 Hickman *44 * Okas 04 
47 Hickmau Wagon C. 

II Hickman Hard* era U> 
150 Hubbard * Hlaikuud B" 

;.j Hickmau Hank 

24 Hubbard, l»r J. «" • 


Sum I 

N ■' 










Prank 8 



24 Newloli, J.'- ' 

4—1 *Uo». N. Ii 

14 Rice. t. C 

62 Heal * I <"«"»'" 

4—4 apslsbi. K. II 

77 Umllh * Ambers 

2J Budberry W. T 

e-l •***. Toot 

1 Kipr.»» W>- • 

4--H. Townsend. J A. • 
«_4 T o*uae..d. OM 

4_H, Towu.-u-l. J» B,lM ' 

»_» Wheebtr. U 




0f» l ' < 




m yott bom &*jiJl 

funny laeldeuu o » 
«a.y -re thro.i. ■* ^ 

toterealln* iJSJ ' .„„„ 

lu teres! ins 1 auiM » *! 

• riling of I „ ,1,1^ 

In U4VM4 JteA' ' " i, is. U*' 
„r .11 rural corned - ■ 
one nlgbi oSaV. J «" u 

Pon't atari ih. '""jg&M 
the Coun. r Po. 
.crib- tor U- 


Hilly will 

• ' IH 

»*« then 
in ttoU 
iiirby I 


means that four i 
.crlptlon kM eipi 
ll»n«w promptly If. 

to you 


ttrti in Q 

I, tha Team that Pulla the Commercial Wagon up the Hill of 

Tha Courier hat a Spankta 1 Good 

Grease ih$ Axles of Your Wagon, Old Man, and Lat'a Hitch Up 

ii HZ »• BO '*** 

,., in WEtTEkl IBITOOIT 


WHOLE 10. 04 Ml 



,f tbe lllrl 
la a < 'ourler reportar that 
, jimt roumli'd out their 
<nl >.:ii of Inihlneae Tb* 
,,. all baallei 

full Ot lilMlllCM 
-uih nun I fa 

Mjr they" «• rsfer to 

nmii ID tt> 

I*, president, no* mi 

B eea, hut tb.. man I* 
uncial gun. »a Johnston 
are In bard lurk, 
rrlai of bla share of 
Kruiu the Lot torn be baa 
I wi ll up the financial 
i work and good buslne 
ll.' haa sever betrayed a 
in hi in. and not only la 
.1 ninoag ahoni ha waa 
i,.-rccver he Is known. 


bu if" 


sldered aa food aa a 



Up te Oil* Parmer Point. Out What 
Could ■• Dont If Agricultural 

Bse> I 

« •; 

a I W Dohblua. Via 
II.- Ii conerdered the band 
.■I the lot, and aa food 
iuian aa ever caaae 
II. represents our •>( 
«l. Hardware «aUb 

miry, ami beside* 

i. kman Hardware Ooca- 
M aa tban the other r. i 
k bt haw Km on bla ooea- 

uilai aion-a. 

Mnan of the firm. Jnu. 
w« regret U> aay. la the 
d bum on the job with 
of (iila on« fault, be la 
Id- tiaa bwwn with 
■<«•! since Ila orgam . .. 
i.,.- niaeV auod wltb 

it, . as tu s k e rs . Wa hi 
ho gont l sskis coaaaclad 
. i.iiui to have been 
a farm, but Ila up to John 
inking cere of farm 
isineas. Ma la not only 
j .11} ou-lhe-epoi. 

in. ud. Henry Sanger, 
is alao an loiporlaut 
uu «Hh tli la fliiu ltd 
• . tbc firm a business 
..I. , get blood out 
and flay a 
ui jauitor on up Ui 
Ila i. the rhxbl I 
« raja! place. 

ta>i but not laaat, la Mr. Jobustou 
ii» ay a oh Um f li tug liu« 
i uuiu. Hu aay a ha never 
.ii a in k«!e (u ring blui 
il >uu want bardwara 
lanjra u< playi flrel llddle abc 
puahlBf Low hardware 
i k bia business anil 
, ...utlcs. b« la oue 

I laf uicu wa ha*e ever 
> instrumentality In Um 
■ una cotporeuon scarcely 

ul IK la a aall Biadi. 
...mi imv with whom It 

II a all aaiun ... do b 

good i.oiuU in la*or of 
u lelerrwd lo. tuu par 
ul ueu Ui« t uUrv aoaroa 
■ waiaa they have a- 
. la duo arc-ally to the 
•i iiink of goods ban 
ui and tha lo» prices pul 
.So store In Western 
llora a butler grade of 

|uuu» muit 
aor« B .. 

Hero • hoping, 
raw kill (j. (..yea 
Ok uul , ibera'a 

am *«j of « 

Uiimi. . i u. 

- of ah 

M .smith * 

It la a question whether the iverajr* 
rataller plaraa mifflrlent ImiHirtame 
upon the nerewally fur i o ..|iei atlng 
with the editor of hi* loral paiier The 
latter la in a position to mould the 
iwntlinear of hlo readera to a decree 
which tnaki-a bla aaalsianne on any 
mailer la* which the enmmunlty la In 
tereated. »ery Ininorfaat 

There are of rourae Initanree whe.e 
local newkpapara arw operated In MM b 
a manner aa to be of little benefit lo 
the community In which they .re pub 
Mahed. hut theaa are decidedly the 
caeaatloa and aa the L>ir>date 
•er aay a: 

-Tour home paper abould 
ynor earaoat atie itlon. II may be 
that your home piiper la not run to 
ault you It la poaalble that It paya 
mueh more attentloa to what It coo- 
■tdera the lieat Int. rem. of the adrer 
Maeia tban to ihine of tha far men 
H e hj i thing a( all atrangw about 
tha - . Tou probably pay II a year 
auhecrlptlon The atreraa* nnuntry 
paper doee not hare more than 1 rWO cir- 
culation, and at leaat one half of thwea 
are eirhanaea. deadhead, and eompll 
The If.ort which the arer- 
loee not 

Good Resolution 

■for iQiO- 

Ur> S i ia Waddy Kamawy, widow 
P. Haniaey died Sat- 

uiu.i.1 i 1 1 liiuj jn u a ( tha aowv 

lugalar, Mra. Kaaule i'or 
l union, after a HfeSH 
i inauy woutha. 


- >.me uuuaually early thla 
in fun, thau foi avvcr 
a. di.eaday will arrive 
' mid boater Huuday ou 


. uUf calendar Waahina 
laj uil» ou Ttioaday while 
and buck bear will 
belr advent ou Ttiureday. 
■>i< i.i.i ial day and the 

iri h 


il) will tall ou Monday 
ibta year will be ou No 
01 a waak later than laal 
Thankaalvlua day will 
«1 »n November 2a and 
LAM year will come on 

"CorraJ- a 
""""" I P Sale "aV 


Hi H.-iue 
Jluv.-o „, 

t* K-Jll. 

>W Uti.-r ta 
Mh hu.iue, 
"»kipiii 1 > .in 

aiili In the 

« Aaaaaa ,,i„„,i 

'i' of Elllaou 
■ I... in* out tha dry 

and the 
' U09 tbu entire 

las and yob work for bli iiipp..M 

-It It any woader that he payi IfV 
tie attention to the deelree or the de- 
man its of the farmer* 

"It Ii true that the merchant of 
tha country town depend! upon tha 
r.irtnera for hla htutneea. bat country 
uierchaBti. until lately, have sot 
atadled the economloa of country Ufa 
and bare not realised 'heir entire de- 
pendence upon the prosperity of tha 
farmlnx community of Interest! la 
every Bel«hknrhood which la directly 
to tha centrallaatloa of busl- 
la a few largw cltlea haa aot ap- 

You have probably made several good resolutions 
for this year, but it is not too late to make another 
that will promote the welfare of both your- 


You'll find that a very easy resolution to keep. 
After once learning how carefully we guard cus- 
tomers' interests, you will rloubtless be willing to 
even go out of your way to do your trading here. 
Goods of higher quality than we carry are not ob- 
tainable and our service is one we are sure you'll 
appreciate. Quality considered, no one can sell at 
lower prices. 

May we serve you this year? 

CowgilPs Drug Store 


that hla Inter- 
of tha 

hanking centers of the world: tha 
oountry lawyer has taken his political 
views from tha attorneys of rorpora- 
Uoas. and the country editor haa had 
hla work rut out for him by the edi- 
tors of big dally papera owned and 
oontrolled by people who were at the) 
bead of ■ pedal lsterests 

'Theae special Internets people hava 
triad aad hava. uatll rarenUy. made 
oa all bellove that tha Interests of all 
classes ware Identical aad that a few 
people who had specialised In tha 
atady of finance aad polities ware to 
be looked to aa tha leaders of publls 

of US' It has 

self an- 


••....„», iHiuuowra and (in 
11 litis the place va- 
il, .mi r'urulshtug Co 
■ - null i their old 
uu, ,, however, occupy 

^ lib aal 
Hour a 

kMCs! '"'"" dy - 


la their logic, aad that what 
waa good far the standard Oil monop- 
oly or the steel trust might not be 
for the bast Internets of tha farmer 
or tha merchant 

"Carporatioa lawyers from tha city 
represent aa la con gr aaa and In tha 
United States aenate. aad corporation 
lawyers hava framed moat of our 
state lav/a. It la time for farmers 
aad for those who depend upon them 
far support to learn that tha Interests 
of tha spwculaUve claaaes are aot 
those of tha producer or tha consum- 
er, aad of tha honest eichanger of 
wealth. Tha editor of tha 
should study these 
of the 

aot from that of the 

should then 
so that It will not 
for It to take advertising 
any but legitimate Arms that are 
out for tha Interests of farm- 
ers aad producers. The Interests of 
Ike merchant la a country town de- 
pend upon the prosperity of the farm- 
er, aad the paper that teaches con- 
trolled marketlag deeervaa the sup- 
port of merchanta aad a much bet- 
tar support thaa they new get from 

Wa want all the local nawa. If 
you cauuot aaa a reporter, call No. 
It— Cumberland or Home phone. 

You aie Invited to look over my 
spring line of flue wouleua. Quality 
and workuiauablp 
prlcaa reasonable 


The Daughters of the Cinf.-deracy 
will obxerve the anniversary of Uen. 
Robt. B. Law's birth, on Wednesday. 
Jan. I«th. at the borne of Mr.. H. L. 
Aiuberg. at S p. m. 

everyone cordially Invited to attend 

1. America — by all. 

t Invocation — Rev. O. W. Wilson. 

S. Solo— "Just Before the Rattle. 
Mother"— Mrs. H. L. Am berg. 

Heading Mrs J \ Thompson 

.V Piano Holo— Variations of Dixie 
- Mlsa 


Rev. (Jester. 

k. ■oat— "Abide Willi Me" 

The member! of 

No 7«i. P. A A. M . 
of thanking Bro H. A Tyler for tl 
handsome lino slereopttcon outfit pi 
sented tbe lodge last month. The g t 
Is oaa that every member of the lodi - 
all! enjoy, and our grateful appro, i 
tlou Is tendered Ilro Tyler for wrr 
lag Santa Claus to "fill the Mason 
with audi a niaicniru. 
it; also, for the many other x< - 
erosltlea shown tbe craft from tin 
l<> time. 

-Hlckmun liodge No 761 

r « a. m 

A young l:id> entered a dry k.m. 
siun bam recently and blushing;* 
aaki-d the head clerk If he "had «. 
of thoae elastic hands capable of I 
Iiik elongated and adjusted at pleasu- • 
and used by the feminine portion 
mankind for putting arourd the low 
■Btft BkMSB of their locomotive in. 
tiers to ki-ep the proper poslUon ami 
the r.^ulred sltltudh for the bahi 
ments of their tlblru " The ,1 k 
fainted —Lutein- Weekly Squirt. 


A. 0 Klmgro. aged 8«. one of the 
okM men in this section of the state 
1 . 1 Krlday at his home near Crutch 
l Id Ills death waa almost hourly 
expected for several days. Mr Kim 
I' to waa one of the best known men 
in that community. He was a faith- 
. il member of the Primitive Baptist 
i nirch. a kind father and a sph mini 

Hurlal took place Saturday at Rock 

I P' IllgS. 

Deceased waa tbe father of our f cl- 
ew townsman. A. 0. Klmbro, Jr. 
'Xlier children by wiiom he Is survlv- 
d are Allle Kimbro. Mra. II. C. Me 
i lanahan. Mrs. W. R Watson and 
Mra. J. II House, of near Crutcbfleld 

Partlnent Suggestions te Aterekeopera 

la tha 

One of the 

ayiternatlc la their 
naaa. Up-to-date methods of 
keaplag. a aystem for checking over 
goods aa they arrive aad aa they ge 
out when tha orders are filled are mast 
esseatlal Btoak should be kept la 
such a way that the merchant doaa 
aot hava to waste considerable "me 
before being able to know whether 
ha haa any naad of any Haa to Ul 

One excetlent way In wtlck tha 
oaaatry merchant can keep hla Ideas 
ap-to-date la by spendlag a day or 
two each year In vlalUag tha Ian* 

KIRK' FIRE' Kennedy 


Four popular young people of West 
Hickman entered] the state of matri- 
thls week. Miss Maggie Rog- 
d ('has llcaslev, v»cr.- married 
at the home of the groom's father. 

afternoon at 4:30. In the pres. 
of a number of friends. 
Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Miss 
Hamil and Win. Ntninio took 
the marriage vows, at the home of 
Mr. Puckett, brother In law of tbe 
bride. Only the Immediate family 
witnessed the ceremony. 

Rev Wilson, of Uie First Methodist 
church offtetatod. In both 

ployed by tha 
llae of btislnesi 
ally la son 
study ef windows 
and methods 
than helpful. 

In the heme town one can narer get 
away from the practices of his fellow 
tradesmea. ualeaa ha beaeflta by ex- 
periences had elaewhare. la a it range 
plaoe we are of the gazing crowd, 
aad wa see things from a different 
point of view thaa when at home. 

Some criticism may point oat a 
fault that we hare bean guilty ef a 
hundred "mes and narer noUeed, and 
a crIUc'sm of a stranger sometimes 
ns to realise that wa can la> 
In our owa 
by tha 
A country 
learn much la a city but ranch of It 
may he little suited ta 
tlons. The small town 
some lessons fron 
hers of his own 
that there are many who 
us In soma ways. If wa fall to kaap 

alive, some 

r»Utor will boat us out 


il events of tha 
- of Capt. J. W. 
which occurred at bla homo 
in Urookavllle. Fla.. on Monday, Dec. 
It. 1»0», at 1 o'clock p. m. Mr. Gor- 
man had been seriously sick for aev- 
eral weeka, and dangerously so for 
several days, so that hla death waa 
not altogether unexpected. But It 
gave a shock to the community. His 
remains were Interred In the Brooks- 
vllle cemetery on Tuesday at I p. m. 
A large concourae of relaUvea and 
frlenda assembled sround the grave 
to give expression to their res peat, 
friendship and veneration to tbo 
gnllant soldier and clUxan. Religious 
exercises were conducted by Rev. 
Geo. Hyman. pastor of the Baptist 
church, his wife being a member of 
that denomination. W. W. Loring 
Camp of Confederate Veterans, of 
which he waa a member and officer, 
marched beside tbe coffin as at. ee- 
cort of honor, and conducted memor- 
ial exercises at the grave, which wera 
deeply touching. Oen. J. C Davant, 
• on inlander and Chief of the (>-d. r 
of I'nlted Confederate Veterans of 
the State officiating The n.sket 
waa covered with the Confederate 
flag and silken bar.ner of the U. C. 
Ve. After the grave waa filled, It 
with fit 

flowers by the la- 
of the U. D. C s , and others, 
the floral offerings coming from many 
homes. Mr. J. W. Corman waa s 
brave soldier, a good citlsen, a warm 
friend, a kind father, a loving hus- 
band, a successful merchant, an Mon- 
est and upright man in all bis walkn 
of life. All tbe atores were cloaed 
during the funeral exercise* in token 
of tbe public regard and reverence 
for him. The entire community 
mourns bis death and reveres hla 
memory. He leave* a wife, two sons, 
a brother and other relaUvea In thla 

Mr Hugh Ed Curlln. sun of the 
well known citizen. H. U Curlln. of 
Woodland Mills. Is now connected 
with Hardy. Malone A Jones as sales- 
man The young man will be a val- 
uable aci|Ut!ltlon to the company. 
He was formerly with Ellison Bros., 
of Hickman - I'nlon City Commercial. 

Telephone your grocery order 




Tuesdays Jane Iflth 


Awns and discounts with 
on* or mors endorser* s> 


Keal estate uiortcagei. 
(tell loans ou collateral . . .. 
Time loan. ou collateral. .. 
11. tt. Houd! 

Other stocks, bonds, etc. 

Hue from Natl 1 
Due from Hlate B'ks am} 

ll.tXT tl 

Hue from Trust Go's 

U.H.aud National Hank 



Unecas and other cash 

N,«S> Mi 

Kxchauge lor 

i Herd raft. tN*cur*dl.... 
Overdrafts i unsecured I . 

1*.«W * 


1.7« ii 


Current Kspens*. Paid 
HmI C. tat*— Ban kins He 

Oth*r Keal Kutate 

Purnltur* and future*. 
Other asksts not Included under 
any ot above h sails 


The Great Laugh Producing Comedy. Interesting be- 
cause natural. Realistic because true to life. 
The only rural play without a rival. 




Two Baitd Concerts Daily— FREE 

PRICES 85, 60 and 75 Cecnts 

capital .lock paid In. In 

Surplus Fund 

I'mllvlued pronts 

Fund to pay taxes 

I . Ik.-ii- subject to i-h'k 
ion which Interest Is not. 
paadl subject to ch'k 
iuii whteti Int. ui paid 

Iwuiaud eertlllcstcs of 
dvpoall uu vkJeh Inter- 

•st Is paid ) 

THue c*r 1 1 m ates of U*- 'oil WhUll lulele.l 

is paid) 

HavUigs deposit, ton 

wblob i ui i Is paid 


lai.uki no 

S.7W VI 


J. W. Gorman was born January 17, 
18.19, In Carllele. Penn.. of George 
and Mary Gorman. He learned tbe 
tinner s- trade at Macomb City, Ilia. 
Tbence be went to Blandbllle, Kv . 
where he opened a stove and tin- 
ware store, and remained In buaineaa 
until July 4. 1861, when be sold out 
and entered the Confederate army, 
enlisting in the 3rd Kentucky Volun- 
teer Infantry, under command, of Col. 

A. P. Thompson. He served during 
the war In (tie western campaign un- 
der Gena. Bragg and Johnston and 
part of the Ume waa with tbe caval- 
ry of Gen. N. B. Forrest. He was in 
the hard fought battles of Shiloh. 
Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Port Hud- 
son, Corinth, Harrlsburg, Gun town, 
Murphreesborough and a number of 
minor note. He waa shot In tliu 
breast at tbe battle of Shiloh; In the 
thigh at Sulphur Springs, Tenn. At 
the close of the war he went to Hick- 
man. K> . and worked at his trade 
six years, at the end of wbioh. he 
went Into tbe hardware buatnesa with 
Mr. B. D. Thoinasson, now of Brooks- 
viUe. Kla. 

Mr. Cormnn waa married on Decem- 
ber 20. 1867, and died on the anniver- 
sary of his wedding 42 years after 
after. To this union were born two 
children. Benjamni K. and Alexander 

B. , who survive him. He waa a mem- 
ber of the K. ot H., I. O. O. F. and 
U. C. V. Of the latter he was treas- 
urer many years. He was treasurer 
of the town of Brooksvllle and bad 
been for many years. Besides these 
he had held other important and hon- 
orable offlcea. He left a Hne hard- 
ware business, and was In easy cir- 
cumstances at the Ume of hla death. 
His was a useful and active life. 

He came to Brooksvllle 23 years 

Hue National Hanks 

I»u* .tat* banks a bank's 

Hue Trust (Hmipaules 

Oasliler* OSASksj ouwiaudlug. . ..*. 

Not*, and tails ie>llscouiit«d 

t'upald dlvtdvud* 

Taxes due aud unpaid 

Bills payable 

AmtofuucriiiUdepo.ll. on t 
Other 1 


del i 

Mult of K*nlucky, I , 
Ikiuuljr of Fullou. I 

• t, J. A. Thompson, owshtor o4lh*als>\* 
named Hank, do »ol*uinlr .wear thai tli* 

BBS**, •lalouienl u ti a* 
kiiowtedae aud belief. 
SrMBl AIU..I. J. A.' 

HulsHirllMMlaud.woru to 
Usr of January. ISIO. 

My oouiuilkkkin •splr** el 
•ion of the 


Ui tb* best of my 


| Directors 



Jean Audley, the mysterious wo- 
man, who has been In this action 
for several weeka, la reported to have 
ba as found froxen to death a few 
days ago. It la alao reported that 
the sum of $600 waa found on her 
peraon. Nothing la known of her 
family hlatory. She had been wan- 
dering over different perls of Ken- 
tucky for mure than a year, re .ig 
a pony and had two dogs following 

The Ume waa not so long *go 
when the man with a slouch hat, a 
squirrel rifle and a hound at his hoelt 
waa permitted to live ou good laud, 
but like the buffalo aud the lnuian. 
be Is being compelled to vacate aad 
make room for the industrious class 
wbo are today cultivating this valu- 

Mrs J. C. Harnett died at her 
in the lower bottom, Sunday, 
after a brief illness. We are unable 
to get 

Possibly the 

has occurred in 
time, was that of Wednesday 
night in tbe Buchanui hall. It in 
a very pleasant affair. 

Tuetday Night-Uncle Zeke 

"I wan t no good as a musician la 
tbe old liddliu lays." says Uacle 
Henry Hutlerworth, but when It 
cornea to plajiu a phonygraph I'm 
Just as good all 
aaa City Times 





I u * 














S 3 S 

<x> o 



a 2 



I 1 


















■I E 



t 1 


II] j 
JJ It I J 

< .S 

1 J 





2 a 

1 ; 1 

*1 3§ 

I 1 

■ • «™ 



Tin war* and stove 
worth * Prathor. 

A. Dodds left Monday fur Uy 

we iiave 

A "Ouch" u. 
Hound-ip prlcu* ■ 

lines at 

buy silks al iii' 

ainilU * AUllMlfk. 

vYauk tor lb« spring aud 

Cut price* on ail healers una •«.■> 
'i.ii iuw ui rauges. nicaiueu xiu*. 
v. uuipauj. 

Head Ike Courier a special Jauuary 
miuki i^uuii umr. i»i 

mi. a »• Mi 

coat >ou A ii'Ui. 

And uow abidvlh Ulcsc Uirvu — 1 aft, 

AMUtlU aUU CaiiliOU alMI UiU UU». . 

ui liicee ta We least. 

Gel out prices ou all kiuua ol fit'iu 
i >ou nugr. Vve uanuie Ui« 
nu*. Co. 

"Fences Down" lu 
cuuureus ready -to- wear al uie Mouuu 
> y sale. — buum 4c Amber*.. 

HM Woman'* World and liukmau 
Courier, tioiii lor one year loi uue 
uouar, 11 oruereu Uus tuoutti. 

Jdiaa Lillian Jolinalou baa pucuinou- 
la. Sue uaa cnarge ot Ulu Ucpartlueul 

dee A. L. Kennedy lor insurance 
oi ail kiude— rire. Lue. AcclUcui. in 
good rcapoUBiLli old Hue coiupauics. 

G. 11. Ihurelt aud wile have sold to 
J. ii. liolluigsworUi. ot Coluiubu*. MM 
acres ol laud on V\oU isWua lui ♦ 

22, sou of Mr. aud 
W. A. holi. oiVuuou. died *rl 
ieias. of cou 

Carrie Nation Uaa been declining 
offera ol marriage, ll la hopcU mat 
Carrie will not 
low lo drink. 

What If your property kUould burn 
tonight? better insure Al UNC'E.— 
A. hi. Kennedy, office neat to Farm- 
ers * Jdercbauiia iiauk. 

John ■, Jackaon, for many yearn, 
oue of tile proprietor* ot Uie Coluiu 
bua aud Clinton flour inilla, and at 
but home in Cliulou, Jan. 7Ui. 

Chester Weak*, aged 21. uaa been 
elected caauier of Uie UUxcua 
of Water Valley, lie la prol-bly Lbe 
In the L ulled 

Dillon A Coz, managers of the Lyr 
lc, will have only two moving picture 

Letter. Tneae will be on Wednesday 
and Saturday nights. 

Laal November was the mildest In 
forty years In Kentucky uud January 
was the coldest. Whai old Keuiucky 
uu l do in Uie way ol 
tious Is 

As Ike result of an explosion In 
his office In Maylield, Dec. lo, Dr 
Jefferson Fry or, one of the best 
known physician* in Graves couuty, 
died at the Km i side hospital in Fa 

LllUe CUle, the 3-year-old daugnl 
of U. 0. Calllaou, a barber who runs 
a shop on the Mcfclroy 
last 'Ihursday nighl after only a few 
days illness of 
Burial al Uuion City. 

The executive committee ol the 
Flanters' FroLecllv* Association by a 
vote of 21 lo 3 decided lo remove the 
headquarters of the aasoclaltou rroin 
Guihrle lu Clarhsville, Teuu. The de 
clslou eame aa a great surprise lo the 
citizens of Guihrle. 

C. R. McGohee, of Howling • . 
well known here, is now Willi lbe J 
1. Caae Tbreabing Machine Co.. of Ha 
lina. Wla H#wlll travel for th. 0OJ 
lecUng department. He v>as until N 
cently clerk of the Hoard of Water 
works of Howling Green, and is i 
young man of splendid business abil 

the bedside of Mor 
Davidson, former surveyor of 
Fullou county and a prominent young 
farmer, who was seriously lujured 
Christmas, sUte that be is not yet 
able lo leave bla bad. Mr. Davidson 
was moving a barn and wan Injured 
when a large chain broke, the recoil 
causing a large pulley to strike hlui 

There are three Browns, three Tay 
lors and only two Smiths In the Own 
era! Asae mbly . The attention of 
<iov Wlllaon Is called to this. The 
MuiliiiM, outnumbering all other nau 
seem lo be denied proper repressing 
tkm A cooiuilsalon ought to be ap 
pointed to redlatriet the 8 tale and 
report to the Legislature so that the 
dmiihs will get a fair doal. 



flj Inhn \. Mrt liire— 
IMreetor lui ln«tltu»» Klatrlci 

This article is not written so inn. h 
to pat the farmer wise aa to Ihe Ma* 

ol . hi '1 t«i llllii i as 10 oinrrt 

Mm against the agent who would 
arc* upon him the use of whst I* 
commonly railed "Complete FertllU 
era." A complete fertiliser contains 
a certnln percentage of Min*- of the 
principal conatltucnla of plant food, 
ylr: Nitrogen. I'hosphorlc Acid ami 
IN.ta.h; tbia you purchase with s 
Mile* that la worthless to you and 
for which y«u pay as much aa yoo do 
fm the fertlllier. Thousand* of ilol 
lara have been more than wasted on 
ih.-s,' lomuicrrlMl fertlllrem in K- n 
tucky alone, but since ItOd this waste 
has bi-en gradually falling off owing 
to tbe Institute work that waa Intro 
liuoed about tb* time, and e»pert» 
from the Agr!< ultural Colle«« and Fx 
r>erlment station at Islington. Ky , 
have been drilling the farmer* of 
the lltate bow lo procure these val- 
uable auxiliaries In their fsrm opera 
lions at a cost so that they can get 
maximum yields st minimum cost 
Commercial fertllliers arc valueless 
In a dead soil, or In other words, s 
soli that In detolii of humus Hu- 
mus is that constituent In the soil 
that gives It thai dark, lively, rich 
appearand' when It is In a proper 
condition to break l^af mould, sis 
ble manure, decayed vegeUUoo. eVc. 
give the soil this mechanical condi- 
tion, which is brought ghoul by whst 
is known as nitrification Induced by 
ltvlns organisms called nitrifying bac 
telia; these minute onanisms cannot 
live In a dead or run-together »oll 
and h.-nce no nitrification. 

Without nitrification the phosphor 
us and potash lu the sub-soli cannot 
be released, nature wisely locks It up 
against the Soil Kobber" and his 
farm becomes a barren waste. Bat 
boo are we to avoid this alarming 
condition, and how are we to sgb- 
senre fertility? Nitrogen, when pro- 
cured in a commercial form la tbe 
most expensive fertilizer, and yet 
nature supplies It free of coat If we 
are not too arbitrary to allow her to 
asslM us Hal friendly offices can 
be brought Into requisition by tb* 
groalng of legume*: legumes are 
plants that bear their seeds In pods, 
such as peas, besns, clover, alfalfa, 
ate; every observing farmer ha* not- 
Iced on the roots of clover and cow 
peas, small nodules, or bump*, these 
are the habitation of the bacteria 
we have mentioned, which take up 
tbe nitrogen that has passed Into 
the soil and convert it Into a per- 
centage of food for the plant upon 
whose root* they are found. It will 
observed that a large percentage 
of the nitrogen gathered by bacteria 
Into the plant, but tb, plant 
cannot utilize all of It. hence the 
balance remain* In the soli and thl* 
Is what cause* tbe fine mechanical 
condition of land upon which ih* le- 
gume has been grown. Now yoo 
have an abundance of nitrogen, suf- 
ficient for two succeeding crop* In A 
If the soil is thli. devoid 
humus plow this crop— If cow 

i— under, this will relurn all of 

the nitrogen in the crop back again 
to the soil, beside adding tbe much 
needed humus to release phosphorus 
and potash in raUo to the energv 
of nitrification that takea place N**y 
a* to the rotation: maks a perfect 
seed bed which we shall tab* op lo 
ano'lnr artlck «ow to wheat and 
clover, th* ilovir to be sown with 
tbe wheat, ami adding one hundred 
pouuda of bone meal to the acre; 
this we know Is a new departure, 
but it Is coming into practice rapidly 
In the middle western psrt of the 
•Utr. and Is eminently successful 
The bone meal Is giving you phos- 
phorus, which Is the one constituent 
of plant food, more than any 
that is lacking In Kentucky. 

Take off the first crop of 
al the proper time, pasture the **c 
ond. but not too heavy, and plow 
the balance under the M xt spring 
for corn. Tbia la only a method, but 
It must be apparent to any man of 
good Judgment that it is practical 
and based on good logic; it is not a 
theory, aa we shall not indulge in 
anything 'bat is not practical, and 
hich has not proven successful. If. 
you hull' loliow'.l tills practice, 
get your soil Into a rood state 
of fertility, you desire to use fertillx 
er to Increase your yield, if your land 
will bear forcing, ll will pay to do It 
Nitrogen makes the foliage. Ihe, grain 
la largely produced from phosphorua 
with the addition or potash, and the 
potusb makes fibre, when your straw 
Is w i ak your laud nee ds potash , 
when the grain is small and shrivel- 
ed, you need phosphorus, when lbe 
foliage Is ms in and the stalk bard 
and woody, you need ultrogeu. Our 
next talk will he on "Acid Bolls," 
plant food and fertilizers however, 
will be touched on lu all of our arti- 
cle*, us we can only become lamlllar 
Willi these sore need* of the soli by 
iujectlng these themes in such a man- 
ner aa lo make them understood by 
bringing them Into the lime light at 
various angles, and with varying de 
grees of light 

Into th* Subsoil. 

Making crops before a gis»l warm 
fire these days is conducive to 
sleep but gelt lug out In the morning 
to feed and tar* for stock Is a dlf 
fen ut proposition. 

■'The labor of those who are en- 
gaged In agriculture la not equally 
productive This Is due to the va- 
riation in the efficiency of tln>*e en- 

►"'KB' riKK 

A R Kent,.,!, 

Miss Msrt. (Irs*. h .. k 

I .*«-., til 
In Ihe Roun.l i i, „.„,„, ?' 

* *aa"JJ 

Mrs Cols snd < hlidr.„ , 
•d fios, , u.i. ,„ „..,„,*'' 

phis ■ I : 

A "Wide Rang* , lf ~- M 

Ws handle 
rlel Flour, as 

of it m mm . n ^ 4 PritW 

_•** A. K K. ii r» <1 v fur 

... ..,. „■ , mm 

v.h-i r.-sanaslWe old im, ^31 

Rep. f H Mow, m 
let hav. returned tu rr ».ss_." 
.pending a psri ,rf | M) jJJJ5 

>* UU* Houxun has bog a t 
from sa ait*.. „f iTHui ,,9 

the past . . k, Z £9M 
sit af now "* I 

Falwanl I 

known sa i ap iii 
day morning j„, J 
n Kaat Clli 

W C lead of 
Ky . and Howard s, unndi a m 
CHy were the «ue.t, * (#n ( 
and wife u- ... k 

Hlf.-a sad 

l.llow. .Ir.i.U, 
, c Seal, tielew 

i, Msy Au»l*. WlldUlnger. 
Ws sr. asalersi SUso >^ 
"uvw k» f a eaatary I. IsaU'ilMT 
du bailer 

M. talMl 4V »on*, 

tUt I Martsl ■>■• LOUIkVILLi. *V. 

gaged In this Industry There are 
mor* than five million farmer* In 
the United 8 tales, from general ob- 
servation ws know that som* of 
these farmer* can scarcely make A 
living, while other* are very pr.azper- 
oua. living well and a. c uu listing 
.onsiderable sums of BOA*) from 
year to year. Tb* relative d.grweof 
pr.iaperlty to which the \ rlcsn 
fanner can attain la ■ rnUned 
largely by hU own •fftciency."— 
Henry C. Taylor 

lNin t forget tb* Corn Com. at neat 
s.-ason. boys. It's going lo go s**AOl 

"Indolence, bad farming roe' 
greed and tbe Idea that It D< t <ls no 
brains to run a farm have pr. vented 
agriculture from taking Its Irue plsre 
in tbe national life and multiplying 
the value of both tbe soil ■ 
product Farmers should not bo 
proof longer against the** of 
new Ideas Tb* farmers of ib* na 
Hon must have It In the fnluro Juat 
as they built 1U greatm ss In th* 

past • — Jaa. J. Hill. 


Fortun*'s Witch Hazel and Almond 

for the toilet. It prevents . trapped 
hands and face. It Is not greasy or 
sticky Ilk* other preparation* of It* 
kind. For sale by your lo. al drug 


ruder tbe above head, Editor Mar 
.hall, of the Cnion City Commercial 
has the following to say of the DM 
rler and the marriage of one of Ha 
editors, Christinas: 

Mr J. C. Helton, associate editor 
of the Hlckmau Courier, was united 
In marriage lo Mis* Myrtle Miller, at 
Magsto, Mo., on Monday morning. 
Dm VI The groom was a. . ..mpauled 
ou the trip by his partner. Mr. Sp**r, 
and Mrs. 8peer. 

Just about a year ago the senior 
editor went back lo bis native home 
lo meet bis fate, subsequently testl 
Tying to the fact that If he had done 
anything he was sorry for he was 
lad of it Tlii HP. kmai, i ouriar l» 
oi . oi ihe l>. si w. . kin i ' ibllsh. .1 
In the South. Last year tbe pub 
Ushers slate was tbe best of IbeH 
business, and If this mm h success 
was accomplished hslf married. It la 
certainly expected that tin- Courier 
will have a banner year in 1 u 10. We 

A fellow who put a piv« e of llui 
burger cheese in a girl's shoe In 
California because she would not re 
ciprocal* hut affect Ions waa fined for 
ud battery. 

Mr*. Mary K. Davi*. aged 78. died 
.uddeuly Saturday morning at tbe 
home of her daughter, Mrs. John A 
LoUA. Jr.. near Walsr V alloy. 


Every citizen In Hickman ahould 
take an Invoice of the efforts made 
during lbe past year and see if they 
could not be improved upon during 
tbe year lhat Is sow on. What have 
you done for Hickman? Hav* you 
dour a *lngle thing tu add lo the ma- 
terial growtb and prosperity of th» 
town* Have yoo spoken a word for 
taw town or any of Its Interests* 
Have you been s booster or a dirty 
Hill* knocker* Has every effort of 
your band and ever) wish of your 
heart been of a aelfl.h nature, an t 
when robbed of self would stand out 
a blsuk? Hav* you done any thing to 
make anybody belter or happier? 
Wbne hsve you stood for the past 
year, for or agalnat the town? Ask 
yourselves these questions and then 
gnawer them aa sn honest man. and 

sc. >■ her.- you stand now mi the 

gl.ii. tog of the new year. 

Hlckmau ha* made some vigorous 
efforts during the past yesr In some 

lu others failure Tbe town is t. ,, r 
than It waa ■ year ago Our people 
have more confidence lu the (own. 
and In the people surrounding it than 
they had al th* beginning of last 
year Kverythlug la now piopi'iou. 
for a good year'* work, a year's work 
in which great things • nn be d. te for 
Ike town. If the people will only do 
their whole duty Are you going to 
be for Hickman or against the town 
Ihla year? Where ahould you stand? 
Lei's eliminate the kmu king and 
make this a year uf boosting, of do 
lag thlnga. Are you willing U> do 
your part? 

To the Hears 4 Km Inn s p 'i ,; ' 
la the territory lhat properly b> 
to Hi. unde of Hlckmau. d ou t you 
think you have knocked on Hlckmau ! 
about long enough? Don't yon think 
ll would b* to your Inleiest in help 
biake tlu> a good town, one !„ which 
you could take pride lu speaking a 
good word for? Try boosting one 
year and see if it does not pay. You 
will feel better and be belter for so 

H* A*v*d It. 

' There goea Ooeeua.' 
•he citizen* of anrl**l Um 
other "Funny thing to m* 

Hub! It's 

to be 

Te candy pumpkin peel, tab* tb* 
thick rind of tb* ordinary pumpkin 
soak It over nlgbl I* a alrup of one 
pound of sugar to on* plat of water, 
lo which have been added lemon peel 
nutmeg cinnamon and clove* Next 
morning roll ll In powdered sugar sad 
dry It in ths oven Ksl H In two 
we*k*. sad let us know bow It tastss 
W* ar* rather curious about It 

..<■••" a th* N*w Tints. 
Why sre sll lb* squaw* crowding 
tbe stores this week*" aaka tb* 

tenderfoot of tbe native of Painted 

Dafai their fall shopping. Is the 
answer "They gel a fresk caa of 
1*1*1 every fall, to dress up wltk" 

mber A. 8. 
of furs. 

under live yeaia ol age 

i Btsrlc 

Fl It K ' FIKE Kennedy 


si Ihe pre* 

Helow sre the 
In ihe English 

eut writing: 

In. on, pi. b. uslbllll) 
I iispropoi dutiable ueaa. 
V. I... i p. destriaiilalrl. ul 

FroautriUnaubslautlatlauiaUi ally 

Mr*. J V King, wife uf tbe llav 
V. King, al Wlugu. dbd gaiurday 
after being Ul 
so uf hoar I failure. 

Uncle Zeke-TudbHUy Night 


A good many people who think they 
im lie coin ige of their conviction* 
< ' s. Ihe .1. i Islou wheu Hi' i dia 

over that laoir opinion* may cost 

J M. Kobbins, age 6J, fglher of 
Mn A. A. Faris of this city, died 
at bit home near New Madrid, Mo.. 
Tuesday Mrt. Farii haz Hie eym 

pnthy of her mAi 


When tl.isvM 
l.liosa.pb*! of 
el a ride lu Ih* 

T T. Sway tie purchased g 114- 
gcr* farm from Vg| Carpeuier this 
week, paying S4.560. It u m mllei 
below HickmAn. 

Tbe Uucl* Zeke Co. will .how in 
HickmAn next Tuesday nighl instead 
oi Wgdoeadgy night. 

What If ymir property >l**s] | 
tonight ' i rnur. AT 

£ K * 'J s-ltol 

•e* • Merchsnt. Hast 

LOST- 1 in. liUwk, 
sTMBBi Clinton *ire*4 
rhiiri h Skin m irk. i MM." 
•A this off W . and reesli. i 

There la a roasg ouu it 
Oho hsa I" ■■ t . iitazr. fa 

set lace* in frost or kasha | 
O f d l l Bo girl *t irk! to ksl I 

Tbe Merc, a t<*m r* 
dry good* and f rotary arrehBfgl 
TIpliiiiMll. ha* uiade 
aoailng Harrj H Kike u aa 
troate* Th. 


Jodge K J Hugj SB*. ■ ■' i 
daughter. Virginia left 
Tuesday lor lUn tol*ab> Tg 
spend He reg*Blad*l of tat' 
ah th* bop- of twsrfttUl 
Isn's health 

Preawni ladltzhsa. u* 
rlvrr sill rtai *U>ut trt I 
with th. sater nus msziu 

heavy rau.» ts.ur aluaz lav I 
tributaries. Ihe rlw r *ID as) I 
Ms bonks 'hi. mouth 

Th* Llter«n rircl* 
Mrs It Ml n't 
St., on sceaBB! .>f ike 
the l '< .elebittaaj I 

U*s birthday at 1 p a i| 
altendaii. • 

Rev J 

Itaptlal I ot 
for IS' i 
Oed Miss 

Oi l Ut I 

I'lu. 1. rteM I 

g at rliltua 
ItaptWI mmsteii I 
ii . , euiitri kd r 
\ . * Wkel* M 

lilllss Moor. 1 1 
i Iss! nlfll 

lleo W. aHo i>). skv kw I 
ployed ss iroubl* suui "»! 
berlaud 1 1 !• phulie I'o. it l **Z | 
for some time ha* krak 
in* nag. i ' t 1 1. offlc Ik 
Mlas He srttea that k» S »"l 
ed with bis iiea 

Daring <i.' fl»< 
fjjth to He. Jlal. ik' »' llrul 

paid off I'. a I " ni " 1 '_ (1 

ing t.. M ' ■ """7 
A (alnt Id.* id lb. mail of 
ssjgg la Cairo, for tk» 
•( thl. *s> mail, up « 
seut iii foi llqnol for <*• I 

Mrs Ion. I V "ZHZf 
Ion «'n> lorn ■ rl) ul ,IU ~" 
rrklsy si b. ■ MA" » ^ 
gftor ■ auai illu*" « c 

Census oiersusTI »i 

•aiployd lu iki ifWi M 
Oams ol th- ttesl asd *-tl« 
|l»*l ■<! uo • IJ 
of per . 
averaging it"" 1] 

. <SOl 

ibr rate I 

u oar ahl 


Many •"'' ,. 

•ad arouml ^'"" d *7 
Wade, of it '" k ''"' U . U( a, 
to the 

Pwwlll has ■*»•< l " U) „7*5l« 
■rorgua,,,, I 

_„ " j .„ l.i'U*. »»"* -J 

otased ol I N lk "" 

Vurmr b 

and J T Hie*" ,u J 

While enrt < tnm 

city, wa* put ib-IIs * . ^ 
count of an • > „ *zj 

refuaiiig -o '';.;;/ , ( J Bdli( ug 

cash far. ' " " foif m 
that ' , ,.. do. Afj 

mil lir»h*9 


i ulUJU or*** 

A Wecfl t^'^Z 

rtrsl mid a * |..IS* 

Iks MlssU.lPl'1 ■•; " f „„ ,M^» 

gssp ■ 
ped HK>'tl 
ed beta.' 
inoli" 1 
< lllnled I 

I 'St 

us. a 

. ol I 




ne. .pa •* y**P 

, i.*r«m« 

Iforr" <"■"« " , " r • „ 

htl , ik« psrafflse and stir It 
„„. Th. turpentine 
. .nd th. paraf 
**4 u.„ havs th. liquid 

I V m, ar* ready to 
goode. elates • writ 

Recreation - 

i,. i,! etc , and "ork 
II hand. so th. liquid 
. , ,,f ihr cloth Is* 
•!«t jrou do this out of 
, room that I. well vea 
i t irp.ntln* fumea ara 
1, dlawgrt ••"hi. but ar. apt to 
TO u ■ Ml f » ,n, • " 
I m saw T"»' havs iha 

T I, *in ha<r. a 

fnr •"">* ,,IB - 
,,, p| ran It I. very w.ll wa 
■ >< aktmp on th. par 
N gaanllne In pref.r- 
I h»l I do not think 
( mil for fir. wbath 

, agi laa or turp.ntln. 

' pro via Inn baa*, uaa 
< n * >n.t iron It Into th. ranvea 
Thla I. b< tt.r than 
• ta Ih. odor of th. 
make* It undesirable for uaa In 
th ih. provision bags 


|i>mg Spac. Und.rn.ath ta 
s. h) and Oth.r Garments 
of Lika Nature. 

| opto IPS'*, r 'irrn.sth th. Iron 
art la absolutely necessary 
r ■klrtg and shirts, but 
It difficult to know Juat 
, tad t M place th. board ao 
I sill b« convenient Th. Illua- 
i .bo*, an Ingenious way of 
n a rnt for th. 


Too Many fire* 


Alex Naif, h ana In Fulton first of 
th'' week 

Ml now.-Hlckm.n lea 

!«r the ende to allow th. top. 
• to psaa through, wbllo 
■r som. heavy ok- 
ay be placed on on. of the 
l to steady it All tba 
•4*4 to mak. tha 
Mao. and aqua re 

Bat* Qua Alarm. 

UB| BM) 

Ik* k.d ..en a rat In bar 

I' lh<T.. DidtB, 

Utiln W hy do you Ilk. 
th* old lady "Wall. 
I a Htl Is my 
aad. 'bough I' 
* *h.n Hie rat 


of Your 

"'•Uke th. 
••on., a 
»«»• Mo* To Cura 

■•tffl suspect their 
from a lauie 
>> laa} ihiuk that 
•»i> » muse alar w«ahuess. wkeu 

1 la they think It 

ft.".,, Aud ^ w u 

>mp lotus of klducy 
Just whara tha 
■ lima ( cure these 
I i' ud to diabetes 
i Ik best remedy 
KMa\BJ I'll |. |t 
I' ara caused by 
f ** ?* « » * < kldueye. 
Wttj la p> ruiaueu 

niatma. Ky . 

i»u or threo uiotitha I 
disordered kidneys. 
' ii< ibe small of iti) 
" " I »loooad or lift 

•"••>l "le UlU.ll 

the ache in my 
I my rust I 

I fhikVI feeling Ured 

"••"I -I'd 11, M, 1,1. SIM'IIS both- 
1 "" hi 111 111,, kl.lll. > 

» nm. u tum my kid... rg 
l Baralkhj or Doaua 
* ' H... ured a bos at 

r.,*-" ' ator. aud In 

|T* "Heved ma. It Pa- 
» »ui ...... lM coataarta of 

, ' "' > ' a vompli i« cure I 
thai il, ih cure has 
'"I 1 therefore hava 

uu',,',.","' 10 * 114 " you 10 pub " 

'y all dealers. Price 60 

C. M VMM haa 
hla refill lllnesa 

Tlawara and atove 
t.rsworth A I'rathar. 

Mlaa Hon ii I.- Csrp< rl. r. aarnt for 
Joy Floral Co cut flowers 

Mini. Kranky.- IVsvl.r. of No. II la- 
land. Is alt.-udliiR 

What a the 
('banlna. hy 

reasonable |.n>. 
« oilller. 

T Vreiifh I fry 
(he Tailor 

hotloui farm, m 
Addresa lllrknian 

The Kmhroldery Cluh will 
Mrs J M Kubhard tomorrom i 
day) afternoon 

Miss I. ii. II- Hondurnni baa return, d 
a visit to friends In 

t'ourt ti"kt Mondsy 



Is up after a spell 

Ii,.. • an, 

If Ita In tha -eery Una. wa bara 
It.— C. H. Moore. P one No.4. 

Now la a K»od time to Ix-Rln plan- 
nlna your spring Improvement*. 

All flower order* receive our best 
attention Mlsa llonnle Carpenter. 

Cut prices on all heaters and sev 
eral als<* of ranges lllrknian lid* 


Head the Courier * special Jnnuary 
hiiI.m nptlon offer T»o paper* for 

Irani tllbliel. of 8t l^oula, was here 
one day last week, the guest of Mis* 
I tot lie liaMdHon 

Chae f, Stephens, of Melliphla. 1* 

of hi* brother. 

the guest 


tiet our prices on all kinds of fi, 1,1 
a.H,|a before you buy We handle th«| 
beef -Hickman lid* Co 

Miss Celeste Koberts left lasl »,. k 
for Urevnvlllc Miss . to join her 
mother Mrs J H Kussell 

little daughter 
Friday from 

J. A 

The Hickman Hardware Co Is get 
ting lumber on th. ground for th< 
construction of tbelr big warehouse 
<mi the corner lof east of the Courier 

..ffl. e 

The structural 
boiler and engine room at Ih- Men 
gel llog Cto.'a plants la all up. and 
the brick masons will be bere In a 
fe« days from Ixrulsvllle to begin 
that part of the 

The rural band carried by Cnc 
; k.- ( ompaii) »lll be wen on i r. . ■ 
t. aln street at a popular hour Wed 
nesday. Jan II Thle Is the strong- 
est talent thai can be aecur.-d and 
you cannot afford to miss It It Is 
fra. and a musical treat. 

The orchestra carried by the I'ncl. 
Zeaa Co.. will be heard In that beau 
tlful descriptive overture. "The Hunt 
lllg Scene " The piece la Well ren 

dered and considered worth the price 
of sdmlssion alone Lyric W.dnes 
day nlgbt. Jan l». prlcee 25 60-7&C. 

L U Parry aold hla n-auurant In 
the Kirk building Ust Thursday to 
B. r. (Bra.) Ward Mr Ward will 
continue the business al ita preaciit 
location 'Pi. young man la a new 
acqulaltlon to Ibe mercantile circles 
of Hickman and we wlab him a proa- 

Our beta are off to the present 
[ore. -Marshal Dillon and 
J no Wrlgbt aud Sid Hauiuy 
thla city. This la the largeat 
number of peace officers the town 
baa ever bad. and the taxpay-ra will 
be Interested It, ktu>« lllg ho* tuuch 
of then money It requlree to main 
tain thla force Not on. cent l»ur- 
Ins tb. year of i Marshal Dillon 
over to th. city fines sggre- 
|l. 7i'< Thla la twice as much 
ever been tutned over during 
any prevlons year— and tbroan In. 
for good measure, we have had better 
order And what did policing the 
city for tb. year coat? Trie total 
cost did not aaygaai H.MMi; hence a 
tflt of »:... Tbua. Instead of pay 
lug the officers, they have paid the 

II Shaw mid mother left Wed 
for a trip through the South. 
They will spend some time In New 
orl. -ana. 

Miss I -a urn Mctlaugh. of Dealer. 
Mo., la visiting her uncle. J K llrown 
aud family She arrived last Tliurs 
day evening. 

J. U. Kyan Is able to be out again 
after having been confined to his 
l»-d for several weeks 
« badly burned leg 

Koht Dello*. who baa been with 
the Hh'hmouil at llond Co for sever- 
al months, accepted a position with 
the Mengel Dog Co . Monday. 

Mrs J Spradlin and daughter. Miss 
Ira. and son. Milton, left Tuesday 
for their horn.- In Oklahoma City, after 
a three weeks' visit with tier mother. 
Mrs I D Price 

black brood sow. In good fig Hole 
and crop In one ear— bole torn out. 
oth.r ear marked but can't describe. 
Reward— W. J Barry. Hickman 

ljtugh and the world laughs with 
you. anor. and you al.-ep alone. Is 
more truthful than It aounda If you 
eec I n.l. /.ck< you «ill laugh long 
and hearty If you do not you will 
be the loser. At the Lyric Wednes- 
day nlgbt. Jan 19. Prices 26c. 60c. 
andd 76c. 

Th. Courier Is running a series of 
articles from the pen of Mr. Jno. A. 
McClure that should be read by every 
farmer In thla county. Be aure to 
read the one In thla Issue and you 
will continue to follow him Thin, 
however, will only Intereat those who 

If yru wish to hare' your Pr.i 
tioni filled quickly and 

Registered Pharmacists 


S. wal people have asked who la 
on the bond of our new sheriff 
fioalder Johnson It was voluntarily 
signed by C. O. Scblciikcr. D. B. Wil- 
son. Julian Choate, R T Tyler. 8. I. 
I', ..LI- H II. Ooalder and W. C. John 
son At present the bond must be 
good for the minimum of 150.000. 

Sunday School at the Methodist 
church Suuday morning at y:46, and 
preaching at II a. in and 7 p. in . by 
il„. |.:i.-t,,i Hev. (J. W. Wilson. Pray- 
er meetings every Wednesday even 
ing at 7 o'clock. All tha members 
ure urge* to attend the services. To 
iM-gln the new year, a general Invits 
lion is given. 

The second survey for the railroad 
from Tiptonville to Hickman has been 
completed, and the surveyors return, 
raj to Tiptonville. Monday. Nothing 
definite can be said at present, as 
Ibe proposition la in an embryonic 
state From time to time we shall 
give our readers any developments 
that may occur In the matter. great times this 
1* iX* 1 down the Ran 


iuru ( 
•wuj^ burui 


talk about yer aportln' at.inta 
Bkforsd by (ticm th't'a Ms, 
Tsr yata. an' nags, an' aut years* 

An Mltyafd gamra an' alcb— 
But alv* f m* th' rh*)ck*r game 

Down at th' comer stor*. 
With dry goods bo»»* f»r th' rhalcs 
An' aawduat on th' floof» 

Olmmr rh' worn old ch», k*rtv,ard 

Tin "Uran'.lad Burr an' Tap 
la I.., I, tin titer* beliln.1 th' stuve 

t'twsaa '*ni on ih*lr lap! 
Th' fallera all haa galhered ° 

CIik ip t where th' play 
la antin- hotter every rnov.- 

I au*aa that's sportln'! Bay! 

They 're settlin' down f blanesa n 

With nine king* In th' fight. 
CM' Ursn dsd" Burr h*i five of 

An' Paa la playln tiahtl 
"T.r «..r,^" - aea Heaeklah Cr 

la Sort af jokln' mood- 
Tap rr pa hla rorn-cob'a b 

In tiK-i tin' attitude! 

Th.y iin-i nobudy els* 

Noh idy aea a word. 
Til i'Np jumps one an' 

" sui It lies. Inferred?" 
Then man fer man in' king f*r 


Effectual Method of Preventing Anl- 
mii From Doing Much Damage 
er Spilling Driver. 

Runaways ar. robbed of their t.r 
ror. by the Inv.ntlon of a Michigan 

They meet la 
An' every rye la 
Th' sangulnsry fray! 

Th' sir Is sorter tense an' thick. 

Yer heart hes bust Ita noeee 
An' ]lat keep, lumpin' Mrs a blamed 

One finger Urn. upon u an. 

A-welshln* every dare. 
Around an' back they move their 

With etern ao' wary ataret 

Now Pap he seta a trap fa 

An" leads him on f win. 
Tl.-n turn* th' tablea neat aa wax 

An' wall., pa (,1m like aln! 
Tew've got m* BUI." ees "Gran 

lakes th' 


a draw; 


u hPro you may get y 
Drug wants at 


Cowiiiirs Drug store 

f Ineorooratedl 

Do You Carry 
Fire Insurance 

Ju«t think what you would 
have in case your property should 
go up in sm ike, when if you car 
ried a policy in cne of my com- 
panies you would have sometning 
to starth with again. 

Don't put this matter off or 
you may be too late. 

R. T. TYLER, Agent. 

sae Pap "I gueae you'll find m* hare, 

A-waltln' fer yer blood. 
Tou'd better practice up between 

Rr alee rawf name la mud!" 
With laugh and ahout th' crowd breaks 

Th' grocer locks th' door— 
They ain't, no aportln' games, by gosh. 

- at th' ' 

man. A 

bolt If b. Ilk... 



to announce to my friends and the public that 

Soda Fountain, Cigar, Candy 

and Post Card Business 

of the Hickman Drug Company, and will continue the 
business at the present location. I believe I can bring 
these lines up to the very highest standard by handling 
only the best and giving prompt and efficient service. 

On these conditions 1 hope to merit a continuance 
of your patronage, and cordially invite you to make this 
store your headquarters. I assure you that I shall put 
forth every effort to please, and give you 1 00 cents worth 
for every dollar you spend with me. 


Oce Harris 


Jno. A. McClure want* to succeed 
J T. Stephens as postmaster of this 
city, and is hot after the lattar's of- 
ficial scalp. He is now circulating a 
petition for our clt liens' endorsement 
.ui.l feels confident that he stands a 
good enow to receive the appoint- 
in, nt winch will be made in February. 

We are non-partisan in this matter 
but will say that Mr. McClure is thor- 
oughly competent to look after the 
office should be be the winner. Mr. 
Stephens is also seeking re-appoint- 
ni, hi and comment on bis official 
. ar, > r or qualification* Is not neces- 
sary. For many years he haa held 
the Job down successfully. 

The long pole will, doubtless, knock 
the persimmon. 


A. J. Wright, who has been in the 
.•mplay of Ckitbey & Terry, of Fulton, 
for some time, 
harness making 
this city. HI 


Sewing' Machine 
runs lighter than any 

is more 
any other 

makes a more perfect 

is the best of all, 



Mfr£H2 Hi-Han Finitir. Co. 

but unless be wants to tear up the 
roadbed at the expense of extn.ordl- 
nsry effort h. will atop immediately. 
wl ''n th. devlc. works Cndern.ath 
th* carrlag. la a pointed rod. 
Ing downward and forward an 
al„ th. ground by a strong 
The reins paaa through rlnga on Uje 
top of the dashboard and the ends 
are fastened to the brake device In 
su.h a way that when there la un- 
usual preaeure on tliein the eprlng Is 
released and the rod shoots down 
and acts as an effectual brake. If a 
horse runs away th. driver can first 
exert all hie or her effort to stop him 
naturally and If this Is Ineffectual can 
l.t go tha reins or pull on the end at 
tach.d to the brake. At first thought 
It would seem thst this brake would ] 
stop tha team so abruptly aa to pitch 
th. occupants of the carriage out. but 
th. spring prevents this 
— O— 


Your Fancy Veal*. Silk Mufflers, 
cun be cleaned by French Dry uulh 
od ..nd will not shrink or Injure the 
iabric.8— chmldt 


We have about M hcud of good 
w..ik mules, ruiigliiK from throe to 
eight years old, for sale Also a few 
u»i>.,» aud good mures Will sell 
■StaV r for cash or mial with good 

J. F. A S. L. Dodda Co. 

If you like good music the 
I n. le Zeke band In their dally con- 
certs. If they dout convince you that 
you will be entertained at the Lyric 
that ulgbt, dout come scud your 

xt door to the Farmers «• Mer- 
chants bank. 

Mr. Wright claims to understand 
his business thoroughly aud is well 
equipped with all machinery neces- 
sary to turning out first class work. 
There is no reason why bis busiuess 
venture should not be a success. 

We are glud to welcome bim and 
his wife to the best town In the U. 

Sport Notes. 

"Many s mun." aaid Cncle Kban. 
■■I Muks he's huvln' a trenn njuus big 
time as a sport when he is 
Coin' through <lc Imitation of 
iKiwii andOut . iub ' " 

Purity, accuracy and prompt eervlc 
la the motto of our drug department. 
—Hickman D.-ug Co. 

Hot Drlnki 
Drug 8tor«. 

of all 


En Famine. 
Willi., a little ccntry boy. sis 
•wars of age. Mg tus. n one Sunday 
Bight to a large city church, whara 
ha saw for the t'-r-t tune a vested 
choir. To his mother's surprise and 
gratification he not only kept wid. 
awake, but seemed grcBtly Interest.,- 
In every part of the service At Its 
close he turned to h, i itn.1 said. I like 
this church, it Is so nice to watch the 
preacher when he comes nut with all 
his wives in their nightgo 
per's Magazine 

A. 8. Barkett. of West 
pays the highest 
kinds of furs. 

One ol the big .New York depart 
ment stores Is built on three sides of 
aa auciufll cemetery The windows 
that give view over the spot are 
more than breast high for a tall man 
so that the average patrons of the 
place, unless Hi. ) make all effort 
could not see the graveyard, aud would 
pass au.i repass It BM 
Suspecting its ex: 



Hickman Furniture Co, 

Funeral Directors 
And Embalmers.. 

Hickman, • Kentucky 

T.f.s>A.ej. Mm* gQ 


We must Insist on all account* and 
notes, due us, or falling due be paid 
promptly, or they will be put In the 
bauds of the officers for collecUon. 
There should be no excuse, with the 

J. r. 4 8. L. DOODS CO. 


Hickman Is Just coming out of the 
deepest snow hud here in 2i years. 
It measured on an average of from 
ti to 8 lucbes. As the thaw 
es. good roads will bo dlscu 
forgotten again when such we 

of tuclr tm 

Watch for tht 
the upper right hand corner of your 
Courier. It la to notify you that your 
subscription is about to expire. No 
papera are aeul out after the sub- 
scription la out. 


Olvea prompt aud posiUve relief In 
aaa. Bold by druggists. 
H Trial package by 
mail. loc. 
Williams' Mfg. Co., Props, Cleveland. 




Our Readers 



Genersl Assembly. 

Frankfort. Ky— The flnsnoisl o,ttc« 
lion will he the imwl Important l>o*l 
noss before Ihe genersl assembly Th-» 
Hint of the yesr li at hand, the 
sheriffs have all practically made thor 
se Itlotm nt* In full, there are hundred* 
of thousands of dollar* yet to He paid 
out to thr schonfte*<hcr«. and tliet < • 
Is nol enough money In the treasury 
to run the administration thrntuh thr 
tar ■ I year Thr .Irfli II the firm of 
Jusy without any appropriation* by 
the legislature will amount to more 
than » 1. -'."(> "0<>. so that It I* «p to the 
state offlrla'* and Hit logl«l«tiire to 
And *omr menn* of raising money to 
pay off ihr ,|.-ht It la siiswestod in 
the report of Auditor lame* to the leg 
lalatnre thn- the taxes be reapportion 
ed. but that will not remedy the sittn- 
tton. a* the financier* for the present 
gee It. Inasmuch ax the 
for several years baa been pay 
lnc out II 10 for every dollar collected 
The money from all of the various 
fund* have boon used up and the ad 
rniniatratlon la really down to hard 
pan This time of the year two year* 
ago there wa* fl.4a0.nfto in th- treas- 
ury to meet the debts of the »tate dur 
log the fiscal year, not to take Into 
consideration the taxes collected dur 
log that time. There Is but one or 
two things therefore that the admin 
miration can do. The tax rate must 
be raised or an Issue of bonds mu*t 
be made This policy the administra- 
tis* does not rare to pursue, although 
it Is a business proposition, and the 
members of the administration are 
business men "I favor a bond Issue," 
said Mr .lames "I think that Is th- 
best solution of the question, and I 
have talked to «onie of the other state 
officials, who are in< lined to agrt o 
with me that the h. t.da «hmi!d be Is 
sued You understand. KenUici> ha* 
undertsken a difficult thing The state 
has been trying to build a two-million 
dollar capltol without increasing the 
tax rate or issuing bonds, and that Is 
too much for any atate. It 1* right, 
too. that those who come after u* 
should help psy for the capltol and 
not have the burden fall on u* rnt'rr- 
ly. The new capltol I* what has 
cauaed the 1-eavy Indebtedness rn the 
Part of the state." 


Of Kentucky Corporations Held by 

Frankfort, Ky — Ilonds of Knitm k v 
corporat Inus owned by nonresidents of 
Kentucky, whose beneficiaries are 
also nonresidents of Kentucky, are not 
taxable under the inheritance tax law* 
of tbis state This opinion of the le- 
gal department of the stste was mad" 
public by Auditor Jame*. and Is one 
of the important opinions to be ap- 
proved by Atty. Gen. Breathitt. It was 
prepared by Assistant Atty. (ten. John 
¥ LocketL In rendering the opinion 
the information la disclosed thst the 
attorneys for the beneficiaries of th" 
late Sally P Sampson, of Norwalk, 
Conn, stated that the Louisville «V 
Nsshvllle Hallroad Co. required I 
waiver from the state of Kentucky of 
any claim for an inheritance tax be- 
fore it will transfer ;iv. b >nda of th ■ 
loolsville * Nashville N. O and gf 
nd sixes to them as executors of 


Louisville Barkeeper and 

lajulsvllle. Ky — A Iwld attempt to 
rob the saloon of Frank Miller wa-i 
made by two men who forced op. n 
the door after It had been closed after 
the day* business Joseph Zahnor. 
the bartender, find at the Intruders 
who had buttered the door down, and 
they returned his fire. A pistol duel 
followed without any one being In 
Jured. The neighborhood was thor- 
ough)- aroused over the shooting, an I 
a number of men started nut In pur 
suit of the would be robbers, who es 

Lexington, Ky — With one petition 
l.\ do court of appeal* . ml an- 
denied by Circuit Judge Watts 
Parker. J T. 8lade and other cltlxcn* 
who are opposed to the enforcement 
of the 'ib years' contract for water th:- 1 
• as recently adopt, d by the genet aj 
41 and * turned by Mayor ttknln 
the Lexington Waterworks Co., 
filed a third petition for an tn- 
to prevent the contract be 
rftui live Jan. 1 J nl ■ Park i 
tlx. d the date for hearing 

Pari*. Ky — Ptre. caused by an ovi 
heated furnace, dvstioyed the far* 
M K <hur(b. two hours after the 
i of grayer service. The church 
coat *- 1 1 

in"!rid for 7 f« U oOo' 

In Search for Little Ale.* Kellner. Kid- 

IrfHiHrvlHe. Kv--Foll <wlng a confer- 
enco between Fred K. -liner, fsther of 
little Alma Kellner. who was kid- 
naped sevetal werka a«o. and Krank 
Fehr. her uncle, and a millionaire 
brewer. It was derided to enlist the 
sld of the entire Masonic fraternity of 
the Inlted Htate* and Canada In the 
search for the missing child ( In n 
lar letter* will be prepared and sent 
to every grand secretary of every 
grand lodge in the I'nlted States and 
('.mad*, bearing a description of the 
little girl and cont#lnln« the last pic- 
ture of her tsken before she disap- 
peared Kvcry member of the Masonic 
fraternity will In this manner be .-on- 
■.muted a 
missing girl 

Interesting Kentucky Items 

Louisville Kv The National Com 
merrlal Teachers' Pederstlon selected 
Chicago aa the place for holding Ita 
next annual convention. wbi<h will be 
I rid In December, 111*. Finos Spen- 
cer, of this city, was elected president 

Lexington. Ky 

new dormitory of 
lousing 12;. boy*, 
at the Crcer.dale Reform school, was 
destroyed by fire The loss waa about 
$.".000 So one wa 
hj believed to have 
overheated furnace or defective wir- 

Louisville. Ky -Oscar Hlnton. the 
student from Paris. Ky . who was shot 
in the mouth by highwaymen. In a fit 
of coughing coughed the bullet out of 
Ms mouth Physicians had hitherto 
failed in efforts to lo. ate and dislodge 
the missile Physicians do n< 
'.he boy will recover 

Elliabethtown. Ky Warfleld. 
of Macon. Oa . bought mules here st 
prices which perhaps never before 
were paid for the long-eared animals 
in the state. He bought 14 from 
Claud Pemb< rton at $2or. per head, one 
span from R R Park at f .*>.*>o, and one I 
span from D F Craddork at M0*. 

Islington. Ky - An-ended articles of 

incorporation were filed by the Hurley 
Tobacco society here The corpora- 
tion I* continued with It* original ob- 
ject in view, except that the insurance 
feature is omitted The capital stock: 
remains at }2.0u0.o00, but Is divided 
into shares of f 1 each Instead of 1 100. 

r.reennp. Ky— Sarah lllggins. ao 
cus<d of slaying William Culberson, 
the C 4k O. agent at South Ports- 
mouth, Ky . wss hound over without 
tall by Judge Rardln One witness 
testified 'hat the woman had confess- 
ed to her that she secured Fred Fergu- 
son to slay Culberson Other wit- 
nesses testified to threats made by the 


l>xlngtnn, Ky — That newspaper ed- 
itors of Kentucky will attempt to se- 
cure an amendment of the present 
libel law of the state became evlden' 
when every speaker at the meeting of 
the Kentucky Press association, hold 
Ing Its midwinter session In Lexing- 
ton, declsred for such changes as 
would make the law fairer to publ'ab- 

Ky-W B Klnnaid and 
erla Young, both of Madison 
nty. were married here. The brid- 
le- one of K. ninety's most an oispllsli- 
•questilen***, having won many 
ptiKia I' r hajs*wug«aii«hlp m sev 
•ral ot th. fairs In the last twv yesia 
. - ) I .? ■ • i i | 

Islington Ky — Jnlge Prank 4. 
Bullock, after IS year* of continuous 
service as county Judge of Payette 
county, retired. In favor of Percv 
Scott, who was elected on the Puslon 
ticket In November. As a tok. n <>f 
their esteem a nember of hu frlrn !» 
presented him with a hand* .me sil- 
ver service set. Porttier r^ingreas- 
W. P Kimball msde the pr<s- 

Frankfort. Ky. — Students of the 
Kentucky Normal snd Industrial In 
itltttte are developing a taste for man 
ual training and are showing a de<l<l 
id tetidem y towifd skilled labor pur 
f-ult*. Is the report that John H ,1a. k 
son. president of the lollege. ha< m id- 
to the rniard of regents, snd he wants 
the legislature to give him more mon 
ey, so that be can make better me- 
chanics out of the 

tm ressert Price of Ilk 
"During the .sat five 
if elk teeth has mors 
said a western traveler at the Fred 

eric according to the St Pnul Ms 
patch "In l»04 you could get any num 
her of fine specimen* In Idaho, afon 
tana, Washington and bordering atales 
tor |! f.O apiece Now you will pay 
from t? .'.0 In f 10. and they are hard 
to get for even that The Apache. 
Sioux. Coman. he and Chippewa Indl 
ana used to have dosens of them In 
their possession snd traded them for 
trinkets Hut the redskin got wis* to 
their value, and you rsn buy them 
from a regular dealer cheaper new 
than from the Indian The 
of the elk and the great 
by the roembera of the Ktk 
teeth for emblems hsve boosted the 

A Ltsson In tconomy. 
"1 notice you always fling the driver purse when we take a convev 
ance," ssld the heroine of the hi* 

torlrsl novel 

I do." admitted the hero of the 


II,, n sxpei t to support a 

wife' tllve him the exact legal fare 

hereafter " — lXNlUvill* C^rtatSlMr- 


The traveler recited an Incident of 
an Oklahoman who bought a robe rov 
ered with elk teeth from a Wichita 
Indlsn for f too Me rut off the teeth 
and cleaned up $*.:oo on the deal. 

The Novice. 

Old t-awyer (to young partner) - 
l >'d vmi draw up old Moncvbag'* will' 

Young Partner— Tee, sir; and so 
tight that all the relatives In the 
sorld cannot break It 

Old latwyer (with some disgust! — 
The next time there Is a will to he 
drawn up. Ill do It myself '"-New 

Cal . one day laf> 
about to be dl 
happily brought together 
again Mrs Walter Preston waa on 
her way to the court to secure a dl 
voire against her husband when her 
little daughter darted In the path of 
an onrushlng motor car The moth 
er's screams attracted the attention 
of a man who dashed In front of the 
machine, seised the little girl and 
leaped to safety as the automobile 
shot by The rescuer proved to be the 
husband and father Explanations soon made, and the two mad" 
their way to 

To whom do you osperlally refer? ' 
inquired the missionary 

Among )ou the ultimate con 
sumer Is r»garded with sympathy 
Here he la considered very lucky " 

All Kinds. 
-It takes all kinds of 

mahe a world." ssld the ready 

. • rtalnly.' 
,on. look at . 
excel with 

and some with typewriters i 

\\tVould fturprtw Mlwi All H^jHt. 
First c.irl I wsn 
a surprise 
Can t you 

for a birthday 

At the moment of their fall Adam 

and Pve. being Innocent, were used to 
doing things In an unconscious man- 

That la to aay. they didn't Fl< l< her 

With the result that they 'ailed of 
gelling th* full effect of the apple ■ 
all the protelds and carbohydrates 

However. In thler blind, blundering 
way, they attained to enough annwl 
odge of good and evil to mase thern 
terrible Is. tea to Ihwmaetvea forever 
after, and to all their descendants k«M 
wise unto the present generation - 

' That man stands"!', life In an en- 
deavor to get people to do things on 

time " 

That's fine and philanthropic' 
What doe* be do for a living?" 

"Sella booh on the Install,,,, nt 

at reel* Well, y 
rate* from him 
-What Is If 


And Mother OftVistes 

lo— Do you m 
ers at your house' 

Freddie We have soma kind nf a 
service when father gets la 

Occasionally we meet people who 
spend half their time telling what 
they are going to do and the 
explaining why they dldn t do It 

If you see s 

of two of your 
(bird one by 

In other*, think 
do not sdd a 

Intsrtstlne l-a-^. 

>» an sMery^"^""** 

Kieler Vn„.„„ . ' ■ g. 

Ing thing. ,*,,,„ ">«» laS 
Torh. among thm, the f „, * N 
the ab..n,„ „ f v ^ 
was sway „„ , , J" T ^ 

frontier, the (f «»• 

aken by the vlr* ttH J** tg, 

"r* •» " 't; v 

Sherman of New | , k 


i with 
. my de ar 
alvo New York won. 

Mr* I hi , ,. p. t- , 

"he. p ably ' 

«hl.g to wear -Bos', T ^ 

Tskin, hT 0 Ch 
Drlgg. oaa * 
pre.rrlbe („ r .k.. u ,.,,^^'* 
Cuttem jnst «.,„, ,„ unZJ** 
to I* treated H"* 

ruttero knows how t, . „ Z 

mm recover ■ ■ 

i H.T! ,1 ?• Wl, '~^s«s 

There—I cookea » m .„ 

time today and I mad.. ( 0t __J 

' Well. dear. ne«.r Bl[M 
Ing I lost my trat pstksx* 

Whs,. P.p M w „ , 

W ho w«, lbl . ten,,. 
what la his claim to fsm.s- 

Hla claim to fame hj , 
my friend Hr«i| tBU |, h T 
diary for mere than i „„- 

Happiness la marriais tntat 
more prevalent If . «,„ sxsyjaS 
his wlf» as tendril? U 4 raretajT 
be devB an old hilar sfj, ^ 

Don't Weep At 

The Ice House 

Louisville, Ky— An atnendm. nt fc 
the charter of the Southern Pacific 
rrllroad by which a large block of the 
(ompany s preferred stock Is convert- 
ed Into toniuum sto<k was Bled in th* 
ilrcult court here. The amendment 
rertlfle* that of the ITH.-Vn.oon of t:ie | 
preferred capital stock heretofore au 
thorired to be laaued. and consisting 
of f **.<• 'KM) shares of the par value of 
fluO ci-h, 744.r.l* shares have is en 
< on verted Into a like number of shares 
of the common capital stock, and the 
remainder or preferred stock has been 
ledeeiiied or can. . 'od, ami that the to 
tal aullwrUcd capital stock now con 
hlats of 741. MR sliates of common 
stock of the par value of f 100 each, of 
which 720,477 are now outstanding 

Frankfort, Ky —Fire, supiKMed to 
hav* originated from the torch of tin 
Inspector a' Paris, set fire to thr pa* 
r»nger coach on train No I on th - 
Frankfort * Cincinnati railroad, and 
It burned until the train reached till-, 
city Itefure it was discovered. 

Lexington. Ky - Twenty nine trot 
tlu»; nigjrta. $2,000 worth, oi h»rpr,« worth of fred and a barn val 
ued at tiu.i.00 were destroyed by fir.' 
at W K 1». Blokes' Pstcbeu WUhwa 
suxk fa/ni. The toul log* tg eaU 
.uelcd at about •IS.OOO. 

. e.»liei- •» 

Rom* people swell up on "emotion" 
brewed from absolute untruth 

It's sn old trick of the leaders of th - 
Labor Trust to twist facta and ma ti- 
the "sympathetic ones" "weep at th. 
Ice bouse." t Unit s part of the tal- 
further on > 

Uompers ft af sneer at. spit upon 
and defy our courts, seeking sympattn 
by falsely telling the people the cour:-. 
were trying to deprive them of fr ■ 
gpeech and free press. 

Men can speak freely and print oplu 
lona freely in this country and n 
court will object, but they cannot 
allowed to print matter as part of a 
criminal conspiracy to InJ.ire and ruin 
other cltlxens. 

Uompers and bis trust assoclat". 
started out to ruin the Hucks St.-. s 
Co., drive Its hundreds of workup ■ 
out of work and destroy the value of 
the plnnt without regard to the fact 
that hard earned money of n en who 
Worked, had been Invested there 

The conspirators were told by the 
courts to stop these vicious 'trust" 
methods, (efforts to break the lira 
that won't come ui.-'er trust rule), bat 
Instead of stopping they "dare" the 
courts to punish them at.' demand 
new laws to protect them in s b de- 
structive and tyrannical arts as they 
may desire to do • • • The r> asoa 
(lornpers and his bsnd persisted In try- 
ing to ruin th* Hucks Stove W.trks 
was because the stove company instat- 
ed on tho right to keep some old em- 
ployees at work when "de union" or- 
dered them discharged and sotn* of 
•de gang" put on. 

Now let us reverse the condlUcst* 
Ud have a look. 

Suppose the company had order**! 
the union to dismiss certain mm from 
their union, and, the demand Lring re- 
fused, should Institute a boycott 
against that union, publish its name 
In an "unfair Hat," Instruct other man- 
ufacturers all over the I nlted states 
not to buy the labor of that union, 
hsve committees call at store*, and 
threaten to boycott If the n.. r. bant* 
sold anything made by thn' union. 
Picket th. factories where in. -rubers 
work and slug th. m on the way bom*, 
blow up their houst>s and WTOClJ the 
works, and even murder a few mem- 
bers of the boycotted union to teach 
tueui they must obey the orders Of 
"organ I - • •! Capital?" * 

It would certainly be fair for the 
company to do these things If lawful 
tyr the Labor Trust to do them 

In such a rase, under our laxrg the 
boycotted union could hftply i« our 
courts and the eourta would order 
tb • compr.ny to cease boy... -'lug and 
trylnrj to ruin these union meg Hup 

I lie '- i poll the com | ,u> kbould 

gneer at the court and In open d. Bance 
continue the unlawful acts In a per 
alstent. carefully laid out plan, pur- 
posely Intended to ruin the union 
and force Its members Into poverty 
What a howl would go up from the 
union demanding that the courts pro- 
tect them and punish their law break- 
ing oppressors. Then Hi. y would 
praise tbe courts and go on earning a 
living protected from ruin end happy 
In the knowledge that the people's 
courts could defend them 

How could any of us receive protec- 
tion from la w-breakors unless ih« courts 
have power to, and do punish such 

Th* court Is placed In position where 
ft must do one thing or th* other — 
punish msn who persist in defying It* 
psscs order* or go out of service, let 
anarchy r*ign, and th* mora powerful 
destroy th* waaksr. 

Peaceful cltizena sustain the ouurts 
ar Mi. ,r defenders, whereas ihisvr*. 
forgers, burglars, crooks of all kinds 
and violent members of labor union*, 
hat. th.-ui and tmlrucu If 
their member* ure punished for break 
Ing the law. They want the court* to 
bit i hum go I.." and at tbu same time 
demand punishment for other muu ' out 
side de union" when ib.y l.i.-uk the 
law • • • Notice the al.m. 
encu to "violent. ' membei of labor 
The great uiajoiliy of the 
welt ar* 

uptight rttltens Tb* noisy, violent 
on** get Into ofBce and the leader* of 
the great l-abor Trust know haw to 
maas this kind of men. In labor con- 
ventions and thus carry out the lead 
ers' schemes. freo,uently abhorrent to 
the rank and file so It wa* at the late 
t.i t.wntion 

The paid delegates would applaud 
and "resolute" as Uompers wanted, but 
now and then some of the real work- 
• ngmen Insist on bring heard, some- 
times at tbe risk of their lie**. 

Delegate Kgan Is report? I to have 
said at the Toronto coovratlon: 

"If the oncers of the federation 
would only adhere to the law we would 
think a lot more of them." 

Tbe Grand Council of the Provincial 
Wnrklngmen'a Ags'n of Canada ha* 
declared In favor of severing all con- 
nections with unions In the U s . say 
ing "any untoa having Ita sse t of 
Gov't In America, si. J pretending to be 
international la Ita scope, must tight 
industrial battles according to Ameri- 
can methods Said methods have coo 
*••<!>.• in . -. which are abhorrent to the 
law abiding people of Canada Involving 
hunger, misery, riot, bloodshed and 
murder atl of which might be termed 
aa a result of the practical war now 
In progress In our fair province* and 
directed by foreign emissaries of tbe 
I'nlted Miners of America " 

Thai la aa honest Canadian view of 
ou.' infamous "latbor Trust " 

A few. days ago the 
printed the following: 

illy tbe Associated Press )) 

Washington. Dk C. Nov. 10 
act. -riling the attitude nf Samuel Ooru 
per*. John Mitchell and Piank Mor 
rtson of the American Federation of 
Labor In the contempt proceedings In 
the courts of the Metrtct of Columbia. 
In connection with tbe Hucks' Stove 
and range company, as "a willful, pre 
medltat.-d violation of the law Simon 
Hums, general master workman ot the 
general assembly. Knights of Labor, 
has voiced • sever* condemnation of 
these three leaders. Mr Haras ex 
pressed his confidence In courts In gen 
eral and In those of tbe Mslrl«t of 
Coluuibls In particular. 

areaovrn rr n« rc.Trs 

This rebuke by Hums waa In his an- 
nual report to th* general assembly of 
his organisation. He received the 
henrty approval of tbe delegate* who 
beard It read at their auuual meeting 
In this city. 

"There Is no trust or combination of 
< In tbe world." said Mr. Hums, 
"that violates laws oftener than do the 
trust labor organisations, which resort 
to more dishonest, unfair and dlsbon 
orable methods toward their competl 
tors than any trust or cotublusllous In 
the country." 

Mr. Hums said th* action of "the** 
so-called leaders" would be harmful 
for years to come whenever attempts 
W' tr •• *o ..i--.ui. labor legislation 

"Tho laibor Digest," a reputable 
wurklnginan'a pap. r. says, as part of 
an article entitled "Tb* beginning of 
Hie end of ( ioinprrslsin. uisny organ 
lutlons becoming tired of tbe rule-or- 
ruin policies which have been •*)• 
' r . <! hy th* president of th* A 

r. of u" 

"That he haa maintained hi* leader- 
ship for so long a time In the face of 
bis stubborn clinging to policies which 
the more thoughtful worklngmen have 
seen for years must be abandoned, has 
b.en on account partly of tbe sentl 
mental feeling on the part of the or- 
ganizations that be ought not to bedn- 
poaed, eud the unwillingness of tbe 
men who were mentioned for tbe place, 
to accept a nomination in opposition to 
him. in addition to this, there I* no 
denying tbe ■br*wdne*a of 'h* leader 
of the A K of |«- and his political aa- 
amdty, wbluh has enabled him to keep 
a n- i, grip on the machluery of th* or- 
ganisation, and to have bis faithful 
henchmen In tbe positions where they 
could do htm the 
their services might be 

Further thsu 
f*il*d. *t the mm . ouv. iitioue, to have 
soma sensation to spring on ths con 
vsntlort st th* psychological SAomcnt 

wh.*h would place him In th* light ot 
a i.wtyr to th* cause ef unionises, aud 

err!!* a wave of sympathetic entbosl 

sam for hliu which would carry tb* 
delegates off th.-fr feet, and result in 
bis reelection 

"Thst his long leadership, and this 
spparent Impossll lilty to All his place 
haa gone to his hesd. and mad* him 
Imagine that he la much greater a man 
than be really Is. Is undoubtedly the 
case, and accounts for the tactic* b* 
haa adopted In dialing with questions 
before congress), where he ha* unneces 
sarlly antagonized men to whom or- 
ganised labor must look for recxsgnl 
' Hon of their demands, and where labor 
measures are often opposed on account 
of this vary antagonlam. which would 
otherwise receive support. 

There la no doubt but what organ 
ised labor in tM* country would he 
much *trorg*r with ■ leader who was 
more Im touch with conditions as they 
actually exist and who would bring to 
tho front tb* new policies which organ 
lied labor muat adopt If It eiperta to 
even maintain Ita present atandlog. I<> 
say nothing of making future progroe* " 

We quote portion* of another article 
a reprint, from tb* sam* labor paper 

"Organised labor, through III lead 
era, must recognise the mistake* of th* 
l ast If they expect to perpetual* their 
organisation* or to develop the xtove- 
meat which they bead No move-nent. 
no organisation, no nation ran develop 
beyond tbe intellect* which guld* 
thee* organisations, and If tbe leaders 
are dominated by a selfish motive the 
organisation will become tinged with 
a aplrlt of *rinshne**. which has never 
appealed to mankind In any walk of 
life at any tlm* since hlatory began 

"It can be aald la extenuation of «■' 
tain leaders of organised labor tbi.t 
the precarious position which they o< 
copy aa leaders has bad a tendency lo 
cause tbem to lose sight of the object 
behind tho organisation Tbe natursl 
Instinct In man for power and position 
Is In no small measure responsible foi 
tbe mistake* of tbe leaders, not neces- 
sarily In labor unions alone, but in 
•very branch of society This desire 
for power and leadership and personsl 
cggrsndlsement causes men who have 
teen earnest and sincere In their ef- 
forts In the start to deteriorate Into 
mere politicians wbosw *v*ry act and 
utterance is ting** with th* desir* 
to ester to th* baser passions of ths 
working majority In the societies or 
organisations and this Is undoubtedly 
true when spplled to the present lesd 
ers of the Pederstlon of I. <!•.•.- We 
mention the Pederstlon of Lnbor psr 
Ocularly In this article, because that 
organisation Is the only organlietlm 
of Isbor which has yet found Itself in 
direct oppoaition to the laws of th* 
land. There are other organisations of 
labor whose leaders hsve made mis- 
takes, but they have always kept them- 
selves and their organisations within 
th* bounds of the law and respected 
the rights of every other man In con 
sidertng the rights of then. selves and 
.nstltuenry; whereas, ths motto 
of ths Federation I* Just ths reverse, 
and unleas tbe leaders couform them 
selves snd their organisation In accord 
ance with the law* of tbe land. Ihe 
loadera and tbe organisation Itself 
must be dlalntegrsted and pass Into 
history, for In America the common 
sense of mnukind la developed to a 
greater eitent than In any other nation 
on the earth, and tbe people, who aro 
lb* court of last resort In (bis country, 
will nev*r allow any system to develop 
In this country wbi.h does not m**t 
with th* approval of tbe majority of 
tb* cltisen* of th* coutr 

"This must have forced Itself upon 
th* tender* of the Federation by tbla 
tlm*. If It baa not, lb* leader* must 
be eliminated. The organisation which 
they bead ha* done many meritorious 
things In times past and the people sre 
always ready and willing to aeknnwl 
edgr the benefits wbl.h th.-lr i rforis 
have brought to their constituency as 
a whols. but at the present time labor 
organizations in general, and Ihe Fed- 
eration of latbor in particular, atand 
bsfor* th* bar of public opinion, hav- 
I ing been convicted of selfishness snd a 
I disposition to ruls sll ths people of 
th* country In th* Interest of th* f*w. 

I Th** ar* paliaat aud awalilug u> 

See |f (be object !« 
have been forced i 
ers Is going to be rrc.sjBues'ialf 
ar* going to .onfortn tsesssssx* 
thclr future work and inks* g 
• thereto " 

Lest tbe people rrtrahsr (an i 
ment. "Th* Federal i»r of Utorg 
Ocular stands before th* bars' 

opinion bs. 

■I »'• 'd of 

fl sbness and a duposltioa t* 

the people of the .eintry Ujltol 
e.t of the few 

The great so \-r ceat of taW. 
do nol take kindly to the am 
tyranny of these trait iesswi i 
demanding that sll people tw* sex- 
to* rules of tbe IsW TrM Ssl 
are tro-sted to tbe bjial.Utiai *• 
cle of our Congress snd •??*. ttefl 
Kxecutlve rut. Ttslolns th**t*g«t" 
Is* breskers snd llstesisg srlc 
erst too to their Issolrst draiaf* 
tbe wry law* be (tuLStal to 
them to ssf.-ly carry oa their 
gaining control over the afilrid 

Tbe sturdy workers of Annie* 
•Was* to know tb* truth itest 
"martyr* sarriBdag the— i h ai I 
noble cause of lalsjr hut Hi 
hysterical ones sbo ss?U wp 
over the aforesaid "heroes," n 
one of the (so romantic eMer 
who. weeping cepiustly. wen 
ered by the old Janitor at Nt 

"What Is It alls you ladln 

Taking tbe baadkrirhM trs* 
swollen red eye. between sobs»*»- 

"Wby w* hsve so Inns rvrsixt 
memory of George Wsskllfnl 
ws feel It a privilege to exsxease 
weep at bis tomb 

"Yas'm. yss'm. yo' shore hm( 
to express yo' sympathy hst H 
overflowln' st d* *r.-n« il* 1 
wevpln' si d* Ice hoes* 

Don't get nwudlin slssit li* J 
ers who m ist be punished H M 
etlstenos of our pen pi* h te 1 

If you hsve say surplus , 
rsn be to th«- I Wj 
I bo continue to earn '<*<•*•■ 
ened snd sre frequeatlT "Jv killed beforetbJ •»*• 
Intervene to prelect ""»^^ 

Wow ths I-*!** Trsst k*Mxj 
mand of Congress that the <*» 
stripped of now* to^JfiS 
to privent tb. u. from •sM*«fl 
bap* murdrrln. ra* * "Jj 
s living wh.n "Ml'TeJ W W 
Trust to quit serk ^ 

m.n t "»eep st Ike le* nx-? 
dou I irermlt any set ot ■*•**. 

to bull? ear c. art*, u r*«»" 

vote can prevent 

your K. pr ntailv** ^"TJ; 

Congress asking ih-m ' » ™ 
. n y*u,...sur« to 1^ *y 
from protecting ***** 
person, from stia-J k bf l* 4 ■ 

BS gre.t '•«'»' f . T r ru , , rl(f stf 
Lei *very reader »rne. 

"To.., +*«yi'iS3i 

,,ed snd psld . - . .„, 

,o fore. Congr. « t . ^ >" ^j 
resent l»'«^i s7» 

•<•»» J" extat%^»5a 

your re|.re.e its Ives N ^ 

thst you do not ^ggj 
under new Is- ''^1* 
Ulair Trust leafj^g^ 

« if!fl^gS.lstW 

sybsww! At . *T 

buy! What not »*L.M 

vot. for' mm mm* 

per month In f-es M '» 
•tc. etc. etc 
This po*er 
hy tbe |«s*al* «' U a Rr 

tl „.. plainly 

,o vot. for any m*g» ^ 
any set "' u | tu |o»?rt 1 
Capltsl >r l-i*l»sJ r r>rt>ple. »* 
t.t*lott.e.a..''»' 0 »J 1 ^.s, 

5 « f r. u\m**l& 

not .and vote I r 

Kvery muu I ' tK "' tll e H 

Trustor any «">• '"Lut**- 
shodover V^ZZm 
to preveat our roun* 

V %^» a **g£ era* 


At the National Capital 

Gossip of People and Event* 
Gathered in Washington 


to Address Government Officials 

Inrorrert lc> addreae him aa "Mr fleo 

UMI SOTO N Mii»' people <>n 
u .i-hlngton for the 
tune slid 10 "i*** ■ P" b "o 

b! U* greatly perphvled M to tha 

• hl<b they 
h uniformity ll 


r that reason thers) I* M 
i, Him r In ehlch to 
rial* « ith whoa OM 
.„. The ■octal «■*• wMoh 
,1 intercourse In Iho off! 
.( m the iistlonal capital sup- 
I rlkai form which It I* 
tr) in follow If on* would be 
I In his dealings with officials. 
>r of a social er • bualnena ae- 

, , rr sotin tilled officials la the 
sml nary who are granted a 
nak socially by courtesy than 
re ailaallj entitled In For ID- 
ii >Biiiian<lera In Ibe 
jr by <ourtrsy, In social Ufa 
rumiuanuVra. while thoaa below 
uk low tfetar official till* aad 
stressed as plain "Miatwr * 

.| pllea to tha stuff 
„i si the navy Use wise tha ea- 
st lattwuraM of eiecutlra depart- 
i sn , ailed Mister." and the 
ksj thU Is obTlous It la not 
ay u.sit.r to introduce a naval 
i lb.- Ion* and harsh Bounding 
lieutenant commander." or 
io the first lle-jlenaat of aa 
department aa "Mr. Aaaiat- 
Utf] while It would ba 

retary," which title la reserved for hla 
chief l.lhewlae It Is decidedly had 
form to address or speak, of the wife 
of any public official Including tha 
title of her husband The wife of tba 
president Is always addressed as Mra. 
Taft, for Instance, and not as Mra. 
President." nor la the wife of a sena- 
tor "Mrs Senator (Hack, "nor the wlfs 
of an army official Mrs Oen lllsnk " 

and addressed as Mra. 

A list of title, which It Is praper ta 
ute in Washington In personal Inter 
course Is as follows: 

Tha prealilrni Mr Presides!. " 

To. si. . -president Mr Vies- 1 -real* 


kd.nihere of tt,» raldnst 

sVe. ret arias of slate. 
na\y. Interior, agriculture 
and labm air H.. r. lary " 

The attorney- general -"Mr 
Oeneral " 

^ The genrrnl-'hlr Postmas- 

An amhaasadur- "Mr. Ambassador." at 

"Tour Kacelleney." 

A minister- "Mr Minister " 

All other members of ths dtplomstls 
corps, unless they have tltles-' Mr. ." 

Ths chief jusllea ot the supreme court— 
"Mr OesWl Juatlee." 

Aasoi'lste pistli es "Mr Juetl, e " 

1'nlled Btales senator— "IJenator." 

Oeneral. major general, brigadier een- 
ersl "teenersl " 

I'ulonel and lieutenant mlunel "Col- 
nnel ' • 

Ma)„ra and mptalne are given their re- 
•»e utiae All oftl. era "f the rank 
hel„» the Hn- of captain are wadreassd 

aa "Mr " fifrl.-are of the al de- 

partment heluw ttie rank of captain are 
a>tdre«se.l aa "Doctor. " 

Admiral and rear admiral -"Admiral " 

Cotnmodnres. eaptslns and ronini.indera 
sre sddressed br their respective titles 

Recently the state department has 
promulgated an order that all corre- 
spondence addressed to the 
or state shall read, "The 
The Herniary of Htale" 

lgel's Department Caused Commotion 

a to ■ motion, almost 

.t. ion. in the slate depart 
•bert time ago »ben tha easef- 
ul actlrs Assistant Secretary 
i nl tba department of com 
rd labor went over and talked 
States statutes against Inter 
1 its in ibe department. 
• sai Assistant Secretary Adee, 
wi ,te. ped In International law 
t-mdes from every pore, and 
- li»rt. »ho bis t>e«n ao long 
adviser of the gorerninent 
i knows evi rytihng In the way 
that ever pertains lo the I'nl 
and t'oiiimlsloner of Navl 
Chamberlain, who haa ki l l 

ii,* Interests ever 

hi first part of 

« gathering r 
ful manner. 



that his department had decldde lo let 
the ships plying between the Tnlted 
Stat,-, wnd fentral and South Amerl- 
<an porta clear for their destinations 
Tomes of International law were 
brought forth and diplomatic etiquette 
produced nnd Quoted to show that It 
Invited grate International complica- 
tions If American ships should aall 
from our porta during Internecine con- 
r.lrta and Insurgent movements In tha 
Central American slates 

Then Mrliarg brought out the stat- 
utes of the I'nlted States and showed 
that the collectors of customs would 
be subject to damages If tbay held 
these ships when there was no state 
of war existing In any of the coun- 
tries, but slntp'y little Insurrections. 
Me told the officials of the state de- 
partment Hi. i' be didn't want lo era 
barraaa thler diplomacy, but the de- 
partment of commerce and labor had 
decided to 1st the ships hare their 
clearance papers. That waa what hap 

I*p to the present lime no one has 
of the wreck or ruin of the dip 

of the I'nl 
those of the Central 

.ft Baffles the Secret Service Men 


Vma TAFT haa thrown a 
• '«> the ranks of that 
of the secret service which to 
duty of protecting the 
ol the nation from as- 
Is a soft Job for tha 
ii .mil . "en leads to 

I better, several of thoaa 
nrly ipiarded president a now 
" tnun tii positions that pay 
1 'ike ibe holder n mull of 
•"wi nce ba his home tarrtV 

• uniting Chief Wllkles 
MMM of these, »||| have to be 

I '"' "'i» i jot,, if the president 
" to so out for long walks 
» lea busiest streete of Waah- 

""""" « The president 

»« the laugh" on aeveral of the 
I when, without was 

lug any announcement of bis Inten- 
tions, he left the White House and 
started out for a walk Generally ha 
has been accompanied b» mme caul 
pel official, but none of Wllkle s mil 
waa along. 

(in hla laat walk the president was 
accompanied by his brolher. Charles 
V Taft. the millionaire Clnclnnallan. 
They walked up lo the capltol and 

So far aa runs the memory of Alon- 
so Hlewurl. deputy sergeunt al arms 
of Ibe senate, and that la a full gen- 
eration. It waa Iho first time that a 
president haa visited the capltol oa 
i bit Sabbath day. 

tin snot her occasion the president 
walked through lYnnsylvanla avenue, 
Waablngton's most prominent gust- 
neea street. He was wealing a sack 
coat and a gray sweater. 

"That looks like President Taft." re 
marked one man as President Taft 
■Missed the live cent theaters on tha 
avenue. Ilrlg lieu Clarence Bdwarda, 
who waa with Ihe president, giggled 
and the president smiled Mr Taft 
tU not look much like himself In hla 
sack .out with sweater 

Cornered Jar for Weather Man 

In thi 

panama If they say Its 

•l Pell 
llll ('III 

r«I 0r *" ,lMUon . 'Ola weather 
™»u of our ,.- Mt .|,| wed , 

* « a group of four 

'"■"purtiuent of a 

1,1 I'oiind cast fr 
pr.-d i.-i M „ 
»d Ii h r *' rains for to 


Itur wbbib, b " ih " 


"At my home," Interjected the n.l.d 
member of the group, "my wife has • 
..landing order with our roufedlonei 
to send up Ice cream whenever ha 
sees the cold wave lag flying." 

The mild looking uiuu with tht 
twinkling brown eyes suld uothlug 

They were all strangers to oue an- 
other The three who hud spokea 
ware on thler way to New York Al 
Hnrrlaburg tin- mild man with tha 
brow ii eyes aroae, gathered up bis 
baggage and, bowing to the group 
produced three vlsltluf cards He dls 
trlbuted them and, smiling, took aa 
abrupt departure. Then the others 
looked at the cards. They read 

vwiiih L Moore, chief of th« 
Waahlngtou. D. 0." 

Rich Prlre for Man Who Dl 
Long Sought Cure 


Dt 0.-.,rse w Hloomer of Tale .ml 
rerslty, acting aa spokesman for an 
anonymous giver, haa announced that 
a prise of llofl.OUO haa been set aside, 
to be awarded lo the first person any- 
where in the world who discover* a 
cure for tuberculosis The gift Is un- 
conditional aa to time, place, or kind 
of cure, the only real condition being 
that the new cure must have been In 
constant use at least five years, and 
that the promoter of the cure con- 
vince the Investigating board of Ih* 
merits of bis discovery 

A large number of physicians har* 

of thedla- 

clne. o 

to find 

which will assist In the 
eaae Thus far, the 
not furnished a product which will 
either absolutely cure or prevent con 
sumption, or render tba patient Im- 
mune against the disease Many of 
these serums have proved effective In 
Increasing the resistance of the pa- 
tient and thus helping la the cure, but 
no si lent 1st of repute to-day claima to 
hav* discovered a tuberculin which 
will produce a cura without the com- 
bined aid of 
NM food 


He Oaff is aa awfully One eier- 
clae, don t you think? 

She Oh, yea. Why, It makes tha 
men so strong In their 
can scarcely breathe. 


"When my boy was all yeara old, ba 
terribly with ecx. rua He 
alt 11111 nor He quietly In 
bed. for the Itching waa dreadful Ha 
would Irritate spots by acrnt,lili. K 
with bis nails and that only made 
them worse. A doctor treated him 
and we tried almost everything, but 
the eciema seemed to spread. It 
started In a small place on the lower 
Fitrenltte* and spread for two yeara 
until it very nearly covered the bach 
part of hla leg to the knee 

"Finally I got Cutlctira Soap Cutl- 
enra Ointment and Cullcura Pills and 
gave them according to directions. I 
used them In the morning and that 
evening, before 1 put my boy to bad, 
I used them ngaln and the Improve- 
ment even In those few bourn was sur- 
prising, the inflammation seemed to 
be so much leaa. I used two boxes of 
ointment, the same of the 
I the Soap and my boy waa 
My aon la now In his sev- 
enteenth year and he has never had 
a return of the eciema. 

"1 took care of a friend's child that 
had • ,-zema on Its face and limbs and 
I used the Cullcura Soap and Ointment. 
They acted on the child Just as they 
did on my son and It haa never re- 
turned. I would recommend the Cull- 
cura Remedies to anyone Mra. A. J. 
Cochran. 1823 Columbia Ave.. Pill*- 
Pa., Oct. 20. 1909." 

Easily Explained. 
Mr Swalnson Is a powerful preach- 
ar. but Is never above leavening hla 
aarmons with humor. 

A good story ha tella concerns a 
alt once paid to the cottage of one 
of his parlshlonera. It waa early 
aprlng and for a long time he sat by 


"In looking out," he remarked to tha 
child, "do you aotlce how bright to 
tba green of the leaves and graaa?" 

The little girl nodded 

"Now tell me why doea It appear so 
much brighter at this time?" Mr 
8walm-on asked 

"t'os," was the unegpected reply, 
"ma's Just washed the 
you ran see out belter " 


Atchison (Kan.) Woman Haa an Irv 

!f there Is any woman In this town, 
or la any other, who sees her affinity 
In my husband, this Is to notify her 
that she ran have him by calling at 
ray home, the Hilltop. Atchison, Kan, 
at any hour she may choose. He grum 
blea at hla meals, he blows his nosa 
into the grate, be puts hi* feet on the 
parlor rhalrs and hla head on the par 
lor rusblona; he tells callers that hla 
father was a poor man. and that he 
never "had any schooling." he contra- 
dicts my statements when I tell of my 
kinship to the real 
and If I don't 

the milkman to dinner! If there to 
any woman who sees her affinity In 
HIM, let her hang around my houae a 
few minutes while I ask him for 
Christmas money. Then let ber take 
him away If she still wants him —Mrs 


ii if 

»bw'»» e»er tea* aer 

sklw ireakle. Bw« Ifcer sll ales 

way. Staeeeear »»err last •ee— 

aaaaw ii,....i» eesir. iienieat. 

•rar-tlTe "la* el dlaewae ml Ik* 


well rskkee la. ttelkleg llfea M 
ta aaake the skla kealifcr aa« 
aaiaaik ul free rroai alias, as 

His Little Mistake. 

They stood beneath the stars, silent 
aa the heart-beats of the night, look- 
ing Into the diamond-studded shirt- 
front of the nicy. 

"Is that Mara?" he whinnered, aa he 
etlpped his arm round her taper waist, 
and gnied upon a glittering orb In the 
distant blue. 

"No. It Isn't," she eiclalmed, Jerking 
away. "It's mine; and if you think 
you are bugging mother, I can tell 
you that you are very much mis- 
taken ' 

i he matter was amicably adjusted 
before anything serious resulted — Ei 

Coals of Fire. 

One Christmas evening a Funday 
school pupil appeared at church, only 
to be surrounded Immediately by a 
number of deriding playmatea. 

"And sbe'a got hi 
on!" said another. 

"Yes," was the retort that turned 
the tide of ridicule, "and I came with 
my mother'a blessing." — Judge. 

Chsrlty by Proxy. 
There Is an Oregon stal 
to very prudent with hla money. He 
rarely spends anything if he ran get 
Hon,- one , l.«e lo rin the spending for 
him One morning he waa walking 
down Ihe at r eet with a friend and 
they met r, beggar who had a tale of 
woo that waa amazing The states- 
man listened and asked some ques- 
tions Then he turned to his friend 
and said: "John, Ibis man's story 
affects me greatly. Give him a guar 

Got a Good Start. 

"To what do you attribute 
varying success?" 

"To being picked early for the vil- 
lage fool. Nobody ever tried to get 
me to Indorse a note or to go into a 
scheme."— Washington Herald. 

Quick aa Wink. 
If your eyes ache with a smarting, bum- 
| sensation use PKTTIT'S KYK SALVE, 
druggista or Howard Dros. , Buffalo, N . Y . 

Ask Druggist for Hunt's Curt 

I a. IICMSaDS MEDICtaC CO . Ihannan. Tessa. 

No Matter 

what Uvar or Bawal medicine yaw 
I awaw, GetatOe 

bos— wash's treelsasat — of CA5- 
CARBTS today areas you. druggist 
and learn haw easily, aatarally aad 
delightfully your liver can be made 
fa werA, sad rear tsisih move every 
day. There's sea Mfm to every boa. 
CASCARETS art oatars'i 
You will see i 

Merlins Remf 
a haodassM 

in mi back A!in l.nia Arm 

lalloTrrl Tlif-m ~.r,- »l.h . I, ill. To. 



Feathers, Tallow, Beeearaa.'. 
Otnaana. Golden Seal. (YWlre 
loot), Ma 7 Annie. WlldGlnfar. 
ete. We are daalerai sttabllisaf 

In 18M "0r» half > cashjry In Ueajajge* 
■ -an-i can da bailee fir j»a tktn irsits 
or cesimlsslsa msrtnanti. RrWca, ««y 
- k In laslrrihe, Writs far wwaly pries 
and shipping tsgi, 

, .t 



ache an oyefl 

irenVTt li'lMf 

by any other 

oxi.*' own 'iiro 

the ttgnalurn of K- W' 
uvar lu Care a Cold id one 

Jar 1*> ate. 

For Celeetlals. 

I once visited a very rough 
town In Oregon, near Cottage 
In the leading saloon a man In a red 
sblrt said to me: 

"Ye wanter carry yerself almighty 
straight In these parts, stranger. Go 
wrong the laaat mite aad, by crtnua. 
we'll lynch ye aa quick aa look at ye." 

I smiled. 

"Wouid you lynch ire." I asked, "If 
i killed a dog?" 

"Would we?" be snorted "Why. 
stranger, we've lynched fellera here 
for klllin' Chinamen!" 

of the Pi 

Mra Cynthia Woalover Alden waa 
the founder of the International Sun 
shine society, which Is now said to 
have a membership of 3.000.000. She 
la president general of the ' society, 
which was chlrstened with IS spon 
Mirs in New York City at Christmas. 
1896 It has been called the child of 
Ihe preaa. Mrs Aldon being conn, i te.l 
with a New York paper 

Important to Mothera. 

Eiamlne carefully every bottle of 

Signature of 

In l>o Vol fiver •'Ml Years. 
The Kind You Have Alwaya Bought. 

Tha Differenoe. 

u ii. y -John, couldn't you let rue 
have a little mouey this morning? 
Ituttlelgb's Is advertising sll puffs for 

a dollar. 

Hub- Great Scott! And we men ran 
get «0 delicious puffs for ten rents 

Her Mistake. 

A lady overtook a little girl of her 
acquaintance on ber way to erhool 
Do you like decimals, my dear?" abe 

Now the little girl had not gone 
v. ty far In ber arithmetic and she 
was unfamiliar with Ihe word deci- 
mals. 8he shrank from acknowledge 
It | her Ignorance, so, after a minute, 
she atammered: "Yes'tn. I like them 
pretty well, but not aa well as 

Remember that a sound argument 
it mean loud talk. 

W. N. U, MEMPHIS, NO. 2-1910. 

Welcome Words to Women 

How's This? 

Wa ae*r Ooa Hundred Douara Reword kar say 
Sterol IWarrk Uui caawl ba cured br Italia 

V I THEMEY A CO.. Toledo. O. 
We. the uDderiajaad. Save auowo F i. fheaor 
fe- laa laat IS yeara and helieve bin perfectly boo- 
ormt.a la all buauirea troeeBvtwna Bad SnurkUiy 
at,-- to carry out any okia nim aa Bade by La Siiu. 

W*u.lse.^KB^* ) Meovp.. T||<<|| Q 

lUIIS Catarrh Core a taken ESasav BSBBg 
' f upon I Bo blood and niuniuo rurfocea of tba 
no-rat. tratimonaio arm tree. I'rwo II ccnta nar 
k> na. Bold by ail 1'riiiiaw 

lata Maui femur rut tor ooosupaUaa. 

Provided for Nswrsbaya. 

Mra. William Waldorf Astor provld 
ed in her will that the newsboys ot 
New York should have a Thanksglv- 
Ing dinner, as they have had at the 
.'M'enae of the Astor family for half 
ii century. Thai year at least 2.090 
newsboys were on hand, the afternoon 
I i pera having suspended work, thus 
Kiting the little fellows a holiday. 

Thla Will Interest 

peculisr to their 
I write to Dr. Pierce and receive Ipse the 
advice of a physician of ever 40 years' ripcricme 
—a skilled aad tucceaaful specialist in Ihe diaeasss 
of women. Every letter of this sort has the snail 
careful cotsaideratioa and is regarded as sacredly 
coafidential. Many sensitively modest women write 

tenuil^^'eirfJceJ phyrictonT The'localT^.^ 
is pretty sure lo say that be cannot do anythia| 
without "an examination." Dr. Pierce holds that 
these distasteful examination! are generally need. 
|sas, and that no woman, except in rare eases, should 

Dr. Fia row's treatment wifl cure yon right In the privacy ef 
yoar owl hoese. His "* Favorite Prescription" has cured 
hundreds of thonsmnda a some of them the worst of eases. 

It Is the only medicine of its kind tint is the product of a resjulsrty graduated 
physician. The only one food enou£h that its makers dare to print ita every 

lioa. 'No aTcoborand ZJ£bMoTmiui™rltom™»n&\l™ %tmm WUWm 
uiuu. medicine dealers may offer you a substitute. Don't take it. Don't trite 
wuli your health. Write to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R. 
V. fierce. President, Buffslo, N. Y.,— take the advice received and be well. 

Mother iiray •Sweet IVwdere for CBiidree. 
■e reverl.hiiroa. Ilfa.lael.e. M.J Stomach. 
- thing Dleordrre. Krgulate the Howola aad 
troy Worms They break up eolda la *d 
re. Pleasant lo tana, and barmleaa aa milk. 


"Isnt that a good Joke? It a my 

t;t,;ti S.otf are you ao old aa 

that ?"— Uppincolt'a. 

For Headache Try Hicks' Capudlna, 

What her front Colds, Heat, Btnniach or 
Narvoua troubles, ths aches am a|>e«dlly 

and aov al Urus atsras. 

Don't be couimon. It's the uncoin 
man who t-auaaai the world to alt 

Te. ihlng Pieerdrre. Krculate the Howola aad 
l-.lruy tVormo They break up eolda lo M 
hours. Pleaaant to take, and barmleee 

1 r 

Reason Enough. 

"His feelliiKs are greatly hurt since 
he lost his job " 

"No wonder he's hurt He fell from 
a high position " 

■ \ as..' .ViK j 

^ exlW ^^^A^bbsssssssssssb*'^ 

Delivery Guaranteed 


There's a dlffereii. e between dignity 
a. ..I pomposity, but some people don't 
ae. m to be able to realise It 

I'e ii ,u pat loa aaneea maay oertrtis diseases n 

When you cau l tell the truth, don't 
tell anything 

Direct from tha Carman Mines 
to Your Farm 

Some fertilizer manufacturers 
may tell you that they will sell you 
potash cheaper than vre will. We 
are offering carloads for cash direct 
I: in the German mines to the 
buyer at the lowest price ever 
quoted. If any one offers it to you 
for less than our price, before ac- 
cepting his offer be burc that the 
manufacturer signs a contract with 
you absolutely guaranlermg 
try of pviaik salu an J nut 
substitute in the 

mixed goods as he may have oa 
hand at the clese. ol the season. 

You know how it hat been in 
the past. If you are cuntractinf 
for other fertilizers, be sure that 
the contract requires deli v cry of the 
potash at the same time with or 
before the delivery of the other 
goods. Do not accept the other 
goods until the potash is delivered. 
Do not depend on the assurance of 
Write it in the i 

tract. It will pay 

.bap. of such POTASH PAYS youtodoi 

For aarlica/ara aaaf artcee arils Is 

GERMAN KALI WORKS, Continental Bid.., Baltimore) 

Hi v Wizard Oil Ct "- ? 


rii rs t mai» iw e to ta datb. 

lu, It dais el «.-aer ief »u3uj 0— 

The best of plana fall out. and tha 
best of T lamia get married 

--ollowing cheap advice la apt to 



Vary Funny. 

Uerrougha — Mr. Uarrbaat's out. yau 
sayT Why, ha had aa appolatiueat 
with ate here. Tbat'a very fuaay. 

New Office Bay - Yea, etr; I gueaa 
he thought It waa, too. Aay ways he 
sua taughlB' when he went eut — 
Catholic Standard and Times 

Sa»e tha watce la ag Betas of woalbao. St..g«r» nial 
fx.Uk oe^akew aud thorn InvaWkio foe clean. 14 the 
vos.s. Theee to iMaaiug ao otloetiv, to. Sore Tiiesal. 
IteeeaenoM e,ei Cu.erho. Pill, y«en' oopuutkev. 
F*n.-e. J-> .eailo, btT oas 
aaoadaa mailed oa 
faff*! I. UK OW N 

BBS aiwi )l.00 p«i buj. 

A Clean Face Will be a Habit 

known I fit-: 

WOULD ovn 

\ f 1 n 1 1 

You Look Prematurely 


Arc Doctors Any Good? 

Foolish question! Yet some ne< I as if a mei'ietae 
could take the place of a do korj The bed mcttidne »n 
the workl cm not tlo tins. I ' 

him frequent I v. trust him tull\. Il we did not believe 
doctors endorsed Aver s Hum Pectoral let COUghl and 
colds, we would not offer it to you. ir doctor. 

No alcohol in this cough nu-dicinr. '' U,, 

■lid not IwN.v, doctor. rnd.ns.-J \ • Fil^ lot ...nsti,..t,..n. i one*- 



a poor place in which to keep money— 
you cannot hide it where it is absolutely safe 
from theives or fire or where it will not give 
you constant worry. 

Why not bank your money - keep it safe yet 
where a part of it is av ailable at any time you 
wish to use it? 

By keeping your money in Hst hank you build 

up your credit; by paying your bills by check 
you have a receipt for each and every pay- 
ment, a complete record of your income and 
expenses. We furnish check and pass books 
free of charge. 





The Hickman Courier and the St. 
Louis Olobe- Democrat (twtce-a-week) 

year for 11.50 

nd the St. 
Uwlce-a-week). both 

one year lor tLM 

The Hickman Courier and Mem- j 
phis Commercial-Appeal (Weekly), 

both one year tor ti ... 

The Hickman Courier and the St. 
Louis Olobe-Oemocrat a 
Commercial-Appeal— thre. 

one year tor 11.76 

The Hickman Courier and Rural 
Rout* Dally Republic, (to parties on 
rural routes). A dally paper and a 
weekly paper, both one year for only 


The Hickman Courier and Woman's 

only •••••*.••••••••••••.•• $1.75 

farm Journal, both one year tor only 

• ••••••tea** ••••••••■• ■••••• - } 1 . 1 5 

The Hickman Courier and weekly 
Louisville Courier-Journal. Both for 

You can do this by 
telephone. You can 
rounding on your farm Just as at 
tracUve to your sons and daughter* 
as If you were living In the heart of 
a big city. Our excellent service and 
attractive "farmers' Line" rates arc 
not to be compared with the benefits 
derived. Call the manager. 

erland Telephone A Telegraph 
Company, Incorporated. 

FOR SALE: A nice reside! 
block from Poa (office The i 
has 6 rooms, two halls, and two qorch- 
es; In good repair and a very dealra- 

l"0a SALE: One of the best cor 
ner lots In Hickman— now occupied 
by J. R. Brown's mill; also a good 
combined store snd residence. The 
residence has about 8 rooms. Lot 
Is 22x100 feet. Will sell worth the 
money. Call at Hickman Courier of- 

; 7/v;, Qu^ 

<>\.t i he mirrow and over tho bll 
Over the (eardrop, over (he kls*. 
Our ihe crimes thai blotted sml 


Over the wound of Ihe sngry wor.l 
Over tin- deed* in we* knew* dou.< 
Ov, iv l.aiil. - I. ml and won. 
Sim nt Ihe end of the flying year 
Year Unit lomorio* will not he In 
Over our fro-dom. over I hall. 
In the dark mid midnight the rurtan. 

Over our gain and over our Iom 
in.r our .row ii mid over our cto.- 
Ov.r ihe fret of our discontent. 
Ov.i lh.> ill- thai w. never moat, 
Ov.-r the .car. of our m If denial 
Over the strength that conquered in 
Now In the .nd of the flying year 
Y.-ar thai tomorrow will not be hen 
•Juicily final, ihe prompter rail*. 
Over it swiftly the curtain falls 
over th- crowd* and th. solitude, 
(tor our hMMiui. hurrying mood. 
Ov.r the hearth* where bright flan. - 

Over the crib* where the balu - 

Ov.r the clamor ov.-r the atrlfe. 
Over the pageantry of life. 
Now In lb.- .ml of the flying' year 
Year that tomorrow will not be h. ■ ■ 
Hwlftly and »urely. from starry Walls. 
Silently downward* ihe curtate fall. 

A Happy New Year. 

I> light and |i.nh... nr.- Ineatrtr.i 
ililnsled with the thought of V ■> 
Year's day It la only a ronvenn. 
al |n>lnt of time .any other woul.l m 
as well. Kvery day close* aa old 
year and begin, a new one. but i..r 
all that w<- ran not help f. -el lug tl> .< 
thl* day. wblih la agreed u|m.h 
throughout Chrlatendom for the 
ginning of the new year. Is some 
how ntiigur The patho* cogs** from 
the review of the past, and from :■• 
a. tme (hat another notrb tal b"-.-n 
i hi for u* mi (he slick of lime I v 
delight aria.-* from the antletpa' log 
ol the new and better experience* ..f 
the year to rome What Interest any 
rational peraon rould have In hating 
hla fortune told la a myatery. The 
seat and charm of life ronalat lam ly 
In the fart that each day la Ilk. a 
new page In the story If you ai*h 
to enjoy your book you do not. when 
It la half read, turn to the rl<>- i ^ 
rhapter In U-arn how It nun. out 
You do not thank anyone for tailing 
you (he plot. It Is *o with life 
There I* Infinite aatlafartlon la ra< h 
day'a contribution to the re. s 
You do not want to anllrlpat. it 
It would be a curse if anyos* rould 
tell you just what the yesr Would 
l> nog It I* Just aa reasnnabl. to 
tiuppose that the year will be happy 
aa aad. Who ran tell? Who can 
control that? Are we not In the 
hands or God? That Is the 
for a hsppy New Year's day 

i mi all evil 
.elf a )ny and a 
They will bleae you 

Our resolution*, for the 
-Mould be definite Slid SBwHflC I Ni 
not aay *lni|ily that you »lll In- more 
liberal, but say Just how liberal you 

• III be Ikn not say lhai von will In. 
nor., faithful but *sy what dutle*. 
neglected In the pa* I. you will en- 

o lo pelf. > I III III till- rill III • l*o 

i ei |>roml*e that you will give more 
of yi.ur time to t be aervlre f.. the 
M.i.ier. lint deride upon the propor 
ii. n ..r your time which yoi: will gl»e 
\ i". .mi-, may be alnitmt or alto 
D. ih.i worlhleaa tierau*e «if Indefln 
ileiieea lal u* deal honestly and 
i.wrenlly with Mini whom ». serve 
\o<« and pay 

h I* plea.anl In ihe.e time* to 
h. *r of o«-riirrrn«-e» that show the 
Letter aide of human nature It la 
not worth while to hale any one 
Life la loo »hoit to rherlah III will 
,.r hard (nought* What If that man 
ha* rhealeil > on ..i thai »ouiaii 
|.layi-d you fslne * oi aome friend 
(ornaken you ? I<et II all paaa. for 
what difference will It make to »ou 
tn a few years, when yon go hence 
to that undlM-oyered rounlry ? All 
who (rest you wrong will he more 
•orry for It than you In your deep- 

e*l grief \ ft * more .lull, a la few 

more tear*. some pleasure, much pain 
a little longer hurrying and worry 
Ing In the world, aoiue hasty greet- 
nigs Slid abrupt farewella and life 

• III !«•• over, and Injunr and Injur 
■ .1 will be laid away and forsntlru 
It I* not worth while to h»i.- each 
other This I* our sdvUe. and like 
salvation. Ii la free Try II during 

Il la because nearly all of ua live 
on hope, because we an im n tally 
sustained by eipeclattoiia. dial (he 
New Year Is always welcome It I* 
the one day of the twelve month* 
ihrl.tinaa I* chiefly for • Midi. i. 
that appeals moat (o u» n snd wo 
men. Murk of Ita alirartlvenea* de 

i» ml- for tile multitude. Oil It* mini 

insl nvwaess. We are all familiar 
and weary with the old We are 
ever sighing for (he new. which ■ ■ ■ 
a* If II would bring a change of 
mind and condition N. w Yeai . I. 
not a whit newer for It* name, 
every one who think* for a moment 
ia aware, but nainee are potent, and 
often than 

Into anew 
year, look back a minute over the 
road you have been traveling the 
past year. It seemed a long way 
when you started out. but It ha* 
been traversed st laat See the line 
of that road ever winding on. while 
twiattng here and there Do you re- 
member that boggy place int.. which 
you strayed? How you promised 
elf In y< 


your better noun, ot at. I 


Now is the time to lay in your winter's supply of 
COAL Don't wait until the cold wave flag 
you of you 

Bon Air Lump Coal - - - 
• dewater Lump Coal, - - 


H Pi ic- s made on Domestic Nut, Blacl 
and Anthracite Coal, upon ape 

Hickman Ice & Coal Co. 




o Tho Courier costs oul> m e 

o dollar a year — or lea* than 2 

o cents per week. Are you a 

o subscriber T It is too cheap 

o to either steal or borrow. Sub 

o scribe today. Vour mouey re 

o funded. If not satisfied ! ! ! 

O o o o o o 

o | o o o o O 

If your sewing machine runs heavy, 
why not get the Singer agent, L. A. 
Brock, to adjust It and make It ruu 
light and 


O o 


■ WANT AO. o 

o Th* Cheapest advertising o 

o Medium 1 Resd by o 

o 3,000 Psopls Every Week o 



o o 

If there Is s 
Courier d >i.l fall to renew 
aa all pap. rs am discou 
expiration of tits i 

at the 

will turn over a new leaf Have 
you been true to yourself If not. 
ome more before you step i>ut Into 
the pure New Year, renew your 
|ii..iui..k to your Letter n.i.un* Is. 
noi atray. but linger near the p 
Slit outlook*, keep nesi tht hit* of 
hlg'i ground where you breathe 
air and can see afar off Heaven's 
high hills of blue, make tb< rnoto. 
pure uoik for the obje. i lie dill 
gent In seeking better way. snd In 
tw.U, more short MathS 'a he an 
other retrospective glance .1 sse 
bow much pleased you will In- with 
yourself, how much more of coodn... 
and genuine worth this world will 

What to Forget 

If you would Increase your hapi>l 
ueaa and prolong your IK. . forgei 
your neighbor's faults Forget all 
the slander you have heard forget 
the temptation* Forget tag fault- 
finding, and give a little thought la 
thu cause which provoked it Forget 
the peculiarities of your friends, and 
only remember the good point* which 
make you fond of them f orget all 
persoiiBl quarrels or hl.iorles you 
may have heard by accident, aud 
which, If repeated, would seem a 
thouaaud limes worse than they are 
lllot out aa far aa possible all the 
disagreeable* of life; they will conic 
but will only grow larger whoa you 
iciuciuber them and th. constum 
thought of the acta ol in. annvss, or, 
•lira, still, malice, will only tend to 
make you more familiar with tbem 
Obliterate everything disagreeable 
from yesterday, start out witn a clean 
sheet today, and writ, upon It for 


We off, r one Hundred Hollars re- 
ward for any caas of Calsrrh that 
cannot be cured by H.. ■ Catarrh 
Cure. r. i. Cheesy a Co, Toledo 

We, the undersigned, have known 
r. J. Cheney for the laat Ii yeors. 
snd believe him perfectly honorable 
In all buslnees transaction, and 
tlally able lo carry out any oidlga 
tlnns made by his firm Waldlng. 
Klnnan • Marvin. Whol. ... 
gists. Toledo. Ohio 

Hall * Catarrh t'ure la taken Inter 
nally. acting directly upon the blood 
and mucous surf airs of the system 
Testimonials sent free. I'rlce 75c s 
botUe Bold by sll druggist* 

Tr.ks Hairs Family Fills for con- 

M. Nannie llyrn vs I. M llyri, 
Hull for settlement 

Mrs Minnie Hresrre et al vs Myrs 
Hcoarre el al Hull for settlement 

J H Henweck vs Marsh Hert 
week Huit for .11 rore* 

tiara Wlmber va Oen Wlnibet 
Hull for dlvori % 

Sam Lynch v* Martha Lynch \ 

"lilt tor ill, 

Mr. N ( loin ,t al v. Or A I 

* ' .... .1. i on s nt 

( F Nor(h,r,NMi v* J |. North 
lug ion l^iwer court's verdict for 
plaint iff affirmed 

M ill Unity va II T ReSSley. Ad 

Mr* M H Orsnherry Admr . v* 
Mr* Faille Fierce et al 

(ha* llrown va Itarhara Hrown 
Soli for divorce 

Ko> Ma*»n v* IJberta Mason A 
•till for divorce 

H ll. t. vw K I. I'ampbell e( 

al Mia. hun-nt *ull 

Mr. lulbi F.lman vs R J (Ira..- 
e| al Hull on DHTlgage 

Mrs Kula Halmon va Hob Hslmou 
Hun for divorce 

H Conn vs Ceorgia M Klrkland 
Hull on mortgage 

A A. Karl* v* II M Johnson el al. 
Hull on mortgage 

j r a h i. ik-Mid. t»> v. m L 

Russell el al 

Annie Head vs C. L 
for divorce 

J J (' Iwmduraut vs K 
I., k Hull on mortgage 

Mr* Ida Arlington »s Arthur Ar 
rlnglon Hull for divorce 

It i I f it et al v. Mr. Folly 
tin . ii Sun f..i 


lol illVO 

M i*on va F tl Waggoner 
ei al Hult on mortgage 

II A Tyler va Jaa A Clark 
Kd Thoma* v* Thro Twlgg 

v* lllll Jon.-. Hull 

Is Here 

A V4V. it 

•ng it with bright, new 
niture and fi xhlre| f 
•re ditpUyin, , ntw 

I line of hone 
at our 

Wha! Do You Ned? 


•Tn> Just one of Ihe plsln people. 
Sir." ssld the demagogue to the gifted 
orator The latter looked him over 
"It strikes me." be ssld. "that you are 
plain enough to be In a little rlaaa by 
you i 

produce to C H M 


ou the bill 

sweei haiiiiony's »ak. only tln»M 
iblng. which are lovely and lovoable. 

How ilme files' Hen we are a 
wlih our cheery greeting! Hap 
py New Year! And wo iuukI SS 
mmkI to the New Year We must 
leach II lo abouiluute every sort ol 
Brass tjr, snd lo love Ii h l.llowui.n 
We must make It grow in grace, 
wisdom and good work. We must 
aland by ll If II fulls mm trouble 
and we must keep pace wlih II when 
ll grow* well No lagging behind 
those, desr people. Be brsve, true, 
progressive, sod thus may the New 
Year to you be fruitful and hupp> 
all the year. 

The best of all gift, al the pres 
cut lime Is yourself Make yourself 
In some way more pleasant and help 
ful to others You may have been 
neglectful of them, I..- uniidful hence 
forth You may be quick In temper 
and have spoken hastily , put ou re- 
straint and speak kindly now. H* 

Much of the chronic la 
in horse* is due to neglect 

Sec that your horse is not *L 
lowed lo go lame Keep Sloan's 
Liniment on hand and jpply st 
the hr»t sijrti ol atiHness. It's 
wondrrfullv penetrating — goes 
right to the si. it — relieves tho 
soreneu — limlier* up the joints 
and makes the muscles elastic 
and pliant. 

iwvld Msnn A 
gainst Mrs A la Wstson A Etc . de 

Hy virtu* of s Judgment sad Or 
der of Sale of Fulton Circuit Court, 
rendered al the September term 
Hi. r. of !>•••«, In the above cause. f..i 

twenty eight hundred sixty alas sad 

M loo 

rst* of all per 

the day of 

paid, and costs herein. I shall 
to offer fur sale st ths Court 
door In III. kmsn. Ky . tc Ihe highest 
bidder, st Fl'lil.IC AUCTION, on th. 
l?th day of Janwy, 1*10, st S o'- 
clock p. in . oi tb .,. about (being 
Circuit Court day I. upon a credit of 
»ls tnoolha, th* following described 
property, to-wlt: 

of R. L. Watson la 
of ■ I) Watson at lb. time of hi. 
d-aih tn Fulton County. Ky . and in 
Madrid 11,-nd. and la bounded aa lol 
low*. On die south side by s trad 
of land known aa Ihe A. lam. land, 
on Ibe west and north by the mean 
der* of the Mlssiaatppi river snd on 
the east by the section linos between 
sections 10 snd II. 14 and 16 and ■ 
or sufficient thereof to produce th. 
sums of money »o ordered to be 
made For the purchase price, the 
purchaaer. with approved aecurlty or 
securities, must execute llond. bear 
lug legal interest from the day of 
.ale unill paid, and having the fore- 
and effict of a Judgment Hidden 
will be prepared to 
with the** tsrma. 

J R 



Wall P.p.r 

wmdo* ttmtm 

Rub*. Art Squirm 
Lacs Curtains 

Haatlng Stove* 
Co*** and Rings* 

Children's Ssd, 


Rocking Ch*lr» of SI k*SI 

Cbildrsr't Rocktr* 

stov* Pip*. Mm Iiksss 


High Chun 
Window Out*. IK SM 



Mr. O T of Kmsc*. Oa, 

S-F D. Ma i, Bo* 4|. write. 

l..r ■•>. 

I hit 

I l tpavis os l 
•|..,ii. ».• u,g, u a 
astMtimaiinn th.lM 
nr», . ! i , . . »» ii 


Mr. H M (obfas.of I ..,„,<. g„ , , 
MKI> No i, wril.a • \,,ui Usii 
awnt it Hi* bnl that I k.v* t>.f uwd. 
1 kad • siara silk •• ibuu or. k*t u.k 
•ad on* ,ot bottl* ol M<,a^■, I 
**lll*lv cu,«l her I ker,. N . 


We Sell Furniiure 
Than cAny House 
Western Kentucky 

W* carry, in iddill*" » 
ular stock, i l«r»« ,|M - 
hand good* which *rt ** 
trsmsly low prkM. 

St. Louis 

Sloan's Liniment 
wiU k.U a spavin, 
curb or splint, ro- 
dure wind puA» and 
swollen joint., and 
ia a sure and speedy 
remedy lor hsiula, 
aweeney, founder 
and thrush. 

PrictBOt. and $1 00 

•si o ■....*> 

hssr.s**, rtatlls*. a »>•*•, 

a>wMl«rr ••oil 
••*»•. h i. i.. .* 

Dr. Karl I. Sloan, 
■etlea. Has*., II 11 

Cuii'.oiuer The bslr grower which 
yon asii m* lately Is s swludle You 
guarBhi.ed Ihul II would help mo 
altei I hud tried all other remedies 

Harbor- WeU, have you tried all (he 


The management of Ihe Hickman 
Homo Telephone Co., 
wlahea to announce thst they are 
imw i.udy to make connecllon with 
all country lines on either .Id* of 

..luipmeut In the city aud uoauects 
with your Hues st ihe* tor HI 
per Hue and charges 76c s mouth for 
their exchange servloe. Boo A. W. 

t our Scurfs. Mufflers. Hweat, r» an 
..II kind* of ailk and wool good* gM 
. i I. an. il h) Fl ■ n< b 1 »i > 

Schmidt, the Tailor.